*A Few Days Later*
"First, it was buying a house on the same street as my parents. Then, bringing Phillip Carlyle into your business... Then, meeting the Queen. Then, bringing Jenny Lind, then my father the other night." Charity listed off, sitting up in their nice bed of the home they dreamed of when they were younger. "When will it ever be enough for you?" Charity asked Phineas, who was packing at the end of the bed.
"I'm doing this for the girls." Phineas fought, defending himself.
"Look around you. They have everything." Charity objected, knowing that the girls were perfectly happy.
"You don't understand--" Phineas tried to say to her.
"I do understand..." Charity fought, knowing that he was going overboard.
"No, you don't understand... How could you? My father was treated like dirt. I was treated like dirt... and my children will not be." Phineas sighed to himself.
"You don't need everyone to love you, Phin..." Charity sighed, looking at her husband. "Just a few good people." She smiled as he sat on the bench at the end of the bed, with his back turned to her.
"I know that."
He finished packing when he headed out to the carriage. Charity stood at the steps with Amelia, Caroline, and Helen. Charity crossed her arms over her chest, while Amelia held her hands on her sisters' shoulders. She let go, and they rushed to follow after Phineas when Charity motioned for Amelia to follow them, so they did not run out too far.
"Daddy!" The little girls yelled, while Amelia tried to keep up with them, when Phineas got into the carriage with Jenny Lind, not looking back at his family, while the carriage started to drive away.
Charity sighed as she watched Amelia run after her sisters to stop them from following the carriage out too far. "Some people long for a life that is simple and planned. Tied with a ribbon. Some people won't sail the sea, 'cause they're safer on land. To follow what's written. But I'd follow you to the great unknown. Off to a world, we call our own." She watched as the carriage continued out of the gate, watching Amelia stop her baby sisters.
"Mountains and valleys, and all that will come in between..."
Charity, Helen, and Amelia stood up, clapping at the ballet performance of Caroline's class. Caroline bowed with the other little girls, looking up to the sit next to Amelia that was supposed to be held for Phineas, who was off on tour.
"Desert and ocean... You pull me in, and together we're lost in a dream..."
Charity watched Caroline's smile fall when she noticed the empty seat. But soon enough, Phillip walked over, with a bouquet of flowers, and he moved to sit next to Amelia.
"How did you get in?" Amelia asked, quietly, looking at Phillip.
"I may have gotten a ticket..." Phillip smiled at her, softly, when she nodded.
It had been a little awkward between the two of them, but Amelia thought it was sweet that he came, cheering on Caroline. Even bringing her a bouquet for after, like her sisters always did for her.
"Always in motion. So, I risk it all, just to be with you."
Charity smiled to herself when she watched Amelia hold onto Helen's hand, while they waited for Caroline to come out. Caroline and her class came out when Phillip handed her the bouquet. Caroline's face lit up like a Christmas tree before she glanced over to the girls in her class, who watched the interaction, jealous and disgusted. Caroline thanked Phillip, who moved to stand next to Amelia, who also thanked him for coming.
"And I risk it all... For this life we choose."
Charity and the girls laughed as they tried to get the grapes into Helen's empty cup. Anne and W.D. had joined them for dinner, who was laughing when W.D. seemed to be the only one who could get a grape into the cup.
"You're moving it," Anne exclaimed when she barely missed the cup.
"Am not!" Helen giggled when they continued to laugh.
"Hand in my hand, and you promise to never let go. We're walkin' a tightrope. High in the sky. We can see the whole world down below. We're walkin' a tightrope."
Phillip was doing what Phineas always did, behind the curtain, which was helping the acts with their costumes. He stopped when he caught a glimpse of the performance going on, where Amelia was doing her performance with the ribbons. He watched her in awe as she twirled with the ribbons, looking graceful and beautiful.
He smiled, when he glanced at the audience, seeing her sisters and Charity in the audience. They never missed a show that Amelia was in. Just like they never missed Caroline's ballet performances. The family was close. If only Phineas could see that instead of worrying about his tour.
Lettie tapped Phillip's shoulder when she handed him a bouquet of flowers. He raised his brow before she motioned over to Caroline and Helen. He walked out, handing the bouquet for the girls to give to their big sister after she takes her bow.
~852 words~
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