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Aurora smiled widely as she ran to sit next to Charlotte and Chloe who has matching grins of excitement. 

"Yes! All of us are in the same house!" Charlotte cheered as Aurora sat down. 

"I know! It will be so fun!" she agreed as the sorting finished, she looked around at the red and gold table. 

There were all different kinds of people but what she noticed is how they all seemed like one big family and she was exited to become apart of that family. Her thinking got interrupted when Dumbledore stood at his podium to say his beginning of the year speech.

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" he announced and sat down. Aurora sat there confused along with the rest of the first years at the shortness and oddity of the speech as the other years shrugged and turned away to the newly appeared food. 

As she turned to the table she gasped as there was now dishes and dishes of the most delicious food she has ever seen..out of nowhere! The three girls looked at each other, smiled, and dug in. As they ate, they talked about what they thought their years at Hogwarts would be like and made plans to be best friends throuoght the years

After they finished eating they started to talk to their new housemates. Aurora met Angelina Johnson, Percy Weasley, and Alica Spinnett but what annoyed her was the constant loudness from a certain group of boys. Charlotte befriended the Weasley twins while Chloe talked to a second year girl, Sarah Posner. 

After the feast was done, The Gryffindor prefect, Percy Weasley, led the first year lions to their dorm. As they traveled there, they were lead through halls of changing staircases and moving pictures much to Aurora's surprise and delight. 

They reached a painting of a large woman in a fancy dress as she spoke, "Password?"

Percy responded, "Caput Draconis" and her painting flew open to reveal an opening in the wall that lead to a room full of red and gold and a crackling fireplace and velvet couches. 

"Gather 'round here. Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boy's dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, the same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up." Percy announced as all the first years excitedly  made their way to find their rooms. 

Aurora, Chloe, and Charlotte raced up the stairs to the first year dorms and looked to see the second door with a gold plaque saying, 'Aurora Holland, Charlotte Edwards, Chloe Brooks, Evelyn Mckinnon' they all bounced in happiness of having the same room but were curious to see who Evelyn was as they didn't meet her yet. They opened the door to see a girl with curly brown hair and green eyes unloading her trunk and stop to look at them. she smiled and put her hand out, 

"Hi, I'm Evelyn Mckinnon but everyone calls me Eve," she said and the girls smiled and shook her hand.

"I'm Charlotte, thats Chloe, and thats Aurora" Charlotte introduced as they all took a bed and began to unpack.

The four girls talked very late learning more about each other learning that Eve was a really nice girl but had a really fun side, bonding with Chloe the most while Aurora and Charlotte bonded as well. that night was the first night of many to come in their years at Hogwarts where they would grow to be the women they would be for the rest of their lives.

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