A few days have passed since the tragic evening and I still couldn't get over it. The same thing was happening to my friends. They completely cut themselves off from me and stopped writing. Only Jessy decided to explain that the whole thing had nothing to do with me. I have to admit that if she hadn't written to me, I would have thought of that. I understood them. They had known Richy for many years and they certainly didn't think that he can be responsible for all of this. I really liked him and I wish that Michael was involved in all of this instead.I also had no idea if they would ever forgive him, but I hoped so.I knew that he needed them really badly right now. I had already forgiven him, maybe I shouldn't have, but now he only had me.
In the meantime I decided to check Instagram to see if there was anything interesting. I saw Richy's profile. I was curious about who was following him and I was really surprised when I saw only Jessy from our group there. I didn't have time to think about it any longer, because I got a message.
-When should I expect you in Duskwood?
-I completely forgot about that, sorry.
-I understand that you haven't thought about such things yet, but I'm kind of pressed for time
-Is tomorrow okay?
-Of course
On the one hand, I didn't have the strength for it, but on the other I wanted it to be over. I immediately started packing and boarded the first plane I came across.Luckily, Duskwood wasn't far away, so I got there early in the morning.
-I'm here.
-Ok, I'm coming
I waited for about five minutes and saw a police car coming my way.
"This must be some kind of joke."- I thought.
The man got out of the car and I wanted to make a fuss with him but then decided not to. The whole journey passed in silence, which made me very happy, because the mere fact of driving in a police car was very uncomfortable for me.
-We're here.- The man said as we pulled up to the station.
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