5. In The Dark

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Draco was led to the Great Hall. Or into the huge hall that - in Hogwarts - was supposed to be the Great Hall. But it looked totally different. Instead of the four long house tables and the staff's head table there was only a large round table in the middle of the hall. The decoration consisted of black curtains and tapestry, and above them, where usually floating candles illuminate, he could see the Dark Mark.

At the sight of it his mind was flooded with memories and flashbacks. He shuddered. But then he saw something that made him feel horrified. At the round table, in a high backed chair, sat his father, his face an expressionless mask.

"Father" Draco whispered.

"Lucius. Look who's here!"

His father glanced at Draco, his face still expressionless. Draco gulped.

"Draco" the man said in an eerie voice that was only a bit louder than a whisper. "Welcome here. How could you find us?"

"He said, he heared the Granger-girl and the Wealey-boy talking. He wanted to kill Potter. We found him in the dungeons. You were right, one of them said the name. It was a good idea to put that spell on."

"Ah indeed." Lucius whispered. "So you wanted to kill Potter. Why?"

"Father... Why... How... Weren't you sent to Azkaban?"

"Are you not happy seeing me?"

"No! I mean yes-"

"Now answer the question!"

"I wanted to join you!" Draco shouted hysterically.

Lucius eyed his son for a long moment, then nodded.

"You know you disappointed me the last time. But for now, I forgive you. You get a last chance to prove you are worth for serving the Dark Lord."

"Thank you, Father" Draco wishpered weakly.

"Now, you have to know: you are not allowed to go to the dungeons, especially not to Potter's room. Now you are on probation. One wrong step, and you will be Potter's roommate. Understood?"

"Yes... Father."


"What happened?" Ginny asked crouched down to an old oak tree's trunk.

"I don't know. He was supposed to find the place they hid Harry and come back. What takes so long? He's been there for hours!"

"Maybe I was right. Malfoy's a git-"

"No, Ron! I'm sure he didn't joined them or something. We must trust him! I'm just worried, that something happened to him."

"Since when you care about Malfoy?"

"Since he's our only chance."

"Okay, guys, calm down. It isn't going to help."

"No, you're right, Ginny. But where is he?"

"What if he couldn't get through the shield? You saw the flames. Lucy said, the Death Eater with Harry simply disappeared. There were no flames."

"Yes. Maybe the shield could sense that he wasn't a real Death Eater?" Ron guessed.

"Maybe. But that would mean, we can trust him. I mean if the shield didn't want to let him in because it sensed that his loyalty changed, that would mean, he really is on our side."

"Yeah. But if the shield didn't let him in, he's a little avail to us."

"Well yes."

"Then what do we do now?"

"We should go home, shouldn't we?"

"But what if he comes back?"

"I think he can Apparate home. And he'll be able to find us. I don't want to wait more. Hermione, it's getting dark and we are in a forest right beside the Death Eaters' headquarters. I don't know what you want, but I definitely don't want to spend the night here."

"He's right. C'mon Hermione!"

Hermione stood up reluctantly. Her limbs were so numb from sitting on the ground all day. They streched out and Apparated back home.


Days passed and there was no news about Malfoy. He completly disappeared. Ron and Hermione went back to the Ministry, worked for long hours every day just to keep distracted. They didn't tell Mr Southwood what happened. Hermione told him that her guesses were wrong and that she didn't know what to do, either. The only thing they knew for sure, was not to approach the headquarters.

Ginny, too, went back to work. But her captain wasn't satisfied with her work. She could barely catch the Snitch in time.


The past four days had been the worst days Draco had ever had in his life. He was trapped in the fortress with his escapee father and a bunch of bloodthirsty Death Eaters. He couldn't write to Granger to tell her what had happened, let alone go and visit her. But maybe the worst and most annoying thing was that he wasn't allowed to go down to Potter. In turn he was desperate to talk to him.

He didn't know why, though. But he started to feel sympathy towards the boy, and felt a bit guilty not being able to help him. After all he was there to rescue him. Though the plan went terribly wrong when the Death Eaters had found him, he was determined to do something. The more day passed, the more determined he became.

He had the chance to evasdrop some of his father's conversations, and he got wind of his plans. Draco learned that the Death Eaters were trying to find the recipe of a potion with which they could revive their Lord. According to his father's rushed wishpering, they didn't know all the ingredients needed (that's why they were searching for the recipe), but they were sure they would be need the Potter boy's blood.

So that's why they hadn't killed him yet. That means we still have time.

He felt nauseus when he heard his father's more and more evil plans. He still didn't like Potter - though he was a bit confused about his feelings - but he knew he definitely didn't want the boy to die. Not like that.

And of course he could still saw the words Granger had written him in that letter: "if you'll do, not only he, but the whole wizarding world will be grateful to you..."

The whole wizarding world. He'd never have to be ashamed again. He'd never have to cower before anybody again. He'd might get his life back. Maybe a better one, this time. He had to save Potter.

On his fifth day he decided to go down to Potter. He waited until late afternoon, when his father summoned all the Death Eaters into the Great Hall to have a meeting (he was still on probation, and no one trusted him enough to let him witness such an important event). It seemed important, so Draco assumed he'd have plenty of time.

When the door closed behind the last Death Eater, he made his way down to the dungeons. He stopped in front of the familiar painting, then reluctantly pressed his forearm to its middle. This time it pained him more. When the painting swung open, he almost fell into the now completely dark room.

"Potter! It's me. Again." he wishpered. "Potter?"

"What do you want Malfoy?" he heard a weak hoarse voice. "Came to kill me? To prove your loyalty? Come on, let's go ahead, then. I'm here, wandless and totally vulnerable."

"What? No! I can't even see where you are. But anyway, I didn't come to kill you."

"Then why are you here? They sent you?"

"No! I'm not even allowed to come here, so please shut up and let me tell you everything quickly because I don't know how much time do we have. But if we were found again, we'd be dead immediately. Well, I would."

Potter didn't respond. Only groaned weakly. Draco looked around to find him in the dark.

"Where are you?"

"Down" the boy groaned from somewhere near him.

Draco crouched down and started to grope to find Potter.

"Oi, that was my nose!"

"Sorry." Draco said trying to hide a smile. "What have they done to you?"

"What do you care?"

"I-" Draco sighed. "I don't. I'm just trying to be civil once I want to rescue you."


"Yeah, you heard well, Potter. Now listen to me. They're going to use your blood in a potion to revive-"


"What? Why?"

"They put a spell on this room, so when somebody says his name, they will know. I don't exactly know why. Maybe they thought if somebody tried to rescue me, his name would be mentioned. And they were right, weren't they? That's the second time you're here, and that's the second time I have to ask you to shut your mouth."

"Oh. So we can't say-"

"Any form of his name, yes."

"Well then... As I was saying, they want to revive him by using your blood. But they don't know the recipe completly, so we still have time-"

"And why should I believe you? Why would you rescue me of any people?"

"Because... Look, Potter, I don't like it either. But I owe you. And I don't like being in debt. Besides Granger and those two Weasleys asked me."

"Hermione, Ron and Ginny asked you? But why? And how? And... are they okay? They are so worried, aren't they?"

Draco sighed but didn't say anything. He eyed thoughtfully the dark spot where he assumed Potter was lying.

"Can you walk?" he asked finally.

"What? Oh. Er... I don't know. I think I... can't."

"Thought so. Look, Potter! You need to tell me exactly what they've done to you. I'll come back... well, I don't know when, but I will, and... I'll try to heal you. Now I've got to go."

Draco heared Potter trying to protest, but he was too weak and exhausted to say anything. Draco groped on the wall until he found the picture, and opened it.

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