Planning the escape plan

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                               (Omega's POV)

* I stood up and walked in front of crosshair. Facing Doctor Hemlock the only thing dividing us was the cell shield.*

"Leave him alone! He's not going anywhere with you! We stick together!" I yelled at Doctor Hemlock.

* I looked back at Crosshair and saw him starting to stand up. He walked up beside me and I looked up at him. It felt déjà vu from the first time I was in the cell with the other Bad Batcher's on Kamino but the only difference is that we all were there and Hunter was Defending Crosshair. Doctor Hemlock put down the shield and crosshair walked out. Then Doctor Hemlock turned it back on and started to walk away with Crosshair. I was all Alone...again...*

*I sit back down where me and Crosshair was a couple minutes ago. I lean my head against the wall and just think. I miss being a kid. I miss the Batch. I miss the the marauder. I miss not feeling alone. I miss not fearing I'm gonna get hurt. One thing I don't miss is Cid! I defended her many times and she just betrayed me and my family just for some credits. *

* I close my eyes and a memory with me and Hunter pop up in my head so I automatically open my eyes back open. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately and the couple times I do there just nightmares. I would do anything to see them again even If it was only for a second.*

*About a hour and a half past and I've just been waiting and waiting for Crosshair to return. I started pacing around in the small cell.

"Escape plan. Me and crosshair. Doctor Hemlock leaves we escape. No. He would know." I was mumbling to myself out loud trying to think of a way to finally leave this horrible place.

* I stopped talking when I saw Doctor Hemlock shove Crosshair back in the cell. He hit the ground and I ran up to him I noticed he was breathing harder then normal. *

* I look up at Doctor Hemlock.* "What did you do to him!" I yelled at him

"That's none of your business, clone!" Doctor Hemlock yelled as he was walking away.

* I shake Crosshair gently and he looked up at me.*

"Crosshair we have to think of a way to get out of here. We can't keep going on like this." I tell him.

"Kid, I've tried to escape before and it never worked. Trust me once you get caught you'll just get in more danger." Crosshair explained to me.

"...I'm not leaving without you. I've already made that mistake once.." I say calmly.

"You all left me 3 times." Crosshair said slightly annoyed.

* I look up at him looking guilty. I noticed his breathing got back to normal. He looked at the cell shield. *

"I need a weapon." Crosshair whispered.

"How?!" I ask.

"You are a true Bad Batcher right?" Crosshair asked me with a smirk on his face.

"Of course!" I say proudly.

"Alright kid, when the TK trooper comes in to give me breakfast in the morning he lets the cell's shield down for as long as he's in here for. When he walks over to give me the food. You use that time to your advantage and escape he won't know your in here. When your out there grab a weapon and come back and get me one. Then we'll try to escape." Crosshair explained the plan and I agree with him.

"Sounds easy enough. We got this, this is gonna be the easiest escape plan ever." I say with a smile on my face.

"I like your attitude, kid." Crosshair sounded proud of me for the first time. That made me feel happy inside.

* I yawn actually feeling like I could finally fall asleep. I want to go to bed honestly But I'm worried if I'll just get another nightmare with the Batch. That's why I've been avoiding sleeping. Maybe tonight will be easier because at least I got one of my brothers with me tonight.*

* Crosshair tries to stands up and stumbles a bit but makes his way to the corner then sits down. I follow him and do the same. He looks over at me confused. I do a light smile for the first time in weeks. Crosshair just rolled his eyes and smirked. *

* About 30 minutes pass and my eye lids get extremely heavy. I eventually close my eyes for the night. *

(Sorry this one is shorter I will try to post the third chapter soon. It gets way sadder later on in the story it's just starting so get ready❤️💔💞)
                             ( I did 791 words)

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