a fucking ahhh portal open when abbie get chased by miss circle
miss circle: come here you gonna get punish for having a bad grade
abbie:pls miss circle i dont want to die
miss circle: well you failed so that would mean only YOU GONNA GET KILELD BY ME X3
suddenly abbie see a portal that come from nowhere
abbie( in he mind): oh hey a portal i gonna distract miss circle (back to reality) hey miss circle there a oreo on there
miss circle: nani there a oreo here????
then abbie just escape from her and go to the portal
miss cirlce: oh you little brat you tricked me i am going to killed you
abbie: oh no
then abbie go to the portal while miss circle chase him non stop
abbie(oh no no no): what should i do???????? oh yeah there a portal i ma gonna go there
and then abbie jump into a portal and then he wake up in some weird ahhhhh hell looking place
abbie:where am i? am i escaped from miss circle
while abbie explore a new place he then get attacked by a imp who gonna killed him
abbie:ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and then imp get grabbed by something and then abbie look up and see some dude in a green armor suit and he just straight up snap imp neck
abbie:wha-thank- thank you for saving me what your name?
the dude in green suit didnt say anything and he just walk away
abbie:wait can i ask you something?
dude in the green suit aka doom guy or doom slayer have look back at him
abbie: can i be your discipile?
doom slayer think for a second and he nod
abbie:oh ok!
before he stand up and go with him to be continute
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