Chapter 27: The Battle Of Hogwarts

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"What do you mean he's attacking Hogwarts?" Daisy asked as she scrambled out of her seat.

"I mean he's raiding Hogwarts with an army of death eaters, we've got to go," Fred spoke as the trio stood there, "like, now!"

Fred and George prepared the flou powder out of the flat about Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and Daisy sent out a patronus to Lee, who was out at the moment even though he lived with them as well.

"Ready?" Daisy asked as she approached the boys.

"Before we go," George began, "I want you guys to know I love you, in case we don't make it out of this."

"Yeah," Fred started, "you guys are-"

"We're not having this conversation," Daisy interrupted, earning her looks of bewilderment from the twins, "last time I had this conversation was with Cedric. I won't do it again, I can't. I can't lose you guys too."

They didn't respond, but George wrapped them in a silent group hug, one they stayed in for as long as they could. The flou powder took them to hogsmeade. It was a ghost town, only scarce members of the order were there, and they went towards a small building, one they discovered was the home of Dumbeldore's brother.

They followed a path in the back of a painting and ended up in the room of requirement, which looked like it'd been used as a bunker. The room was filled with cheers when Fred, George and Daisy walked in, students happy the trio was back.

"Ginny, Hermione" Daisy let out a breath of relief when she saw the girls, quickly wrapping them in a hug, "I'm so glad you're ok," she smiled at them softly.

The twins, however, did the exact opposite when they saw their old quidditch captain walk in, "WOOD!" they both yelled, making Oliver turn bright red.

"Ello everyone," he smiled sheepishly, "ready to kick some death eater ass?"

"Always are," Daisy smiled.

"That's the spirit," He smiled back as he walked away, pulling a few people to talk to McGonagall.

Fred and George looked over to see their mom sobbing, embracing a familiar redhead in her arms.


"Never thought we'd see you again," Fred stated coldly to his brother.

"Still in love with the minister?" George cocked his head to the side, crossing his arms.

"I..." Percy couldn't meet their eyes, "I'm not asking for forgiveness, I just want to help."

Molly looked at them with sympathetic eyes, she missed her son more then anyone, it was evident.

"What do you say, Freddie?" George looked at his twin.

"He gets a pass, for now," Fred nodded at his brother.

"It's time," McGonagall announced after they'd taken their spot at the gryffindor table, "anyone who is too young to fight will be taken through the room of requirement, and back out to hogsmeade to avoid the fight." A group of students followed a professor out. Ginny was supposed to join them, being too young to go herself, but she refused and got to stay.

"You ready?" George asked Daisy, interlacing their fingers.

"As I'll ever be," she smiled sheepishly at him, kissing him deeply.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?" He laughed softly.

"Just something I wished on a star for, I want to make sure it stays true."

"I love you," he assured her, she nodded.

"I love you."

The trio stood readily, awaiting for whatever was to come. Then suddenly a loud noise, a flash of light, and death eaters everywhere.

"Daisy, behind you!" George yelled, she turned to see a girl who couldn't be much older than her who was pointing a wand at her confidently.

Daisy raised her own and they started casting spells at each other immediately, each one more intense than the last. Eventually Daisy bested her, sending her flying backwards.

"Hello minister!" Percy bellowed at the man he was currently dueling, "did I mention I'm resigning?"

"You're joking Perce!" Fred shouted, throwing jinxes at another death eater, his back to Percy, "You actually are joking, Perce. I don't think I've heard you joke since you were-"

They knew that not everyone would make it out. They'd all experienced loss. They just never thought they would lose each other.


A/N: Lol ik this is a bad spot to put this, but I just made a tik tok, it's @simp4georgeweasley. thanks and I hope you enjoy this :)

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