The day was December 15th, 10 days before the Yule ball. Everything had been normal recently, Daisy still hadn't a date but she wasn't nervous. Worse case scenario she'd just go with her friends. Like I said, nothing to worry about.
Daisy was in the common room by herself, once again studying the egg. She'd figured out what it said and what she had to do with it, but now she was left to figure out the riddle.
"Hey, Rosie, can I talk to you?" She looked up from another book containing details of the black lake to see Fred standing there, looking a bit nervous.
"Yeah sure, Freddie, what's up?" she put down the book and gave him her attention as he sat down next to her.
"Uh well I wanted to talk to you about 2 things, actually," he began, she nodded and he took her signal and continued, "I asked Lee to the ball..." he smiled sheepishly, laughing a bit to himself.
"And...?" Daisy asked in anticipation.
"We're going together," he whispered, as though he didn't want anyone else to here it.
"Freddie!" She laughed and she tossed her arms around him, "that's amazing, I'm so proud of you!"
"Thanks, took a lot of me to admit I like him..."
"I know," Daisy smiled at him.
"And the other thing..." Fred quickly composed himself. He was never one for sappy moments, "when were you planning on telling me you fancy my brother?"
"I what?" Daisy asked, trying to compose herself.
"Well I'm very observant, you know," Fred laughed to himself.
"George told you then?"
"Last night. He thought I'd be mad at him."
"Why would you be mad at him," she laughed.
"Thank you. I could never be mad at him for being happy. If it's you that makes him happy I'm quite alright with that."
"Thanks, Freddie. Means a lot to me," nothing made her happier that Fred trusted her, and that George had finally told Fred.
"Don't mention it. But if you hurt him I'm coming after you, mark my words, Diggory."
"I'm terrified," Daisy laughed as she and Fred moved to a different subject, which was mostly just small talk about the previous and next task.
Now, 3 days later, the day was December 18th, 1994. Exactly 1 week before the Yule Ball. Ginny was going with Neville. Hermione with Krum. Fred had plucked up the courage to ask Lee, which involved a lot of fireworks. Harry and Ron were going with the Patils.
George still had no date.
Neither did Daisy.
Don't get me wrong, she'd been asked. Some 6th year slytherin had asked her. She'd said no, Daisy had only talked to him a few times. Another hufflepuff from her year asked her, she knew him a little better than the slytherin, but she still said no.
George had been acting a bit weird around her, Daisy had assumed it was because he told Fred about what was going on between them. It still wasn't "public knowledge" per say, but they were more comfortable and relaxed around everyone. Daisy really enjoyed that.
"Daisy?" George asked her, they were sitting in the common room with everyone else.
"Hm?" She answered, tearing her eyes from the window. It was snowing, and you could see the flakes against the stars. Daisy always loved the snow.
"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked, offering her his hand, she gladly accepted and they walked through the school, eventually going outside and towards the black lake.
"Where are we going?" Daisy asked him, swinging their hands back and forth.
"Do you know when I first decided I liked you?" He asked, looking up at the snow, talking absentmindedly.
Daisy looked up at him, her heart beating rapidly, "you never told me, no."
"It was first year," he laughed to himself, "you were stumbling when the train started, looking for a compartment because all the others were full. You found ours."
"I remember that..."
"You looked so pretty, your hair was a mess and your robes were too big..." He laughed a bit now, "like I said, so pretty."
"My robes were too big? Weren't you wearing Bills?" She laughed.
"Hey!" he scolded her jokingly, "that's unnecessary. Anyways," he deviated, " from that moment on I decided I needed you to be a part of my life," Finally they stopped, and he took both of her hands in his, "Daisy."
"George?" He took his wand out of his pocket and cast a quick spell, one of which Daisy didn't catch the name of. What seemed to be hundreds of candles lit up around them, on the ground, in the air around and above them, the snowfall didn't put them out, "Oh, wow..." Daisy gasped, looking in the air around them.
"Dais, I uh..." he stuttered, Daisy looked back to him. He regained his confidence, "I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the Yule Ball for me?" She smiled at him, "and for that matter, my girlfriend as well..."
"Oh George," Daisy smiled at him, placing a soft hand on his cheek, to which he replied by placing his hand over top hers, "of course."
He let out a sigh of relief, one he didn't know he had been holding. He leaned down slowly, and softly kissed her. Daisy felt him smile as he pulled away.
"Do you like it?" He asked, looking up at all the candles around them.
"It's... perfect, Georgie. I love it..." she smiled at him.
"Anything for you, Angel," he smiled and took her hand again, beginning to lead them back to the common room, "I saw what Fred did, when he asked Lee. I figured you might want something a little more... understated."
"That was a good idea, this was beautiful," she laughed as he twirled her around.
"Glad you liked it... took me hours to set up," their conversation continued in bliss, the snow falling peacefully around them, "you look cold."
"Oh, I'm alright," Daisy said. Truth be told she was cold, but what good would it do admitting it.
"Don't try to lie to me, Diggory, I see right through you," George released her hand and took off his jumper and handed it to her. Daisy admired it for a moment, seeing his last name and quidditch number on the back. She smiled silently to herself as she put it on over her head, "fits like a glove, yeah?" George laughed to himself.
Daisy looked down at herself and giggled a bit. Georges jumper went well below her knees, and the sleeves were far too long for her, "I think I look pretty good, yeah?"
"Well you always look good to me," George admired her. Daisy blushed, she wasn't sure she'd even get used to the little words of affection. She smiled up at him and they continued their walk to the common room.
After they whispered the password to the fat lady, they walked inside to see their entire group staring at them. The couple sat down silently, knowing the looks they were getting.
"Well?" Fred asked, looking at them in anticipation.
"Yeah?" Daisy asked back, knowing exactly what she was doing to everyone.
"Oh spit it out already!" Ginny yelled, "What'd you say? What'd she say?" She looked back and forth between the pair.
"Oh that little thing..." George started, looking at Daisy.
"Oh well I obviously said no!" Daisy said, which made everyone uncomfortable very quickly.
"Oh uh..." Fred stumbled over his words.
"I'm tired anyways, think I'll head to bed," she turned to George, "Night, Georgie," with that she pulled him in for their second kiss of the evening, and spoke to everyone when she pulled away, "Night, everyone," they all looked stunned as she walked up the stairs, before they quickly began jumping up and down in anticipation.
Soon enough, Ginny and Hermoine bursted into the room. She only laughed without looking up from what she was doing.
"You have a boyfriend!" Hermione yelled, jumping on top of Daisy.
"You're dating my brother!" Ginny was equally, if not more, excited, and she jumped on top of Hermione.
"Neither of you told me he was gonna ask me out!" Daisy yelled, joining in on the realizations.
"Obviously we couldn't do that," Hermione stated.
"Yeah, where's the fun in that?"
"Well now look at us," Daisy stated, finally pushing the girls off of her, they rolled onto the rest of the bed she was sitting on, "we've all got dates to the ball, don't we?"
"This is so exciting!" Ginny squealed.
"Oh calm down, you two, we've only got a week left, and still plenty to do," Even with something as exciting and frivolous as this, Hermoine still had everything planned to a T. She had made appointments for them to get their nails done the day of the dance, and she was learning spells that would do their makeup since none of them had much experience with it.
Daisy knew this was supposed to be fun, but she couldn't help but feel nervous. She knew it would be fine, and that George would think she looked amazing no matter what, but she wanted it to be perfect.
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