April 14, 1912

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The next morning, I woke up around nine a.m. When I opened my eyes, I found my shirt and my pants lying on the floor. I stretched my arms and my legs and looked around in the cabin. I noticed that Harold wasn't there, he probably already went to his shift. I sat upright and picked my clothes up from the floor. I put them on and searched for my shoes which laid near the door. I also put them on and picked my jacket from the chair. Once again, I looked through the room and noticed a small piece of paper on the nightstand. And he also picked up the drawing which I threw from the bed last night. I picked up the note and read it.

Good Morning, beautiful.

I hope you're good. My shift starts in a couple of minutes, that's why you'll wake up without me. Maybe you'll come to the deck when you're up.


I wanted to go to the deck and see him, but I decided that I'll first go to breakfast, maybe I'll meet Jack there. I slowly opened the door and stuck my head out to make sure nobody would see me. I believe it wouldn't matter if somebody would see me, but I really don't want to explain anything to one of the officers or worse, the captain himself. So, I looked around and quickly sneaked out of the cabin and ran to the deck.

Nobody saw me so I could calmly go down to G-Deck. When I entered the dining room, all the mess from last night was cleaned up and some breakfast was on a long wooden table. I spotted Fabrizio, Helga, Tommy, and Jack at a table and joined them.

"Morning, guys", I greeted them.

"Morning, Kathy", the men said, Helga said nothing – it didn't bother me.

I sat down next to Jack and stole his bread. "Hey!", he said, but I already took a bite and grinned at him.

"You are so mean!", he said.

I shrugged. "How's Rose?"

"Rose? – I don't know. Yesterday she was fine but then she went to first-class and I haven't seen her since then. But I got to talk to her today."

I nodded and continued eating.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Where have you been last night?"

Oh god. I totally forgot that Jack would notice if I wouldn't come back. I must find a good excuse, fast. But not one will pop into my head. My head was full of – of last night with Harold. If Jack could read my mind – no, I don't even want to imagine what would happen if he could.

"Kathy, where have you been?", he asked again and I noticed, that Fabrizio and Tommy – oh, even Helga – were looking at me.

"I- I slept on a bench. Outside." Wow, how believable. Just look away from the fact that it was freezing outside last night.

"I do not believe you, young lady", Jack said.

"Okay, I was with – uhm – with-"

"Let me guess, you were with that officer", Jack said.

"What! No, I was not – I was. You're right, I was with him. So?"

Jack started smiling, no, he grinned and short after he broke out in a loud laugh. "Why did I even ask?! I- After I saw you with that guy after dinner, I exactly knew where you were going after Rose, you and I left the party."

"So, you knew?"

"Of course. You're my sister, I know you better than anybody else", he said chuckling.

"You're not mad?"

"Huh? Why should I? I mean, it's not a bad thing, I'd say."

He was probably right. It wasn't a bad thing, hopefully. I mean, technically Harold could be married, and he could have kids. I haven't even asked him about that. But he doesn't seem like someone who would do that. He only told me he ran away from his home when he was fourteen, but he never told me about his family. I don't know if he had any brothers or sisters.

"Are you going to see Rose today?", I asked my brother.

"I think so."

"You think so?", I asked. "That doesn't sound like you're really sure about it. Did you have a fight?"

"What? No, we did not fight. She's first-class and I'm in third, remember?"

"So, you did not ask her last night if you want to meet, and maybe where you want to meet?", I asked.

He shook his head. "No."

I can't judge him for that, Harold and I also did not talk about the next day. We were probably too busy with the here and now last night. But he's on duty now, so I'll just go to Boat-Deck after breakfast, so, now.

"Hey guys. I going to get some fresh air", I said, "see you later."

Jack grinned, knowing exactly what I was up to. "Yeah, see you later."

I twisted my eyes and stepped up the stairs to Boat-Deck. Luckily, I took my drawing folder and a pen from our cabin, where I went before breakfast. So, I could draw, until Harold was done with his shift.

When I arrived at Boat-Deck I saw Harold talking to a younger officer, I remember him as sixth officer Moody. When Harold looked up, he waved at me briefly, I waved back and sat down at a bench. I haven't been up here since I stepped on the ship. I started drawing the bow of the ship – again – but now not in sunset, but in daylight. I drew in black and white, so you wouldn't really see the difference between day and night. I'm not a Mister Monet, who's a perfectionist at landscapes and color.

"Hello." I looked up; it was Harold. Who else would it be?

"Hi", I greeted him.

"Listen, I really didn't want to leave this morning, but I believe Captain Smith would have thrown me down the ship by himself if I didn't appear to duty", he said, and I had to chuckle a bit. The imagination of the Captain, throwing Harold over the ship was a bit funny.

"Not a problem", I said smiling. "You have work to do and I also believe you still have work to do now." While I said that, my view fell on another officer standing a few steps behind Harold. He looked over his shoulder and told the officer – Mr. Murdoch – he would be back immediately.

"I should probably go, hm?", he said quiet.

"Yes, you should. But don't worry, I'll stay here and draw. Time running then", I said smiling.

Then he stood up from the bench, smiled at me and went back to work.

By lunch time, Harold's shift has ended, and we walked around the deck until his next short shift started by dawn.



"When we arrive in New York, you'll get off with your brother, right?", he asked silently.

"That was the plan, yes. But honestly, by now, I believe this, isn't really the best decision I could make", I said.

"What do you mean?"

We leaned against the railing and looked at the horizon. "I'm not saying, I'm not excited and happy to go finally home again. But if I stay in America, I won't see you again."

"So, you would cancel your plans to –"

"I would cancel my plans to stay with you. And do you know why? Because I love you."

"You- You love me?", he asked unsure.

"Yes, Harold, I love you and I'd do anything to stay with you forever", I said and leaned against him.

"Kathy I- I love you too", he whispered.

I looked up and moved my head closer to his and kissed him. Then he stopped. "What?", I asked.

"Nothing, I- I just- ", he stuttered. "Look, Kathy. You are the most wonderful woman I've ever met, but I have nothing to give to you. I don't have much money and- "

I interrupted him with a quick kiss. "Have you looked at me? I have nothing but ten bucks in my pockets. I dressed up as a man to live. I'm alive because of my brother who's just one year older than me. Since I'm fourteen, since he is fifteen, we're travelling the world in the most horrific ways – no money, hard work, dirty tramp steamers. But I am alive."

He smiled. "You're right, but as you just said, you live because of your brother. Without him, you probably wouldn't have come so far, so I bet it's the best if you stay with him, instead of me."

"Hey, do you even listen to me? I just said that I love you and that I'd do anything to stay with you forever. I love my brother, but I want to be with you, okay?", I said a little upset.

He exhaled and looked at the sunset. "Kathy. I got to go back to duty. I just let you think about it again, please."

I wanted to hold him but before he could he already went back to his duty. I wanted to go too but somebody hold me back.

"Kathy", I turned around. It was Rose.

"Rose, hi", I said quiet.

"Are you okay?"

"Sure, yes. I am fine. So, what's up?"

"Do you – do you know where Jack is?"

"I believe he's at the bow", I said and smiled.

Roses face lightened up and she smiled. "Thank you."

I smiled too and leaned against the railing, staring out at the wide, endless looking ocean. I didn't want to think about what Harold said. I wanted to be with him. I mean, I only know him for a few days, but I love him. I want to be with him, even if I don't really know him. I do not care, how long I know him. Finally, I decided to go back to Boat-Deck and sat down at a bench.

While I was staring out the ocean, I saw Jack and Rose at the bow. They were talking and Jack took Rose to the railing. She stepped on it and Jack hold her at her waist. Then he took her arms, and she stretched her arms to the side. Now, Jack held onto her hand. It was pretty to watch and it looked romantic, I haven't seen Jack so happy since years. After a few seconds, they changed the position. He brought her hands to her waist and she turned her head over her shoulder to him. And then, they kissed.

I just had to, so I grabbed a sheet of paper and my pencil and started to sketch them. When they stopped kissing and went off, I smiled, no, I grinned. I had a slight idea of what might will happen in a few minutes or hours.

"What are you drawing?", a voice asked beside me. It was another officer I recognized.

"You were Mr. Moody, right?"

"Yes, James Moody, nice to see you, Miss Dawson."

I raised my eyebrows. "You know my name?"

"Yesterday, Mr. Lowe and I had a break together and he couldn't stop talking about you", he said chuckling.

"Oh, well", I said and smiled.

"So, what are you drawing?"

"Uhm, just some fantasy. I'm experimenting", I said.

"Ah, I like the drawing. You're really good at that."

"Thanks. Uhm, hey, do you think more people know about Harold and me?"

"I believe it's gotten around", he answered.

I sighed. "Is it that obvious?"

"The way he looks at you. Totally. The way you look at him. Double totally."

I smiled, he smiled back.

"Mr. Moody", a voice – Harold – said behind me, while he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Mr. Lowe", he said and stood up, "I believe I'm leaving you two alone now."

I chuckled and shook my head a bit. Then I stood up. "So, are you free now?"

"I'm sorry, but no. Something's changed my duty plan and I have to stay a little bit longer, until around eleven p.m."

"Oh, alright", I said.

"You can go to my cabin. I believe you'd rather be inside than out here in the cold."

I nodded. "Yes, that'd be really nice."

"Okay, then see you later?", he asked and pulled me in for a short hug.

"Yes, see you later."


"We're talking about the last night of Titanic, right?", Julia asked.

"Yes, when I went to your grandfather's cabin, the sun just went down completely. The last day Titanic ever saw daylight."

It was quiet for a few seconds, felt like a minute of silence for the death of the ship.

"Will you continue, please?", Paul asked.

"Of course, but first, let me have a cup of coffee", I said, and looked at Jack. He immediately understood and got me a cup of coffee.

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