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So I have two girlfriends. I have one girlfriend who is a former beauty queen, one of the hottest women in the world, some might say. She's a little high maintenance, some would say. I did care about her & up until I kissed my other girlfriend, Demi, I thought I was in love with her. I did love her. She was an amazing girl & we had a lot in common, but I could never love her the way I loved Demi. Demi was my best friend, the one I grew up with, shared my innermost secrets & thoughts with. She was the one who made my palms sweat when she sat close to me or the one who made my stomach do flip flops when I heard her laugh. She was the one who, when I saw her smile, made me forget everyone else in the world existed. I hadn't realized how deeply I felt for her until I kissed her after an innocent game of throwing peanuts in the air & catching them in your mouth.

Yes, I have two girlfriends. I am a cheater. I'm a tool. Call me what you want, but, I have my reasons & they come from a good spot. I don't want to hurt Olivia. I don't want the world to think Demi is a home wrecker. I had to let Olivia down easy & have a reason to break up with her. As of right now, besides being in love with another woman, I had no reason to break up with her. Okay, I was protecting myself as well. I didn't want to be the butt of the jokes in Hollywood for dumping a former Miss Universe. I tried not to care what other people think, but let's be honest. Everyone cares, deep down. I didn't want to ruin any career I might have. I didn't want to ruin Demi's career. I didn't want to have things be ugly with Olivia. I liked to stay cool with my exes & so far, I have a clean track record. I could call up any one of my ex girlfriends & we would be cool. I didn't like it when people didn't like me. It was sometimes a problem.

Trying to not show any affection toward Demi was going to be hard. I could do the same stuff as when we were friends, but I was always worrying if it was written on our faces that there was something going on.

Our first show together had my stomach in knots. We all were backstage saying a prayer & putting our hands together. I felt her fingers on mine & I watched her, feeling an electric current run through my body. I took my place at the soundboard & watched the first half, which was amazing. I was so proud, watching Demi up on that stage. I was proud of her as an artist & proud of her as my girlfriend. Man, it sounded weird to call her that. I headed backstage, when it was almost time for me to join her onstage. This was the part that had me nervous. We hadn't performed together in over a year. Was I going to be able to contain my feelings for her? I guess we'd find out.

Demi's eyes met mine across the hall when I got backstage. We smiled at each other, the same way we always had before, but this time, we both knew it meant so much more. I approached her & gave her a hug. She was nervous, too. I could tell. She was trying not to look at me. She was bouncing up & down with excitement. She pulled out her phone as we started heading to the stage & she recorded us. She posted the video on keek later.

Walking down the ramp with Demi, playing our guitars was exhilarating. I was in my element. I caught myself watching her, sometimes letting my gaze linger too long. I would catch her eyes sometimes, usually when she was singing a line that she meant for me. Singing along with her was the best thing ever. I seriously was getting so aroused watching her belt it out. She looked so hot, too, I couldn't wait to get her alone tonight.

When I hugged her before I left the stage, I said in her ear, "You're amazing." I wanted to say so much more, but I didn't have time. I would tell her later. As I came off the stage, leaving Demi out there to keep shining like the neon light that she was, I ran into John, who gave me a peculiar look. Did he know something? Were we too obvious?

John & I headed to the sound boards with a security guy & once we got there, John chuckled next to me. "What's funny?" I asked, loudly.

"You & Demi." He simply said.

My eyebrows came together as I watched him, waiting for an explanation. He ignored me. "What about me & Demi?"

"You guys have so much chemistry, it's ridiculous. I just don't get why you never got together." He shrugged his shoulders.

I looked up at Demi on the stage & wondered why it took so long. "Too late for us now." I shouted.

"HA! Never say never."

"I'm with Olivia." I said, leaning closer to him.

John laughed. "For now. I don't see you with her forever. Not sure what it is. I mean she's great. But I don't see you in it for the long haul with her." He motioned his head toward the stage. "Now, I could see you with Demi, forever."

I couldn't believe what John was saying. It was like he knew something was going on. He couldn't know, though. There was no way. I didn't say anything else as I watched & listened to the most amazing woman on the planet perform her ass off.

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