Your gonna die

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Rodger's pov:

I will get some toons to help kill dandy I knock on scraps door " hey scraps we need help we're going to kill dandy" "YES I'll MAKE HIM PAY FOR WHAT HE'S DONE" ok scraps said yes I knock on glistens and boxten door they both said yes I would get shrimpo but his legs don't work next is brightney as I walk to her door I hear a electronic voice coming from dandy's room I know this is a risky task to do but more help I barge find the source of the voice and it's... vee she's alive but really injured " thanks Rodger I might glitch a little bit I will be fine" vee says " welcome back but you need a body" I responded with " don't worry I have spare body parts but can you help me assemble them" " ok" I open vee's and find one that she likes (5 hours later) and done " thanks" vee says " your welcome also can you join us in the fight to defeat dandy" I ask she said yes she'll prepare

Dandy's pov:

These toons think they could beat me they'll fail miserably once I do I will eat them all..

Brightneys pov:

I made a light ray that blinds for a little time so I think I'm ready

Scraps pov:

This design is based off of goobs claws so I have these're mechanical claws vee helped me make them they pack a punch

Glistens pov:
I'm not sure

Boxtens pov:

I'm making a bow and arrow

Rodger pov:

I'm making a bomb that sprays my blood which will turn dandy back to normal

Vee's pov:

I'm replacing my legs with Dino legs because of Shelly and also I have these knifes and guns that will hurt dandy cause what else will they do

Dandy's pov:

I found this red inchor and I wonder what it does?

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