Shellys pov:
I woke up dazed and confused where was I? I not in my room I looks like I'm in room a gray room I open my eyes fully to see my girlfriend vee? Why was she here I hear her saying " Shelly good your awake WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE THERE GONNA KILL ME AND MAYBE YOU" I back up against a chair "WHAT" I scream I try to get up but my legs they keep giving out I get picked up by a hooded figure and tapped to a chair while vee is tapped to a wall by her wrists and ankles then the figure grabs knives and tools and says " I've always hated outdated technology" and slashes vee's thigh open inchor bleeding out from her "NO VEE" I screamed and cried vee begged for mercy the hooded figure grabbed a machete and.. sliced down her stomach showing her intestines the figure then grabbed a hammer and slammed it at her screen "FUCK PLEASE SPARE ME" vee said the figure reached in her stomach and pulled out her intestines and nailed them too a wall the figure grabbed vee's heart and ate it... I cried seeing her die slowly the figure cutoff her head and gave it to me I stare at hear head on my lap and sob knowing nobody will save me.
Brightneys pov :
As I walk through the dark hallways I hear growling I look behind and a creature lunges i dodge and run away to my room was that pebble? The door won't hold forever I hide under the bathroom sink the creature got in I cover my mouth I hear it sniffing ,growling and messing up my room until it leaves I have to tell garden view about this creature before more toons disappear.
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