you must be Y/n

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   »-(¯'·.·'¯)-> creeper slayers got your back and blue blood <-(¯'·.·'¯)-«

"Y/n where have you been lately?" steve asks me as i fiddle with my necklace it wasn't glowing this time it was strange, we were on a feild trip to the planetarium.

"Yeah, sorry about that I got sick. And I wasn't feeling too good about going to school." I explained to steve quickly scratching the back of my neck.

"Fine, but warn me next time," he says, I chuckle and nod. Steve always secretly had a soft side, though he would rarely show it. You could sometimes see it.

"No problem Y/n I got all the notes over the past few days for you, us creepslayers have your back!" Eli says handing them to me I smile and ruffle the boy's hair. I quickly place them into my bag for me to go over them later.

"Thank you, Eli, what would I do without you guys?" I say hugging them both tightly, they're like the brother I never had. Other than my real baby brother.

"Honestly, what would I do without you guys?" I asked them and smiled.

"How about we get taco's tonight, on me of course," I say steve fist pumps the air and says.

"Yes! The Palchuck back!" He says I chuckle at his behaviour.

"I'll have to ask my mum," Eli says I nod.

"No prob Eli, maybe next time. Let's hope your mum says yes." I say I look around the planetarium, I notice the tan boy from before and Aja I smile and as I was about to wave to them. When Eli suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me and steve to the top of the place. I hadn't been up here before, so I went to the railing standing on it leaning forward as lose as I can. Steve leans against the railing, holding onto my bag to make sure i don't fall. Eli then went on about many things about the new kids saying they were aliens.

"I don't know maybe they were cosplaying like what you dorks do!" steve says I nod my head and turn to Eli.

"yeah have you seen cosplays these days?" i ask him, he groans.

"No this wasn't cosplayed, they were glowing! aliens that came live in a house that just BOOM!  appeared out of nowhere!" he says I look to steve he looks at me we give each other a look and i quickly put my finger on my nose. he rolls his eyes and sighs and tells Eli how things are, i look over the railing and see Aja i was about to wave to her when she was suddenly tipped something and calls out for help.

"HELP! oh no, only if someone brave, strong with golden locks" she cries, she rejects the first guy, I look at her confused.

"Yes the palchuck back baby!" steve cheer's fist pumping the air and running down to help her, it seems a bit bait to me.

"A word Elijah Leslie Pepperjack." a deep voice says, it shocked me i turn to see the Aja twin with these strange glasses, I place and hand on my chest.

"Gosh you almost you scared me, whats up?" i ask him, he looks at me and clears his throat and kneels down on one knee.

"Princess of this mud of a planet, no offence. but it seems your campoion the Pepperjack has been spying on me and my sister." he says I tilt my head confused, but then burst into laughter Eli and the boy look at me confused.

"Oh gosh Royalty? No chance, Names Y/n incase you forgot. i never did catch you name what is it?" i ask him pulling him up from his feet.

"Krel, and are you sure your not royalty. I've never anyone that looks as beautiful as you do." he says, I felt my jaw drop, and my face heat up, Eli pokes my shoulder. I quickly clear my thought.

"yep, I'm just a normal person anyway what was this thing about Eli?" i ask him.

"He has been spying on me and my sister," he says I turn to Eli with raised eyebrow and s disappointed look on my face.

"Eli how many times have I told you not to get into other peoples business, honestly first with him and now the new kids! you know what happened to the cat when curiosity go to it. it died! hence why people say 'curosity killed the cat' your gonna get hurt if you get to curose oneday and I don't want you to get hurt oneday!" i explain to Eli he sighs, and nods.

"i know I'm sorry," he says I nod.

"anyway they where probably just cosplaying right?" i say asking krel.

"um yes, what is this cosplay?" he asks.

"it's when you dress up as your favorite character from a TV show, comic or book. I sometimes like to cosplay dective-" "i don't know what that is but yeah." he says I chuckle at there geekyness.

"oh princess, i mean Y/n  would you happen to know where i can find a daxial ray?" he askes me.

"No sorry i don't think I have ever heard of that before, I hope you find it soon though." i say he looks a little disappointed but nod. He then looks around as if someone was calling for him, he goes to the railing suddenly and then jumps on saturn. Aja soon goes on neptune after putting the rock back in place. soon enough the machine gave in, after all if was not meant to hold two 15 year olds. the machine falls down crashing.

"You sure there not aliens now?" he asks me as we watch the machine fail.

"there probably not normal, but they can't be aliens." i say as we rush down to the rubble.

"are you guys okay?" i ask them.

"yes We are fine" Aja says 

"MS. and Mr Tarron the school insurance does not pay for planetarium destruction." ms janeth yells. that was the strangest field trip i had ever gown on so far.

Skip time.

"I'm glade the nana could baby sit luke for me, now we can get taco's sad that Eli not coming though." I say as Steve rides his vesva.

"yeah but i guess that just means more food for us right?" steve asks me I laugh, we headed to the taco van run by Struart a nice guy in his 30's. once we make it i take off the helmet and leave it on the vesva it turn out mary was also there.

"hey Y/n how you going?" she asks me 

"Good thank you, how 'bout mate?" i ask her she chuckles.

"pretty good." she says I walk away to the taco van.

"Well inin't my favorite custerma? how are ya mate?" Sturate asks impersonating my Aussie accent, I chuckle.

"pretty good, can i get two baruitos and one taco please?" i ask him he nods.

"coming right up." he says in just a few minutes the food is made, he hands them to me as i go pay he stops me.

"please it's on the house!" he says. "no i got enough-" "please consider it a birthday present!" he says I roll my eyes.

"My birthdays not till 3 months." i say raising an eyebrow. " an extra early birday present?" he says, I chuckle and sigh.

"thank you honestly."

"any time, after all with out your help. my taco van would of went down quite a while ago!" he says I nod and hand steve his food.

"thank Y/n," steve says. he takes a bite of his bourtio and yells 

"Yeah who's the king i'm the king!" He shouts taking a bite of his bonito, he then starts choking I pat his back.

"Steve no talking while you eat please, how many times have I told you this?" I ask him, he coughs it up.

"Too many to count." He says I chuckle he proceeds to take another bite of the burrito when krel comes suddenly and slaps the brouito out of his hands.

"Reveal you're true to form" Krell shouts at steve.

'Oh no, now my future boyfriend gonna be punched to a pulp. Hold up' i thought when I was interrupted by the two suddenly fighting, krel dodges steve's punch.

"Oi knock it off, kids!" Stuart says.

"Steve, it's not worth it!" I shout but he ignores me.

"Just stay still so I can punch you!" He yells, he then pinned Krell to the van.
The girl from the platinum wear krel glasses and yells.

"I was wrong he's just an idiot!" She shouts.

"It seems there was a mistake, your just an idiot," Krell says I facepalm, he goes on his phone but it doesn't work.

"Night, night but snack!" He shouts and punches krel in the noes, I quickly push steve aside and get some napkins for krel.

"Steve that was too far," I shout his nose was bleeding.

"What are this liquid coming from my nose and I gonna die?!" He asks, I chuckle at his childless.

"No, it's just blood through yours is. Blue? That strange, anyway are you okay?" I ask him, krel doesn't take his eyes off me as I stop the bleeding.

"T- Thank you," he says I look up at him his brown eyes were deep and pretty...

"No problem, it's the least I can do I owe you a lot remember," I say, and help him up.

"Krel it's him!" The girl says pointing to Stuart, she suddenly pulls out a board??

"Thank you again you, Princess! I hope to see you again soon!" He says he is suddenly dragged off, I wave him goodbye as he chases after Stuart van.


Hello thank you for reading another chapter if you have any ideas or comments go ahead and tell me, anyway have an amazing day or night and I'll see you in the next chapter

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