Chapter 3:
The next day at school, nothing precisely changed for Akari, except the amount of gossiping about her went up, she heard her name everywhere, and every time she passed by a group of noisy students, they would get silent quickly. "Why should I care if more people talk about me behind my back? Any way you look at it, it's not their problem, so they can talk as much as they want, it's not going to change anything" .
She walked into her classroom, sitting down and looking slightly around at her class. This time when she walked in, it wasn't silent, there were small noises and words being spread around, nothing real loud, but a bit louder than usual. Everyone would look at Akari, then quickly look away, not simultaneously, but more in groups. One part of the class would turn away as the other side looked, all the while gossiping to each other in whispers.
Akari sat there, listening to the boring expressionless voice the teacher used to explain algebra, almost wishing she could break through a window and fly away. But even though they called her a swan or a butterfly, she could not soar out to freedom like they could, she could only listen until she had enough power herself to make her own commands.
Finally, after 40 minutes of the dull explanation, the bell rang for advisory period, but of course in Ouran, during advisory you may go wherever you want on the campus to study or relax.
"Hmm, another advisory period I spend doing nothing" Akari thought, as she picked up her things and walked out of the classroom, some of the kids still watching her as she left gracefully,
"Might as well go to the library before it gets packed with people, I need to get that haiku poetry book". As Akari got to near the library doors, she saw two girls, one blonde and one brunette, stand in front of one of them, whispering and talking about what seemed like something interesting.
"They're just there, I could walk past them" Akari whispered, but as she headed closer to the doors, she heard her name being whispered by them and stopped, listening in to their conversation.
"Have you heard about what happened with Kyouya and Akari?" The brunette asked.
"Oh yeah, I was right down the hall when they bumped into each other, I was so surprised Akari actually did that!"
"No no, that ones surprising too, but I mean the other one!"
"Oh, oh yeah! That almost shocked me to death!"
"I know! If that happens, precious Kyouya will be off the market! It's so hard to get someone that handsome these days!"
"Yes! I bet Akari's thinking so highly of herself, any guy would fall for her outer appeal, but that ugly attitude she has will never get her anywhere!"
"Yeah, Kyouya is too smart to fall for someone like her, it's probably just gossip!"
"Okay, I've had enough of this, so annoying" Akari thought as she walked pridefully with elegant movement over to the doors. "Excuse me" She said to the two girls as she put on a perfect smile, "may I get passed you two?". As the surprised girls quickly moved to the side, Akari opened the door. "Thank you very much" she said politely, "oh and one more thing, your statements are incorrect, my attitudes not ugly, it's revoltingly disgusting". As she finished, Akari gracefully walked into the library, leaving the two girls stunned with disbelief.
She walked into the library, sitting down on an empty table as she thought for a minute.
"What the hell type of rumor is spreading around?! I barely just saw Kyouya, and I bump into him once, now were already big news!" Akari thought, she could feel a stream of frustration slipping through her veins.
As she finally calmed down and stood up, her phone rang, letting out a light bell sound. "Hello, Akari Koizumi here".
"Oh, hello lady Akira!" Akira's fathers secretary said, a bit of worry in his voice, "Your father wants me to inform you to make sure you come straight home after school, there's something important to be announced tonight!".
"Okay," Akari answered, " I'll make sure to come home right after school, just send a car". As she hung up and put her phone in her pocket, she sighed and looked up at the painted ceiling. "Important, eh..."