Chapter 5: Unfolding the Truth

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July's POV

I hit the alarm clock on the table beside my bed as it blared loudly, disturbing my sleep. Groggily, I woke up and went to the bathroom to start my morning routine.

After putting on my uniform, I stood in front of the mirror to fix my appearance. Satisfied, I grabbed my bag, ready for whatever the school day might bring.

As I walked downstairs, I saw Mom cooking breakfast. She looked at me and smiled. "Good morning, July, honey."

"Good morning Mom." As I greeted her back.

She smiles and continues cooking.

"Mom, I'm heading to school now. I'll just eat there later." I told her.

She turned to face me. "Why? What's wrong? You don't like the food?"

"No, it's not that. I just don't feel like eating this morning, Mom. I promise I'll eat later at school." I quickly raised my right hand to show her I was serious.

She pecked my left cheek. "Okay, just don't forget to eat and don't stress yourself out, okay?" she reminded me.

"Noted, Mom." I replied as I walked towards the front door.

When I arrived at the classroom, I saw Kalen sitting in our usual spot, but Yanix was nowhere to be found.

I immediately walked over to sit next to Kalen, but someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me in another direction.

I turned around to see Kairo looking at me like a predator eyeing his prey. I was taken aback. I pulled my wrist free and stared into his eyes.

He smirked. "Just making sure you won't forget and ditch me later, little rat." He emphasize his last two words in a mischievous tone.

All I could do was nod and continue to Kalen's side. The moment I sat next to her, she looked at me with concern. Before she could utter a word, I stopped her.

"I'm fine, Kalen. You don't have to worry." I said to assure her.

"What your deal with him?" She asked curiously.

"Nothing, I guess that's just his way to make friends." I uncertainly said avoiding Kalen's gaze.

She leaned her head on my shoulder. "Just tell me if Kairo's bothering you. I'll punch him right in the face."

We chuckled, lightening the atmosphere.

"Thank you, you're the best, Kal." I replied with my sweetest smile.

"Anything for my best friend." she said, then sat up properly again.

I sighed, remembering what Kairo had messaged last night. Before I could say another word, Yanix appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, sup?" Yanix greeted us. We both looked at him. .

"You're late!" Kalen said to Yanix. His hair was still wet, and his uniform was a bit messy. I guessed he prioritized his girls and his game; hence, let himself sleep late again.

Yep, that's right, Yanix plays different games as he is also with his girls who're utterly obsessed with him. We tried to confront him a lot of times but he seems not to care with our words.

However, when it comes to being a friend you can always rely on him for any problems.

"Is our teacher here yet?" Yanix shot back at Kalen.

"That's not the point! If I know, what you did all night and didn't even bother to read your notes. Oh, wait, you don't take notes." Kalen teased.

"What for?" Yanix asked, confused.

"We have a long quiz today, remember?" I reminded him.

By the look on his face, I wasn't surprised he didn't know. Kalen laughed as Yanix begged her to help him with the quiz.

I just shrugged and let them argue. When our teacher arrived, they both stopped and composed themselves.

The whole class was tiring, with quizzes and activities filling the day.

As I walked out of the campus, I suddenly remembered Kairo. I forgot where we were supposed to meet. Before I could continue my thoughts, a loud horn from a grey car startled me.

The window from the driver's seat opened, revealing Kairo. He was looking straight ahead, not at me. I stood frozen, unsure of what to do.

"Are you just going to stand there or what?" he snapped. I still didn't move. He looked irritated, got out of the car, and grabbed my wrist with such force it hurt.

Out of surprise, I reacted as if I were being abducted but I am right? "Hey, where are you taking me? Let go of my hand! You're hurting me!" I shouted with all my strength.

He didn't respond or release my hand. Instead, he opened the door next to the driver's seat and forcefully made me sit inside. I kept resisting, but he was too strong, his body is well-developed compared to my slim frame.

He slammed the door shut, making a loud noise that startled me again. He hurriedly got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" I asked him with an angsty tone.

"Just shut up and stop being annoying!" he replied, clearly irritated as he grip on the car's steering wheel.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Mom's number.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm going to call my mom and tell her I might get home late or, if I'm going to die today, at least she-" Before I could finish, he interrupted me.

"Can you be quiet? You act like a girl! So dramatic!" he said, annoyance etched on his face.

Suddenly, I thought of the people who tease me because, as Kairo mentioned, I often behave like a girl.

When Mom answered, I told her I'd be late because I had to finish a school project with my classmates.

I bit my lower lip as I lied. She agreed and told me to take care. I ended the call with an 'I love you.'

"The little rat is a good liar." he said, teasingly.

"Kidnapper!" I shot back without looking at him.

He chuckled as if he'd won something. This is the first time I've heard him laugh, not to mention he's like an ice.

"You should cherish each moment with your mom-you're lucky you still have yours." His words silenced me for a moment.

"How can I do that if you abducted me?!" I shouted at him.

He laughed again. "You're not a child anymore. This isn't kidnapping." He said while focusing on the road.

"Yes, I am! I'm still seventeen!" I replied, irritated.

"Whatever." he shot back with a serious tone.

"Done bickering now?" I screamed when I heard a tiny voice.

Looking at the backseat, I was surprised to see a kid, about thirteen or fourteen years old. I didn't notice him earlier.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered.

"I'm Nix." The boy said.

I gasped, I covered my mouth using both of my hands. "Did he also kidnap you?" I asked, pointing at Kairo who was driving.

Before Nix could respond, Kairo's right hand flicked my forehead, causing a sharp pain.

"Aw!" I exclaimed, quickly massaging my forehead to ease the sting. Kairo didn't say anything, his focus remaining on the road. I turned back to Nix, still curious.

"Are you Kairo's brother?" I asked.

Nix chuckled softly. "No, I'm not his brother. Our connection is more... complicated than that."

Kairo sighed. "Just let the kid explain."

"I'm the reason behind those fragments. Like Kairo, you are also one of the chosen keepers of the Cigers. The fragment I can sense in you has bonded with your body." The kid said straightforwardly.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Kairo has the Chronomender Ciger if I'm not mistaken, as he healed my wounds yesterday." Nix said, scrutinizing me with an inquisitive gaze. "I wonder what Ciger you have."

Kairo glanced at the rearview mirror, his eyes briefly meeting Nix's before returning to the road. The mention of his Ciger seemed to pique his interest, though he remained silent.

"I don't even know what a Ciger is." I admitted, feeling a mix of frustration and curiosity. "How am I supposed to know which one I have?"

I suddenly remembered my goal to uncover the secrets of the fragment. According to Nix, this fragment is a Ciger. But should I trust this little boy? Kairo seems to trust him but I also doubt Kairo, yet, if Nix could provide answers to everything that confuses me, it would be a significant step toward unfolding the truth. Despite my doubts, having a trustworthy guide could make all the difference.

Nix smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, July. The nature of your Ciger will reveal itself in time. Each Ciger is unique and grants different powers. We just need to figure out what yours is."

"How did you know my name"? I asked the boy.

"Kairo told me." I just nod as a response.

Kairo smirked slightly. "Maybe your Ciger will be something useful—or not. Albeit, I can still use a break from dealing with this on my own."

I frowned. "Is this why you dragged me into this? Because of some power I don't even understand?"

Kairo's smirk faded. "Partly. But there's more at stake here than you realize. Just hang tight and you'll see."

As the car sped on, the weight of Kairo's words hung in the air, adding to the growing sense of unease and anticipation.

I glanced back at Nix, who gave me an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, July. All your questions will be answered soon." Nix gave me his sweetest smile, so I forced a smile in return.


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