Chapter 1: Memories of Magic

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July's POV

Watching the night sky has been my solace since childhood. My father used to tell me that when a person dies, they become a star. As I gaze at the countless stars above, I often wonder if my father is among them now.

Remembering his words, I lift the muscles of my cheeks, smiling bitterly through the ache of loss, as our memories together play out in my mind.

I'm now seventeen years old, in my last semester of high school. Despite not having my Dad beside me as I grow up, my Mom ensures I am always enveloped in her love and support. This unwavering care drives my determination to complete my education.

Just like a child painting outside the lines, I was bullied for my vibrant colors, for not fitting into the gray world others wanted me to conform to. But, with my parents' support and Kalen's and Yanix's friendship, I began to embrace those colors.

They said there was nothing wrong with me, that I should express myself and not mind what others think. They told me I was free and will always be free to mix with all the colors, as they signify my true self. I realized that being different was my strength, and I slowly broke free from the stereotypes, painting my own masterpiece.

My father also instilled in me a belief in magic, which sparked my fondness for superhero movies. I often imagined myself possessing the same extraordinary abilities as those characters on screen. Over time, I began to realize that fantasy and reality are different realms—until tonight.

Powers are ignited by desires. They enable people to make the impossible possible. Those who wield these powers can choose to do good or evil. One thing is certain: if I possess such power, I will use it for the betterment of everyone.

As I admire the night sky and its shimmering stars, a glowing fragment intricately woven with threads of shimmering light descends from above.

I'm paralyzed with awe, unable to move for minutes, until I muster the courage to reach out and touch the mysterious object. To my shock, it merges into my skin like a ghost possessing its victim.

Panic surges through me as I try desperately to shake off the feeling, but nothing changes. Something stirs within me. Before I can take further action, my vision goes black.

The next day, I woke up with a heavy sensation. After completing my morning routine, I head to the kitchen.

"You passed out outside last night, honey. What happened?" my mother asks, her voice filled with concern.

I'm shocked and uncertain how to respond. I lower my gaze, trying to recall the events of the previous night.

"I'm fine, Mom. I guess I was just tired." I lie, not wanting to worry about her.

"You must have overworked yourself these past few days. Eat all this and relax; after all, it's Sunday." She says, handing me a plate full of delicious food she prepared.

I smile and begin devouring the meal as if I haven't eaten in days.

Back in my room, I tried to piece together what happened last night. I am certain it wasn't a dream—the glowing fragment was real. I sigh, lost in thought. Suddenly, an idea strikes me.

Could it be? Have I gained a power like the superheroes I admire? Am I destined to become one of them?

Excitedly, I rushed to the mirror, looking at my reflection. Unable to contain my curiosity, I decide to test if I have gained any newfound abilities.

I breathe heavily. "Dad, please help me." I plead as I close my eyes and focus my mind on a cherished memory of my father without me noticing that both of my hands glow.

Unexpectedly, I find myself standing in our garden, surrounded by blooming flowers.

To my astonishment, Dad stands before me, smiling warmly. His voice, as clear as if he were alive, echoes in my ears, sharing wisdom and guidance that I had longed to hear again. It felt so real.

The glow on my hands vanished as the scene moved back inside my room, returning everything to normal.

Overwhelmed by emotion, It reminded me of that glowing fragment that bonded within me. I somehow managed to weave together fragments of my memories with my Dad, creating a vivid and lifelike experience that feels as real as the day it had originally occurred.

Through tears of gratitude, I am slowly beginning to understand the profound power that now rests inside of me—a power that could reshape my understanding of loss and connection in ways I had never imagined possible.


Having an extraordinary ability at a young age was my ultimate dream. My Dad's influence made me believe in magic.

I found myself standing in a sunny meadow, the scent of wildflowers filling the air.

Ahead of me stood my Dad. His eyes sparkled with warmth and kindness, just as I remembered. Confused but overjoyed, I ran toward him, and we embraced tightly.

"Dad, is this real?" I asked, my voice trembling with emotion.

Dad smiled. "In a way, it is. This is our shared memory."

The scene shifted, and we were in my bedroom with my mother while Dad read a children's book aloud.

I remembered this memory. It was a time I couldn't sleep due to nightmares, and they came to comfort me and read me a book. I was barely seven years old.

This scene felt so real; I could feel their gentle touch, I could hear Dad reading one of my favorite story.

The scene shifted again. I was in the hospital, and my father lay on his deathbed. I smiled bitterly as I hugged him.

"Dad, fight for us, please," I said, tears falling from my cheeks.

He smiled, reciprocating my embrace. "You know what is destined to happen, July."

"But I don't want to. Maybe there's still a way I can save you." I found myself crying.

"There's nothing you can do, son. All you need to do is accept and move forward without me. You still have your Mom, and I need you to take care of her as much as I did when I was alive." He tapped my shoulder gently, breaking our embrace-until darkness slowly consumes me.

"July, honey, it's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready." A familiar voice echoed in my mind, followed by the sound of my wooden door being knocked thrice.

I opened my eyes as a single tear fell from my left eye. I saw both my hands fade into glow. So it was just a dream—no, more of a memory with Dad. I was ten-years-old when dad died. I cupped my face and answered my mother.

"Coming, Mom. I'll be there in five minutes." I replied loud enough for her to hear.

I rushed to the bathroom to take a bath, hoping to lighten the pain I felt earlier. As the warm water cascaded over me, I couldn't shake the feeling that last night's experience was more than just a dream. It was vivid, tangible, as if my father was truly with me again.

I dried off and dressed, the memory of Dad's words lingering in my mind. I headed downstairs, the aroma of Mom's cooking filling the air. She greeted me with a smile, her eyes showing the same warmth I had seen in my dream.

"Morning, honey. You look like you've seen a ghost." She said, chuckling softly.

"Something like that." I replied, forcing a smile.

As I ate breakfast, I couldn't help but reflect on the mysterious fragment that had entered my body. Was it responsible for bringing my memories to life? I knew I had to find out more.

After breakfast, I retreated to my room and packed my things for school but as I am determined to understand the power I now possessed. I sat on my bed, closed my eyes, and focused on another memory. This time, it was a happier one-a family picnic under the tree in a local park.

In an instant, I was there, standing on the trimmed grass, the sound of laughter and the scent of grilled food filling the air. My father was picking flowers, while my mother set up the picnic blanket. I watched, feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and peace.

"Dad!" I called out, running towards him. He turned and smiled, his eyes twinkling with pride.

He handed me the flowers he collected.

"Look how strong you've become, July." he said, ruffling my hair. "You're going to do great things."

I embraced him, savoring the moment, knowing it was a gift from the fragment. This newfound ability was more than just a connection to my past—it was a way to relive and cherish the moments that defined me.

As I returned to the present, I realized that this power could be both a blessing and a burden. I had the chance to reconnect with my father, but it also meant confronting the pain of his loss.

I needed to learn to wield this power responsibly and understand its true purpose.

Determined, I made a promise to myself: I would uncover the secrets of the fragment and use its power for good. My father's memory would guide me, and I would honor his legacy by embracing the extraordinary gift I had been given.

With renewed resolve, I gazed out of my window at the star-filled sky, whispering, "Thank you, Dad. I'll make you proud."

This was just the beginning of my journey, and I knew that with the support of my mother and the lessons from my father, I could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

I must learn how to wield this responsibly while uncovering the truth behind its origin. My name is July, and this is the story where powers collide within my reality.

Third Person's POV

When a strange boy regained consciousness, the pain had dulled to an ache, and he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

The sky was a different shade, and the air felt heavier. He struggled to his feet, his body protesting with every movement. The memory of his twin sister's corrupted eyes haunted him, fueling his resolve.

He had to find her and the Cigers. The responsibility his parents had placed upon him weighed heavily, but he would not falter.

He would protect the Cigers from Dr. Wilde and save his sister, no matter the cost.

As he began to explore this new world, he could somehow feel the presence of the Cigers scattered far and wide. They were a part of him, and he could sense their locations. But he knew he was not alone.

The people of this world, unsuspecting and unaware, had been touched by the Cigers' power. Some would rise to greatness, while others might fall into darkness.

And so, the boy's journey had just begun. With determination burning in his heart and the memory of his sister driving him forward, he set out to reclaim the Cigers, protect the innocent, and thwart Dr. Wilde's ambitions.


Type of Ciger: Mnomorion Ciger

Appearance: A smooth, translucent gem that constantly shifts colors, reflecting the spectrum of human emotions and memories.

Chosen Keeper: July Sigmund Verlice

Abilities: Shapes memory's strands to suit the user's desires. People can relive past events in vivid detail by using it to compile disjointed memories from many sources and combine them into seamless, immersive experiences.

It can do more than just reconstruct; it can reshape memories that already exist, and even create brand-new, authentically intimate experiences. Its ability to evoke shared memories allows several people to experience and relate to one other's pasts.

The Ciger has the ability to retain knowledge for future generations, help heal emotional wounds by gently manipulating traumatic experiences, and project memories into concrete forms.

But given its tremendous capacities, there are ethical challenges to be answered because of how it manipulates memory, raising issues with permission, authenticity, and the fine line between comfort and truth.

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