Kind Sister, Scary Mommy

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Jen arrived at the Pokemon Center and found Libby waiting for her at one of the Center’s waiting tables.

        “Sup?” She giggled.

        “I’m slightly worried about you right now, you know that?”

        Libby smirked. “Don’t be. This is all about you right now. I’m just really excited for you.”

        “I still don’t have a starter.” Jen stated taking a seat across from Libby.

        Libby gave her a sly smile. “Oh, really? How sure are you about that, little sister?”

        “Libby, what did you do?”

        “Did you not check your bag on your way up here? I spent most of the night packing essentials for you and you didn’t bother to see what I gave you? I’m offended.” She teased.

        Jen quickly rummaged through her bag. It didn’t take her very long to find two red and white pokeballs. “No…way…”

        “Yes, way. Happy Birthday, Jenny!”

        “Libby, thank you so much!” Jen squealed as she hugged her sister. “But, why two starters?”

        “You want me to take them back?” Libby threatened in a rather creepy and serious tone.

        “No, no, no, no! I like them. I want them both.” Jen replied quickly as she began to examine the pokeballs. Without another moment of hesitation, she summoned her starters from their balls. Two lines of red light shot out from the pokeballs, taking the forms of her Pokemon.



        Libby had given her a Gastly and a Vulpix. Jen could hardly contain her excitement as her lips cracked into a wide grin. “You are the best sister ever!” She cried as she hugged Libby again.

        “And don’t you forget it!” Libby smiled. She tapped the table with her fingers and stood slowly. “Well, heh, now you’re a trainer. Go and start your adventure. I got you a Pokedex as well, which is also in your bag. I’ll be waiting for you in Unova.”

        “See you there, Lib.”

        Libby nodded and walked to the Center’s door, but turned and waved good-bye to Jen before leaving the Center.

        Excitement enveloped Jen’s being as she turned towards her Pokemon and grinned. They were waiting patiently on her. “You guys ready?”

        They nodded eagerly.

        “Then let’s go!”

        She led her small team out to her bike, put Vulpix in her front basket, and rode off with Gastly following close behind.

        The sun had finally risen when Jen arrived at Pewter City. This was where she was to get her very first gym badge. She quickly peddled over to the doors of the gym and pulled. No good. The gym wasn’t open yet.

        “Grr…” Jen glanced over at her Pokemon. “You guys tired?”

        Gastly nodded sleepily, while Vulpix was already curled up into a ball and lay sleeping in the basket.

        “Alright, we’ll go stay at the Center for a while, then come back and battle later when you are well rested.” Jen summoned Gastly back into its pokeball and rode slowly to the Center, being ever so careful as to not wake Vulpix.

Back in Pallet Town

        The lights finally came back on sometime during the early afternoon, waking Lucy up from her sleep. She had forgotten to turn her lights off during the blackout.

        She sat up, stretched, and climbed out of bed. She was still tired, but she had to get up and start the day. She quickly got dressed into a yellow sundress and walked to the kitchen.

        The house was quiet, but she shrugged it off by pouring herself some coffee. She then grabbed a book and sat down to read a few chapters.

A few minutes later, she looked at the stairs and then at the clock on the wall. The time was 1:48. Jen and Libby had still not come downstairs.

        “Jen is probably still mad at me.” She thought to herself gloomily. She sighed. She was going to give Jen a few more minutes before going upstairs to talk to her.

        Lucy tried to go back to her book, but she couldn’t focus on the story. Her mind continued to wander back towards Jen. She had to talk to her daughter.

        Putting the book down, she glanced back up at the clock. It was 2:13.

She got to her feet and walked up the stairs. She passed by Libby’s room and saw a sticky on her door.

Dear Mom,

        It was good to see you and Jen again. Sorry I didn’t say good-bye in person. You looked exhausted and I didn’t want to wake you up at 4 A.M.

Hope you and Jen can make amends with each other some day. I know you love her, and she loves you, but it’s about time you let her live her own life.



        Lucy held the note in her hand, rereading it over and over again. After a minute of doing so, she crumpled the note in her fist and walked down the hall to Jen’s room.

        “Jen, honey?” She asked, lightly knocking on the door. “I’m coming in. I just want to talk to you.”

Jen’s room was empty.

        Lucy began to panic as she ran for Libby’s room. She threw the door open and found her room to be empty as well.

        “Where did she go this time? Oh, no, not again!” She howled as she raced downstairs. “Maybe she went to the store?” She glanced at the clock once more. It was 2:30. “No, she wouldn’t have been at the store for four hours. She doesn’t like being at any store for too long. Let’s see…I’ve been up since 11. I would have seen her leave…perhaps she is just outside. Yes…”

        Lucy quickly walked to the front door and opened it to see Mrs. Ketchum on the other side. Her arm was raised in mid-knock.

        “Oh, hello, Delia. What brings you here?” Lucy asked, shocked.

        “I heard that Jen had turned eighteen yesterday. I was going to tell her that Ash was going to be coming home today, and maybe he could give her some pointers as a new trainer. I’m sure he would be more than happy to do so.” Delia replied sweetly.

        Lucy frowned. “Jen is staying home. She is forbidden from becoming a trainer.”

        Delia flinched. “Oh…well, that’s a shame. I know Ash was really looking forward to seeing Jen and her starter Pokemon. Can she at least come over later just to see him, or perhaps he could come over-”

        “She’s grounded, Delia.” Lucy interrupted icily.

        Delia looked at her sadly. “I understand, Lucy. Talk to you later?” She said as she silently walked back to her home.

        Lucy grimaced. She hated seeing Delia upset, but she didn’t have time for her friend. She had to find Jen.

        She searched all over Pallet Town, but her search was in vain. She eventually arrived at the Pokemon Lab and saw Oak standing outside.

        “Good afternoon, Lucy…what’s the matter?” He asked when he saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

        “Have you seen Jen by any chance?” She asked softly.

        “Seen Jen?” Oak’s face began to pale.

        “Oak?” Lucy asked. Her tone grew harder when she saw the panic in his eyes.

        “I thought when Libby came by for Jen’s Pokedex last night…you didn’t change your mind?”

        Lucy froze before crumpling to the ground in a sobbing heap.

        “Lucy, I’m so sorry.” Oak apologized, bending down to her level. “If you want, I can help you find her.” The second he said those words he immediately regretted them. He liked Lucy and her daughters and wanted to help them in anyway he could, but he knew that Jen was miserable being locked up with her mom. It would only be torment for her if her mom forced her to return. Jen needed to leave Pallet Town to start her own life.

        “Oak…” Lucy’s icy voice ripped Oak from his thoughts. She was sitting up and glaring at him now. “You owe me that much. Take me to my baby.”

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