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sageybabyspam: had to block sirius from the spam for a minute just so i can write that i am in love with him without him seeing or teasing me for it. he's reading to me right now and honestly? i don't think i've ever felt so loved in my entire life.

maiadoescrack: STOP THIS IS SO CUTE i've literally prayed for you to get the love you deserve and now you've finally got it

         ↳sageybabyspam: since when do you pray?
         ↳maiadoescrack: since you needed a little more than your own stubborn ignorance to get you through everything you've been through

prongsspam: he still needs to shave

        ↳sageybabyspam: i agree but don't tell him i said that

rothehoe: absolutely screaming because i had a dream last night where sirius met ju and oh my GOD they would have got on so well. like julien would have loved him so much

       ↳sageybabyspam: he really would have and that's one of the main reasons i'm at peace with what happened to my brother—because i know he'd be so happy to see where i am today.

loonymoony: got nothing but love for you, fontaine.

        ↳sageybabyspam: same to you, lupin

reglikessnakes: the way you love my brother makes me gag

         ↳sageybabyspam: you've got a lot of nerve to be saying something about me loving your brother when you loved ju the same way
        ↳reglikessnakes: i thought we agreed to never talk about that again

siriusblack: just a sage appreciation post
tagged: sagefontaine

sagefontaine: you're gross

        ↳siriusblack: you love me
       ↳sagefontaine: only sometimes


         ↳siriusblack: sorry, lily

rosilvers: hi please tell sagey she's the prettiest person i've ever seen


every time i see your fucking dark mark it makes me inconceivably angry

you don't think i know that?
you don't think that i'm painfully aware of how much you hate me for it and how much i'm disappointing you and my brother and our friends?
i know
and i'm sorry that i can't be a warrior for the good side like you and sirius
it wasn't my choice. but i'm trying my hardest to make the best out of an awful situation

what the fuck does that even mean, regulus?
there's no way you can spin this in a positive light

you won't understand why i did it until we're both out of school
i'm sorry, but i can't tell you yet

alright, fuck that
you know i hate ultimatums but you need to tell me or i swear i'll never speak to you again
this is not something you can keep from me, not after julien and my grandmother and losing bella as a friend.

sage please
i can't lose you right now
i promise i'll tell you eventually, when it's safe
just not now.
not when we're surrounded by future death eaters every single day
it's hard enough keeping this secret by myself but i will not put you in danger too
because if anyone finds out, it could get me and you and everyone we love killed

but the minute you're out of hogwarts, you're telling me

i promise


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