the main Character (stand revised)

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The photos character I'm using is from PitzMaker.

Name: Arimoto Kirin

Gender: Male

Species: Human (Duh)

Age: 16

Likes: Watch anime, singing, a member of cooking club (because, why not), dance (if he bored), and sleeping.

Hates: Bully.


(For the stand, i'm using A Gacha Club. Because, I didn't find the picture from Google. T_T)

Stand: [The Angel]
Stand user: Arimoto Kirin


Destructive Power: B

Speed: A

Range: C

Persistent: B

Precision: A

Development potential: C


Life Creation

This stand can give life to inanimate objects. Can also heal wounds.


Like crazy Diamond, the stand can heal a wound and a broken object.

"Wow, with this i can broke my PC whenever i'm playing Climbing over it" - Arimoto Kirin

And that for the info.

Let go to the chapter.

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