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Iliana is very interested to see what happens after they left that night. She knows from her perspective, but she never knew what happened with the boys.

She smiles as it keeps on with the Hamilton's and not with her point of view.

Mrs. Hamilton, mother Elizabeth as she likes Iliana to call her closes the door and leans against it holding back her tears. Then she allows what she feels towards her children to come boiling out. Flynn happens to be the unfortunate one to come into range the soonest. 

"Flynn, or Casper, which are you?" Elizabeth demands angrily.

"I'm Flynn, mom." Flynn juggles the snacks he's carrying for him and his friends and Casper of course.

"You might as well go put those snacks back. Go tell your friends they have to leave. Then go call all your brothers for a meeting in the living room after they send their friends home, especially Blake and Isaac." There is a great deal of anger coming out of her mouth and Flynn's eyes are huge. He wonders just what the hell happened to piss his mother off this much. He only notices the boxes in the hall in passing before he runs back to the kitchen to dump the snacks onto the counter. He doesn't dare take the time to put them away properly. He's never seen his mother that angry before.

"Casper, mom wants all of us in a meeting. Sorry guys you'll have to leave now. My mom's major pissed and wants all friends to go home." They all look at him shocked. Mrs. Hamilton is never angry and never has a problem with her sons having friends over.

Casper looks at Flynn wide eyed before Flynn takes off to find his other brothers.

One by one he finds his brothers and gives the same message. The older ones give him some trouble, but when he mentions just how angry their mother is, they shut up and send their friends home.

It takes him awhile to find the two oldest and he has some idea of why his mother is so pissed. If she saw them naked like that then she's going to be angry.

By the time he gives Blake and Isaac their message he hears his father coming home and he's beyond angry if the slamming door is any indication.

The three run to the living room so they don't anger their parents any further. Flynn wonders why they are all in trouble for what Blake and Isaac did.

"Are all your friends gone?" Their mother asks in an ice cold voice.

The boys all reply in the affirmative.

"I have to say that I'm very angry and even more disappointed with what I heard earlier." If anything her voice became even colder.

The boys look at each other in confusion. None of them can think of anything that would make their parents upset. Well Blake and Isaac think they might know, but they didn't think they would react like that.

Their mother looks at them incredulously. "You really have no clue why I'm so angry, do you?"

The boys all shake their heads. "When was the last time any of you talked to Iliana?"

The boys look confused then horror takes over their faces, but still they don't understand why their mother is making such a big deal.

"I'll answer that, it's been nearly ten days since Dimitri talked to her, before that it was Blake two weeks ago. Two fucking weeks! What the hell? You walked right by her every day this week and didn't even say hi. She tried to get your attention multiple times on different days. You allowed your friends to mock her and make her feel like she had no right to even be here and you didn't even say anything to them. Then after she left crying she and her mother come upon Blake and Isaac having sex with their little friends by the pool. Just what the fuck were you two thinking?" There is no doubt that Elizabeth is beyond pissed at this.

With her words all the boys turn pale but Blake and Isaac turn more than a little green as well. Their innocent little Iliana saw them having sex with those girls.

Now their father takes over. "How dare you have sex out there? You both have large rooms, with beds that are more than sufficient for having sex in."

"I was afraid that I would take too much and so wanted Blake there to help me make sure that I don't cause her any harm." Isaac says softly more than a little sick at what he did.

"Commendable, but there was no reason you couldn't have him there in your room or his room or any number of guests rooms that have king size beds. 

"Not only was Iliana here, but there were several other kids that could have seen what you two were doing. If they saw and tell their parents there could be a shit load of trouble. But Iliana DID see. Lovina had to explain what you were doing and then had to explain what sex is to her young daughter. She was not happy." Their father says and they can practically see smoke coming from his ears and flames from his eyes.

Blake and Isaac swallow to wet their suddenly dry throats. 

One of the boys, Elizabeth can't tell which one says, "Shit." Neither can Iliana even though she was watching closely.

"Precisely." Clayburn says gritting his teeth.

"We'll apologize to them both tomorrow. I even have tickets to the ballet that Iliana wanted to see." Blake says softly.

Both their parents give humorless laughs. The boys all look at each other in confusion. "Iliana was staying with us this week so that her parents could pack up their house. She's tried to tell you guys all week, but you wouldn't give her the time of day."

"Where are they going?" Blake is getting a little panicky.

"I needed Joel to take over the newest acquisition until it's fully stable. So he finally accepted the promotion that he's turned down for years. After looking everything over he estimates, at the best, it'll be two to five years before the business is stable enough for someone else to take over."

"And worse case?" Now the others are worried as well.

"They might never come back. Even if the business stabilizes, if it takes too long they'll just stay there. They don't want to uproot Iliana more than they have to. If it takes more than the five years they won't be coming back for her sake." Their father tells them unhappily.

"These boxes here? I packed them for Iliana while she was packing her clothes up. She told me to leave them or give the stuff away because she's not taking it with her." Elizabeth points to the boxes that were by the front door. The boys get up to see them.

The boys look at their mother with fear. "What things are they, mom?" Blake is the only one that dared to speak at this point.

Elizabeth gives them all a very angry smile, "What used to be her favorite things. She's convinced that you all hate her now and it will be easier for her to forget you all if she doesn't take them with her.

"How can you allow your special one to feel like you hate her? How can you go two or more weeks without even saying hello to her? How can you make her cry like you did today?" Elizabeth has to stop at this point to calm down.

"Lovina called me and told me everything. The bond between you ten and Iliana is still weak, although it had been getting stronger. After this, well you weakened it greatly. If you wish to repair it and make it stronger you will visit them when we go. You will be here when they visit us. If you don't give a shit and no longer want Iliana as your special one, then leave things as they are.

"She's human, the bond is weaker on her end so she won't suffer as much as you ten will. I will tell you this. If you say that you are going to make things better, then you will commit to doing just that. You will visit, you will be here when they visit. You will make an effort to facetime or skype. You will work on repairing the bond. If you start then blow her off like you have the last two weeks then her parents will no longer allow you around her. They won't have her hurt like that again and I don't blame them. 

"Iliana is a sweet child, innocent and lonely. You are her only friends. I know that you have other friends, but she should be placed before all others if you are serious about her being your special one. Otherwise, don't bother."

"For punishment, you are all grounded for two weeks. Hand over your phones." Elizabeth tells them and holds out her hands for the phones. "The maids have already been instructed to remove all electronics from your rooms and the entertainment room has been locked up. Computers will be allowed for school work only. If at any time any of you break the grounding, it will start over for all of you. This will continue for up to six months depending on how well you accept your grounding. I hope you only take the original two weeks since there will be no friends or companions during that time either." Clayburn tells them.

"Father-" Clayburn holds his hand up stopping Blake from speaking. "You had sex in front of a six year old child. You could be arrested for sexual abuse if they wished to take that route, Blake. All things considered you're damn lucky this is all we're doing. You'll survive on just blood. Both of you will. Hopefully you'll think things through a little better next time."

Blake hangs his head. He did know better, but he let that bitch talk him into it. That's the last time that will ever happen.

"Two things, can you hold off on grounding us until tomorrow and can I have my phone so that I can try to give my tickets away or sell them back?"

"Why should we hold off on grounding you all?"

"I would like the chance to apologize to Iliana and her mother and take all my brothers that wish to do so as well. If they permit it, I would like to take Iliana to get ice cream or some kind of goodbye treat." Blake pleads with them and his parents silently communicate with each other.

"Very well, but since they are leaving very early in the morning, it's possible that Iliana is already in bed. They are staying at our airport hotel, room 648. Lovina was more than a little angry, she might not let you see Iliana. Better be prepared to grovel when you get there." Clayburn was more than a little pleased by that thought.

"Before you leave, you will all take these boxes back to Iliana's room and unpack them. You will make her room just as comfortable for her as it was before. Make sure that she wants to come back to those things or you will forever regret it. That I can promise you." Elizabeth tells them and they all swallow nervously. How are they going to get Iliana to forgive them?

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