Once Barry and the others had returned back to Star labs, Iris looked up in the chair she was sitting in, still a little numbed feeling from everything. When Iris saw Barry coming from around the corner into the room, she jumped out of her seat rushing to him. "Barry!" She wrapped her arms around him hugging him tight. "Iris.." He whispered wrapping his arms around her hugging her close.
"Where is Eddie.. Eobard.. Wells. Whoever the hell he was?" She asks glancing up at Barry. Barry looked back down at Iris and takes a deep breath. Eobard is dead... And Eddie..." Iris looks at him anxiously waiting for him to finish his response.
"Eobard was erased from existence. Eddie as you know.. Was Eobard's relative." He said slowly letting it sink in. He knew he wouldn't have to say too much more. Iris was fairly smart. Iris took a deep breath once she realized what Barry was saying. "We should have tried to stop it.." She muttered. "He was helping us in the end..." Barry looked at Iris and nodded. "I should have. By the time I realized what was going on, it was too late.." He muttered. "Barry. You did what you could..." Iris said quietly. "What is dad going to tell his boss?" She asked. "Joe has a back up story to write for him... For now. You have had a rough day. You should get some rest..." Iris nodded and let Barry usher her out of the lab to bring her back home.
Barry stayed at the house to make sure Iris stayed okay. He knew that Eobard was gone and could no longer make threats to his family. But he still needed to make sure Iris was okay, and safe. He walked back into the living room to see her still sleeping on the couch. As he was about to go upstairs to his room, he heard her jolt awake with a small gasp. He quickly made his way over to her to let her know he was still there. "You're okay Iris... I"m here..." He said sitting down next to her resting his hand on her shoulder.
Iris glances up at him and nods. "I know that.." She muttered. Barry gave her a small smile. "We don't have to worry about him anymore.." Iris took a deep breath. "Have you gotten to talk to your father since?" She asked hoping the conversation could take her mind off some things. Barry smiled. "Yes I did. We got the conversation all recorded from Eobard's confession. He's being released today. I was just going to get ready and go down to pick him up." Iris smiled. "Can I come?" Barry nodded. "Of course.."
"Barry!" Henry smiled as he saw Barry and Iris standing waiting for him once he was finally released. "Dad." Barry smiled back going over to him. Iris watched staying back as the two of the men hugged. "Come on. Joe's got a dinner made for you at the house." Barry grinned. Henry laughed a little. "He didn't have to do that.." Barry walked next to his dad with Iris following them as the three of them headed to the car to head back to the house.
"Joe?" Barry called out as he walked inside. "I'm in here Bar.." Joe called out from the kitchen. Iris glanced at the two men. "I'll go see if he needs any help." She said wanting them to have a chance to talk. Once Iris left, the two of them sat on the couch to visit and catch up. Seeing the newspaper on Joe's table with Eobard's face on it, he glanced down taking the paper to read a bit of it. "Looks like it's one hell of a story that was put out.." Henry said scanning through it with Barry.
While they were waiting for Joe and Iris, Barry made his way up to his room to grab a small box from his dresser and put it into his pocket and made his way back downstairs. "It's ready.." Joe said as he brought out the dish. Barry smiled and took his usual spot next to Iris. "It looks amazing Joe."
After dinner was finished, Barry stood up clearing his throat a little. "There was something else I wanted to do. I've been wanting to I think most know for a long time." Joe grinned a little knowing exactly what Barry was about to do, as of course, Barry had asked him about the proposal. Iris takes a deep breath having an idea what Barry was trying to do, and glances up at him as he continued to speak. Barry slowly pulled the box out of his pocket suddenly feeling very nervous. Iris smiled a little seeing the small box being opened to reveal a diamond ring inside. "I love you Iris. I always have. Would you do me the honors of becoming my wife?" He slowly took the ring out of the box as he waited for Iris' response.
Iris smiled at Barry nodding her head. "Yes. I would love to marry you Barry." He smiled back slowly slipping the ring on her finger. Once he placed the ring on her finger, she stood up wrapping her arms around him to hug him.
Once everyone got their congratulatory hugs in, Joe made his way into the kitchen to pour a glass of wine for everyone for a toast. "Well. I think I am going to head to bed.." Henry said turning to Barry after a while. Barry approached his dad hugging him in return as his dad pulled him in for a hug. "I am so proud of you Barry. And thank you for everything." He said quietly. "I love you too dad." He smiled letting go of him after a few seconds so he could go upstairs to the guest room to sleep.
Joe watched as Henry made his way upstairs and stood up from his chair. "And that is my cue to leave as well." He smiled. "Good night you two." "Goodnight dad." Iris said as Joe made his way back upstairs. Iris watched Joe disappear upstairs then turned to Barry.
'I love you Barry." She said quietly wrapping her arms around his neck. Barry smiled. "I love you too Iris..." She took a deep breath looking at him. "You know that this will mean I will be in even more danger? From your enemies?" Barry nodded. "I am well aware of that. But after what has been happening, I figured it was better for me to protect you if I was by your side.."
Iris slowly raised her hand slightly to look at her ring. "You know i can take care of myself." She said looking back up at him and smirked a little. Barry returned the grin as he watched Iris. "Oh I know that you can..." She stayed quiet for a few minutes smiling a little. "Goodnight Barry." Barry smiled back leaning in to give her a kiss before she headed upstairs. "Goodnight Iris."
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