Chapter 1: The Dream

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It seemed like Barry had just fallen asleep, when he suddenly hears the sound of his mother's screams and the commotion downstairs. The ten year old boy quickly rushed downstairs only to see the sea of swirling colors surrounding his mother. "Barry! Get back upstairs!" His father yelled. Barry looks at his father terrified as he saw what was happening. "Mom!" He yelled as he saw her suddenly collapsing to the floor.

As the sea of colors made a blinding light and had gone away, Barry suddenly jolted awake from his dream. He had come home late last night after a day at the lab. The details of the crime had gotten to him. It sounded very similar to his mother's death. Almost...

Hearing Joe downstairs, Barry got up and got ready to head downstairs and head back to the lab with Joe. "Good morning!" Iris said in her usual spunky tone. Barry gave her a small smile. "Iris hey..." As Joe came out into the kitchen with the breakfast, Barry sat down in his usual spot at the table.

Barry and Joe were working on some more of the details of the case when some more evidence suddenly seemed to come in. "Hey are you alright Bar?" He heard Joe ask him. Barry looked over at him. "Yeah.. I'm fine.. Why wouldn't I be?" Barry knew that Joe could tell when he was lying. He always seemed to see right through him. Plus it didn't help that Barry was a bad liar.

He takes a look at the facts on the file that were just faxed to them to avoid the look Joe was giving him. "Well it's just..." Joe stops mid sentence as he hears his phone ringing. "Are you sure of this?" He asked looking directly at Barry.

"What is it?" Barry asked as Joe hung up. "There's a possible witness. Let's go." Barry follows Joe out of the office and to his cop car sighing a little. "Don't think you're going to get away that easily Barry. We will talk later." Barry gets into the car and drives off with Joe towards the witnesses place.

Once Joe and Barry arrive, they walk up to the house and knock at the door. Not too long after, a very nervous looking kid of about Barry's age answered the door. "Cisco Ramone?" Joe asked holding up his badge. "Yes come on in." Cisco steps aside allowing the two of them to enter.

Cisco leads them to the living room and motions for them to sit down on the couch. "This is my partner Barry." Joe says as they sit down. Cisco gives a small awkward smile. "It's nice to meet you Barry." "I know you're worried. But we will make sure you stay protected." Joe said starting to explain.

After visiting with Cisco, Barry and Joe head back to Star labs to make an attempt to put some of the pieces of what Cisco could remember what he saw together.

After Joe was finished working, he made his way into the lab where he saw Barry still working on the new found information. He sighs a little and walks into the lab. "Bar. Don't you think we should be going? It's getting late. And you should take a break." Barry looks at Joe. "I'm fine Joe. You go on ahead..." Joe stays a few minutes trying to read Barry. Usually he was good at reading the boy he had taken in to live with him after the accident. But now he couldn't tell. Joe decides to leave Barry be. "Don't be too late." He leaves the office and heads back to the house.

"Dad! Hey!" Iris greeted him with a smile. He gave her a smile in return and walked over to her giving her a hug. "Hey baby girl." She slowly pulls away from the hug after a while. "Where's Barry?" She asked suddenly curious and concerned. Joe sighed a little. "He is still at the lab. I couldn't get him to come back. He's being very focused on this case for some reason..."

"After dinner I will go and try and talk to him." She smiled. "I'll bring some dinner over to him. It's almost done." Joe smiled and went to hang his jacket up in the closet. "What are we having?" "I made some chicken." She smiled. "It sounds amazing." Joe replied as he went to help his daughter set the table.

After dinner was finished and Iris had finished helping cleaning the table and dishes, she placed some leftovers in a container to bring to Barry. She grabs her jacket and keys to head to the lab. "I won't be late." She told Joe before walking out the door.

Once Iris arrived at the office, she opened the door making her way into the lab sighing a little as she spotted Barry. Hearing the door open Barry glances up a split second to see Iris. He gave her a small smile. "Iris.. Hey.." He stops working and walks over to give her a hug. She smiles hugging him in return. "I brought you some food. I figured you would be hungry since you missed dinner." Barry sighed a little. "I know. And I'm sorry. I guess I lost track of time..."

Barry takes the container of food from Iris. "Thank you. But you didn't have to do that." He makes his way over to the desk clearing some of the papers so he could make room to eat the meal. He then goes to pull up a chair for Iris to sit. "Have a seat.. Join me..." Iris walks over to the chair sitting down pulling the chair up slightly to the desk as Barry sits down in his.

"Are you doing alright?" Iris asked him with a worried look watching him as he began to get his meal set up. Barry looks up at her. "Of course I am. Why?"

"I know you Barry. And dad, I can tell he is worried about you." Barry takes a deep breath and takes a few bites of his chicken. Neither of you have to worry about me. I'm just wanting to get this case solved."

"And you will get it solved Bary." Iris said. "But sometimes it's good to get a break. Sometimes when you take a break and stop thinking, something always shows up." Barry smiled a little. "Perhaps you might be right."

After Barry had finished with the meal Iris brought him, he decided he had had enough for the evening. He closed down the office then turned towards Iris. "Ready?" Iris follows him out of the office and the two of them head to their cars to make their way back to the house.

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