thank you

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so I've come to the decision to end this book :( I loved writing for wes, but sometimes it as difficult and I did get a lot of comments about my work. nothing against anyone

thank you to everyone who has read as much as one part of this, thank you for getting it to over 100k reads, it means a lot. I published this book just for fun and to share my work with others. I had no idea that it would take off and get this many reads.

this really helped me decide what I want to do in my life, as of now I will be changing my major to scriptwriting, as its closer to what I like to do than journalism; and honestly, I don't see myself being a journalist as of now 😂 but I could possibly be writing scripts for tv shows and movies in the future!!

anyways. one last THANK YOU!! for real.

im sad to be ending this book, but i just can't seem to write about wes anymore, idk 🤷🏼‍♀️

goodbye ✌🏻

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