Chapter 01: First Night Out

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                                                                      — Wendy —

Reaching my hand into my back pocket, I pull out my small, scuffed up pocket mirror. Snapping it open, I catch sight of my reflection in the dim glow cast by street lights on either side of me. I brush back my wavy honey brown hair and take in the sight of my stark black eyeshadow as it clashes against my pale skin and outlines my blue gray eyes. Flicking the mirror to my lips, I check for imperfections in the dark cherry lipstick covering the old cat scratch on my upper lip.

Finding none, I snap the mirror closed and nervously adjust my clothes where I find them clinging to me. Taking hold of the lapel of my dark jean jacket, I draw it closer to my body, covering up the rips in my faded band-tee and the fishnet shirt underneath where the wind had caused goosebumps to pepper my skin.

I found myself wishing I could check the time as I waited for the boys to make their appearance. Dusting off my dark skinny jeans, awash with the first prickles of anxiety, I found my way over to the curb underneath the street light.

The comforting shadow of my home loomed behind me. With my back facing the driveway, I could see where the warm glow coming from my bedroom windows illuminated my flyaway hairs to a startling gold degree. My anxiety grew as the minutes ticked passed. The only outward sign of this finding its way into my fingers as they worried at a loose string on my jeans and in my beat up combat boots as I toed a stray pebble in a vain attempt to pass the time.

This was exactly why I had wanted to meet the boys tonight. This was exactly why I needed to see them. The anxiety was practically burning a hole through me and they always knew the best ways to distract me from my fears.

Tonight was the night of my first date. I was head over heels for this amazing girl. The problem was, I, also being a girl, and an awkward one at that, had spent the last two months painstakingly building up the courage to ask her out. But the need to push my mouth to form those words all but melted away when she kissed me. The words ended up falling out of their own accord and she had honestly been a little upset that I had taken her follow up question. Even now, I feel a goofy grin slip onto my face at the thought of her smiling, shocked at the surprise that we felt the same way for each other.

My smile falters as I feel a hand clamp down against my left shoulder, jarring me out of my thoughts at the silent arrival of a familiar face. Turning my head, I find myself face to face with Marko, looking angelic despite the fact that he had missed a pearl of blood at the corner of his mouth in his rushed attempt to clean up. He reaches a hand to pull me up from my makeshift spot as I say,

"Boys!", with a huff and a slight furrow to my brow, "I was starting to worry our plans had changed."

"Not a chance, little birdie, dinner ran late, is all", Paul butt in with a laugh, "You know we would never leave you hanging. Especially in your time of need."

A sly smirk has taken up residence on his face as he leaned a lazy arm across my shoulders, pulling me close in an attempt to seal his apology.

Shrugging him off with a shake of my head, I come to face the most imposing member of the group, David.

"It's clear that Marko and Paul already ate, what with Marko's hasty clean up job," I say pointing towards his mouth, "And Paul being more obnoxious than usual. But did you two have a chance to eat yet?" I ask, gesturing to him and the stoic brunet standing next to him.

Marko swipes a thumb over the corner of his smirking lips that held the reminder of his dinner, causing Paul to crow a laugh at him for botching his clean up job.

Am I safe with you boys tonight?

Plucking the thought out of my head, David replied with a cool, "We wouldn't be here, having this conversation if we were a risk to you, Wendy-bird. You are safe with us tonight. Besides, we promised to help prepare you for that date, did we not?"

Dwayne gave a curt nod in answer as the world blurred and Paul twirled me around to face him, gently holding both of my hands in his and leading me in a wild off-kilter version of a slow dance.

"No way we would miss something like this." He gazed down at me with pride clouding his features before turning to the other boys, his tone taking on a teasing lilt as he grinned, "Our kid sister's first date, can you believe it, boys?"

I playfully smack him away as I come to stand in the center of the circle full of grinning, preening, teasing boys.

"They really do grow up fast, don't they, Paul?" David said, tucking an unused cigarette behind his ear for later access. The old habit and the turn in the conversation causing a sly grin to paint his features.

"Seems like just a few days ago we found this little one, lost and afraid, crying in an alleyway behind the boardwalk." Dwayne pauses, casting a reminiscent glance towards me. "It's a good thing we found her and got her home safe before any real creeps started sniffing around her."

A noise of distaste and exasperation leaves my mouth. "I told you not to bring that up again, Dwayne. You can hardly blame me for crying. My family and I had barely been here a week before I got lost. Besides, that was hardly a few days ago. It's far closer to twelve years."

"Remind me, how old were you then?" Marko crowded, a guise of perfect innocence.

"I was only ten."

"Old enough to believe in the monsters under your bed but not old enough to be scared when faced with the real monsters, huh?" David reflected thoughtfully, erring on the side of the melodramatic.

"You were hardly terrifying. You got me back home, didn't you?" I added.

"Yes, I suppose we did, Wendy-bird." David mused. With a clap of his hands, the spell was broken.

"Let's get this show on the road, shall we? Who are you trusting with your life tonight?" David questioned.

With a snort I replied, "Definitely not you since you put it so bluntly."

"Sorry boys, little birdie is riding with me tonight. I'll make sure she doesn't fall off." Paul added crassly.

"You're not exactly inspiring confidence either, Paulie. I'm riding with Marko tonight as he had the decency to not bring up embarrassing childhood memories I'd like to suppress or mercilessly tease me as you two have." I snark back.

"I thought we were reminiscing." Dwayne called as I made my way towards Marko's bike at the end of the line. "I thought we were quite dashing back then." He continued, mumbling under his breath.

"Not dashing enough, as it turns out." I call behind me, Marko keeping pace as I sidle up beside him. I waited for him to get situated on the bike before swinging my leg over.

Getting comfortable on the bike was an easy feat at this point. Near nightly rides with the boys had become a common occurrence, one I always found myself looking forward to. Wrapping my arms snuggly around Marko's waist, I held on as he started up the motorcycle, revving it a few times before pulling away from the curb they had materialized from. He let out a high gleeful whoop and cheered; practically glowing at the thought that I chose to ride with him and clearly taking joy in taunting the other three boys as they grumbled and started up their bikes.

Marko and I quickly fell behind David as he took the lead. Although, that did not matter so much as Marko had clearly acted like he had won the grand prize of the night.

The cool Santa Carla night air whipped around us as we picked up speed, moving through the residential areas with surprising momentum. Marko's body caught a fair amount of the wind resistance but did little to stop me from chilling to the bone. His white undershirt had ridden up slightly with the force of the wind, catching just underneath my wrists. His cool skin did nothing to warm me, but it did provide a sense of safety in calming me on this risky motorcycle ride.

Leaving the residential streets of Santa Carla in the dust, we picked up speed as a group. The roar of the motorcycles clear for miles around in this sleepy coastal town. Finding myself lost to the flow of the ride, I began to loosen up. Shaky laughter bubbling up behind my lips as my heart thudded in my ears. Paul brought his bike in line with Marko's as he belted out a bright laugh seeing me enjoying myself. As if on cue, the other boys began to crow their laughter to the night sky, hooting and hollering as if we were the only ones that mattered.

The asphalt slowly shifted to sand as we neared the confines of their local haunt. The boys seemed to grow rowdier the closer we got to the nightlife of Santa Carla's boardwalk and the promise of still beating hearts they knew it held.

In the shifting sands, the boys bobbed and weaved their bikes around Marko's, showing off if only to get a rise out of me. My view became limited as I held my face against Marko's patchwork jacket, a smile painting my features, as I did my best to ward off the stray sand.

I let out a breathless laugh as the ride came to a sudden end, the boys pulling into their usual spots in the parking lot. Pausing only to pull my face away from Marko's shoulder when I felt the engine cut out underneath me.

Marko shifted as he hopped off his bike with practiced ease, holding it steady as he reached out a hand to help me off. Paul was clearly still pouting over the fact that I hadn't chosen to ride with him. He swooped in to pull me off the back of Marko's bike and into his arms before either of us had the chance to react.

Marko let his hand fall with a disapproving tilt to his lips as he mockingly gritted out, "Wendy chose to ride with me for a reason, Paul. Could you at least not steal her away before I have the chance to make her fall in love with me?" Marko flashed a wink in my direction as he said these last words.

I find myself trying to wiggle out of Paul's grasp once again that night. Seeming to have reached his limit at playfully letting me evade him, his grip only tightens around my shoulders, keeping me firmly in place. Knowing my struggle is now in vain, I lean back against his cool chest, a slight glimmer in my eyes as I turn to the angel-faced blond,

"Marko, we both know the only one falling in love with you here is Paul," I hold up a hand as I jerk my thumb in Paul's direction. My voice effectively taking on a teasing lilt as I jab a slight innuendo in the duos' direction, "My mistake, he's the only one falling more in love with you as each passing nightfall swallows up the sky."

I can feel the silent laughter rumbling through Paul's chest as he fights to keep himself from outwardly displaying his satisfaction at my teasing.

Marko tries and fails to hide his smile as he reaches out and snags me from Paul's grasp, succeeding only while the taller blond is distracted.

Paul reaches out to grab the sleeve of my jean jacket with an indignant huff and sighs, looking defeated when he comes up a few inches short.

Marko looks pleased despite himself as he drawls in a false old-timey western accent, "Deary me, boys. What have we gone and taught the little lady for her to utter such blasphemous profanities in our near-holy presence."

"Oh, don't you dare act so innocent, mister!" I supply, caught between the smile threatening to bloom across my face and the laugh that bubbles up after, "It doesn't exactly take a genius to figure out that you two are as thick as thieves, as they say."

Paul huffs an approving laugh, leaning back against his motorcycle as he lights a joint. Taking a drag, he tries to smooth the situation over, "We're not extremely obvious, babe. You're just extremely observant."

"I'd quit while you're ahead, Paulie, 'less you want to upset your actual babe."

Marko joins in teasing Paul with a, "Wouldn't want someone to sleep in the dog house tonight, would we, dear Paulie?" The arch of his brows aiding the tilt of his head in daring Paul to continue.

Paul breaks eye contact with him, crushing the remainder of his joint beneath his boot, feeling slightly put out as he mumbles a snide, "We don't even have a dog house, Marko. You think you would know that seeing as you're being a bit of a bi–" Paul cuts himself off as Marko's eyebrow continues to rise with each passing word.

"What were you about to say, Paulie?" Marko cut in.

"You're being a party pooper, babe."

Marko gives a distant, "Uh-huh?", as he breaks away from my side and moves to playfully tackle Paul.

The two break apart, laughing and looking unceremoniously frazzled as their leader clears his throat. Seeming to have had enough of their antics, David starts forward motioning the others to follow.

Casting a look at the bleach blond's back, I imagined he was reprimanding the pair telepathically for causing a scene on my big night and was promptly proven right when Paul let out a pouting, "He started it when he took my little birdie out for a ride. It was my turn tonight."

With a laugh I pulled the pair along as I said, "You can give me a ride back home tonight if you want, Paul." I try to reach up and ruffle his hair, falling short as he dodges around me.

"Too slow, Wendy!" He calls as he races past.

Taking in the sights and sounds never fails to amaze him, or the other boys it would seem. The sight makes the corners of my lips twitch upwards in an unknowing smile.

We make our way down the boardwalk at an inching, snail's pace. Able to take the rare opportunity to appreciate the setting and look around. Most nights I accompany the boys to the boardwalk, they drag me from place to place without ever giving me a chance to really meander and see what I am naturally drawn to. Since the boys were effectively hyping me up for my date tonight, they let me set the pace for the first and probably last time.

I tap Dwayne on the shoulder waiting till he bends closer to my small frame before I grin, not saying a word as I hop on his back. Without missing a beat, his hands slide underneath the crook of my knees while my arms find themselves lazily wrapped around his broad shoulders.

Resting my head on his shoulder, I see the soft smile tugging at his lips. I smile in return before my attention is drawn away from him, to focus on the shops that line the beginning of the boardwalk.

Water laps at the edge of the boardwalk, nearly drowned out by the sounds of the nearby amusement park rides and the joyful screams they elicit.

The wood underneath Dwayne's feet creaks slightly with my added weight as we near the first shop. The street lights hold their steady glow, providing a beacon in the night for those looking to have some fun, humans and supernatural creatures alike.

It is a rarity to come to this particular section of the boardwalk. The boys only like me to visit when I'm with them, due to all the bad elements around that would likely harass me if I were alone at night.

Coming to a stop, David's cold blue gaze settles on mine, "Where too?"

Dwayne turns his head to the side, trying to see as much of my face as he can, "You said there was a second hand bookstore that you liked around here, right?"

I gave a small nod of affirmation, gesturing forward with a jut of my chin, "Yeah, it should be just a bit farther down."

David gave a curt nod and replied with a teasing display of both hands laid out in mock supplication, "Sounds perfect. It might just do you some good to fill that pretty little head of yours with stories, get your mind off all those worries. After all, as your stand-in brothers it's our job to make sure the education system doesn't fail you. We want to make sure you grow up with enough smarts to back up that snarky mouth you got, kid. It doesn't do to get yourself into trouble you can't get yourself out of, right boys?"

The four boys share a quiet laugh, partially at my expense before they halt in place at the sound of my stomach growling softly.

Marko starts in with, "Really? Wendy can give us crap about making sure we've eaten but she herself won't even bother to eat?"

Dwayne shifts in my direction again as he softly asks, "When did you last eat?"

I shift slightly in his arms, feeling a bit sheepish as I say, "Probably about six or seven hours ago. I've been so nervous about this date that I guess I haven't really eaten much today."

Warmth floods my face as Dwayne departs from the group, leaving me no choice but to follow. He stops walking once he reaches a nearby food stand. If you can really even call it food. Everything in sight is jam packed with sugar.

I wait, awkwardly perched on Dwayne's back as he pays the vendor and hands a package of Cotton Candy back to me. Sheepishly taking the bag, I tap him gently on the shoulder so he can let me down. Popping open the package, I pinch a mouthful of Cotton Candy between my fingers, taking it out and letting it melt in my mouth. I feel Paul's presence beside me once again as he says,

"Hey! Why don't you ever buy me Cotton Candy when I haven't eaten?" Paul pouts, looking longingly in my direction.

Dwayne reaches over me and quickly swipes out a hand to flick Paul on the forehead. He gives a toss of his head as he says,

"Because, idiot, you don't pass out if you go too long without eating."

David swoops in, effectively pushing past the boys and silencing their bickering, but not before Marko grabs a small chunk of my Cotton Candy and teasingly relishes its taste in Paul's line of sight. Through the chaos, David turns to me and continues, "Dwayne is right, Wendy. Nervous or not, you still need to eat. We'll make sure you get something to eat before your date. Well, something more substantial than Cotton Candy at least," cutting himself off as he comes to stand beneath the bookstore's crooked wooden sign that charmingly reads Benson's Second Hand Books.

"But for now," he continues, "It seems we've reached our destination."

Marko chimes in as he passes David with a quirk of his eyebrow, "Now's the time for mischief, we can discuss food later."

He holds the door open as we file past him into the hole-in-the-wall bookshop. The echo of the windchimes falls on my ears, alerting the owner of our presence. There is a warm glow present in the stacks of books that is not found in the harsh light of the street lamps, almost as though this store is a safe haven. I feel myself breathing out a sigh of relief as I find myself in my element once again.

The boys shoulder past me, seeing what interest books they can dig up as I am called into a pleasant greeting by the owner.

"Wendy! It's so good to see you in our little shop again!"

The well-meaning middle aged man continues hesitantly when he registers who I've arrived with.

"I see you've brought some friends with you this time around," his once cheerful smile growing strained. He beckons me closer to stealthily whisper, "Now, I know it's not my business, young lady, but I feel I need to give you a fair warning when it comes to those boys. You would not believe the stories I have heard–" he pauses breaking off in a barely suppressed shiver.

"I've seen glimpses of those boys hanging around you quite a lot the last few months, especially at night. You come right to me if any of those boys so much as looks at you in a way you don't like, alright dear? I'm more than happy to call the police on those hooligans if I have to." he finishes, casting a glance at the boys and smoothing a hand through his salt and pepper hair.

My posture becomes noticeably rigid at the thought of the police getting on the

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