Paper Walls

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Tommy woke up that Tuesday morning with a horrible feeling, in his gut he knew something bad was going to happen. First it was abnormally cold and he hadn't slept well leaving him exhausted, second he had school which to him was always bad.

Wilbur and Techno were silent in the car neither one even glancing back at him, it was strange and rather confusing when they'd glance at each other with guilty looks. The school was brick and looked like a normal prison for children with one difference posters covered the walls and blew over the ground.

His phone buzzed as Wilbur pulled into the school and looked to see a message from Tubbo.

"Don't look at the walls!"

Tommy tilts his head in condition looking up from his phone to the school, large groups were gathered all along the walls. A boy in a bright green hoodie was staring down there car, their eyes meet and then Tommy turned away to look a Techno and Wilbur.

"Is something going on?" He asks as Techno gets out, Wilbur remained in the car locking the doors to keep Tommy in. "Let Techno deal with it."

Tommy turned and watched from the car as Techno grabbed the boy in the green hoodie they definitely were arguing. "Wilbur what's happening?" He asks looking to the older boy.

"Nothing Tommy. Just play a game on your phone or something."

Tommy didn't do as he was told instead turning to watch the argument that quickly dissolved into a fist fight, then a three v. one. Techno vs the guy in the hoodie and his two friends. Wilbur got out of the car leaving Tommy locked in the backseat. He watched as the lanky man threw his keys to Schlatt before taking on a boy with big glass.

Tommy huffed having enough of being treated like a child, reaching into the front and unlocking his door. Once he got the door open he wished he hadn't, on the ground was one of the posters facing upwards, taunting him. It wasn't a poster for a school sport it was about him.

'The Innit Fire.' The head line that had been haunting him for years shoved, yet again, into his face.

He took a deep breath and picked up the poster, sliding himself out of the car. His mind was hazy, he didn't feel anything as he reread the news artical for the millionth time in his life. At one point in his life he would have sobbed on the spot but now not even a pang of sadness touched his heart. He walked silently towards the school, letting the paper in his hands fall.

Tommy looked over and read every paper as he slowly plucked them from the wall. He felt Tubbo's hand on his shoulder long before he registered he was being touched, he hardly realised when the papers in his hands were taken.

When had the fight stopped? When had people started to stare? Why couldn't this stay in the past? Why did everyone have to bring this up?

Tubbo was talking as he lead Tommy away from the wall, but it just sounded like gibberish. He didn't understand the words other than 'bee'.

When did Phil get here?

Tommy stared at the older man for a long time before it sunk in. "Am I in trouble?" He asked quietly as he let his eyes fall, more of the posters were on the ground.

"No." Phil said though it didn't comfort Tommy. He pinned one of the posters beneath his foot and used his other one to ripe it in half.

"Can I go home?" He looks up through his lashes, he might be taller but right now he felt small, he was hunched over with his head down. "Yes Tommy I'm gonna take you home." Phil's voice was gentler as he lightly hugged Tommy.

Tommy didn't reciprocate the hug but he leaned his head against him. "Can you go with Wil to the car?" He asks partly letting go, Tommy nodded slowly.


The car ride had been silent seeing as it was just Tommy and Phil in one car, Techno having chosen to ride home with Wil after both were suspended for a week. Tommy had one of the posters still in his hands Tubbo hadn't managed to get it away from him.

"Are you okay?" Phil asks once they're both inside. Tommy looked at the paper in his hand for a long second before balling it up. "Yup, fine." He grumbles a thick wall being formed in his head, a wall to protect what little his mind had left.

"Happens every time." He mutters kicking off his shoes and picking them up. "I'm gonna go back to bed." With that he went up the stairs to his room leaving Phil alone by the kitchen.

He nearly ran into Ranboo at the top of the stairs but luckly the taller boy was quick and managed to move out of the way. Tommy muttered an apology before closing and locking his door, he slid down it too drained to make it to his bed.

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