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"He's finally getting his baby,"

Kit smiled and thought about how happy Ming would be once Beam told him.

"You ok?"

Yo asked and Kit nodded.

"Ming's gonna be really happy,"

Kit said.

"I hope Beam tells him soon, it was so hard to keep that a secret,"

Yo said and immediately covered his mouth when he saw Forth looking shocked from the doorway to the kitchen.

"Beam's pregnant?"

Forth was shocked and happy at the same time, and slightly jealous, but overall really happy.

"Yeah... Don't tell him you know though - Kit isn't even supposed to know,"

Yo mumbled and got up when Bam started crying. Thank god for babies saving awkward situations. Yo ran upstairs leaving Kit to explain to Forth that MingBeam (technically all of them) are having a baby.

"Wow... Why didn't Beam tell us?"

Forth asked.

"I was scared you'd get mad,"

And here comes Beam. Walking in through the back door after going to class. Well, half a class. He's not feeling well and Pha told him to go home, and that he'll finish his work for him. Beam was scared that Forth would be mad that Ming was the one to get him pregnant and not him. They both aren't fans of kids, but after Bam was born they both talked about possibly having one as well... and now they are, but not together... Which Forth doesn't mind. He's just slightly jealous...

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