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No, the title of this chapter isnt a typo.


I stared out the window, waiting for the familiar flash of brown hair. Yeah, it's been many years since I had last seen my little sister. See, when I was young, my parents split. Dad took Jamie and Mom took me and Connor. Connor was six months when they split. I remember how we held on to eachother for dear life, only to be separated anyway. I lived my life on, never forgetting her. I only remember brown hair, a family trait. I missed her, and Jerome kinda filled in that empty place where she was before. We are like brothers. But now she had appeared again, not even three months ago! Apparently our biological dad had passed, and she had no where to go. So she asked if she could stay here, and I, excited to see my sister again, said yes. Maybe I should have asked the guys, but nah. I'm a grown man, I know what I'm doing.

Oh, but if anyone goes for her, you can expect hell from me.

A honk broke me from my thoughts. Down below my second story room in the drive way was an unfamiliar black car. And stepping out of it was a stunning young woman with brown hair, dyed red in some places. She pulled out three suit cases, then the car sped off. She yelled profanities at the vehicle as it left. I basically fell to the floor trying to run out to greet her. I stood up, dusted off my white shirt, quickly grabbed my checkered hoodie, and bolted down the stairs. Jerome nearly slammed into me. Apparently we both wanted to see her. Being the jag I am, I shoved past him and made my way outside. There I saw her better. Her frame was hugged by skinny jeans and a tight white shirt. She had a red heart necklace around her neck and a brown leather band around her right wrist. Her eyes were a uncommon bright blue with grey flecks. She had a red jacket on with black designs in Japanese, I think. She looked up at me, smiling a wide smile.

" MIIIITCH! " She yelled, throwing herself at me. I had just enough time to throw out my arms and catch her. She hugged tight. Like pain tight.

" Jamiiiie! YOU HUG TOO TIGHT. " I managed to get out. She let go and chuckled nervously. Just then, a wild bacca jumps on my back, sending both of us sprawling. Jamie erupts into laughter again. Rob and Vikk make it outside, just to see this. I groan and stand up, helped by Vikk. Jerome throws his arms in the air.

" NO REGRETS! " He yells. Jamie goes into another fit of laughing. When she finally calms down after what seems like an hour, she gives Jerome one of her bone breaking hugs. Jerome has to beg her to let go.

" So, a few things Mitch. One, you didn't tell me Jerome was here. Two, you didn't say how many other guys live here. Third, you better have grape juice and cool ranch Doritos, because my ride just ditched me and those are the necessary items for my existence. " She says, her hands on her hips. Jerome audibly face palms.

" You haven't changed at all. Wow. " I mock gasp. She rolls her eyes and grabs one of her bags.

" Be a lamb and help me, please. " She requests. Rob shrugs and grabs a bag, I grab the other. I go in the lead and show her to the guest bed room, well, one of them. She tosses her suit case down and flops on the bed, sighing loudly. " THANKS BRO. " She yelled through the covers.

" No prob lil sis. " I reply before leaving, dragging a staring Rob behind me. I pull him into the kitchen, where, luckily, the rest of the pack are. " Okay, now that you've all gathered here, " I started, but Jerome interrupted.

" Mitch we all just wanted some food loots. " I face palm and continue.

" Yep. Just gonna say while your here, no googly eyes at my sister, no flirting with her, no. Just no. " I finally say. Rob raises an eye brow.

" Seriously dood? " He asks. I nod, giving them a displeasured face. Vikk throws his hands in the air.

" I wasn't even gonna, but now I definitely am not. " Vikk exclaims, turning around and exiting the kitchen. I stare violently at Rob and Lachlan. Lachlan throws his hands in the air and leaves too. Rob shrugs and exits. Jerome is holding back laughter.

" Oh buddy you made them terrified. " He managed to push out. I shook my head and keft to the living room, where apparently Rob was chatting with Jamie, who, if I know her like I do, put off unpacking. I walked up to them, waving as I did so.

" So what's up sis? " I ask casually. Then, and only then, do I see the ecstatic look on her face. Oh god. Did she... Oh hell no.

" Noooothing! " She exclaimed, looking giddeir giddeir by the second.

" You are hiding something. I know you. Just spit it out. " I command. She breathes deeply, before speaking.

" Well you know how I liked video games and stuff? Well i decided a year or two ago to make a channel, and I currently have 300,000 subscribblers. Other than posting I watch videos and it just happens that I watched a shit ton of Woofless videos. AND DO YOU KNOW WHO THIS MAJESTIC HUMAN HERE IS?! It's dat guy. I also watched you and Jerome, and that was the reason why I asked dad before he died what your number was. AND TADA! " She said all of the fast, but not fast enough. I was slightly pissed. Okay, the whole keep-my-sister-from-falling-for-one-of-my-friends plan was going down hill. She was a fan of Woofless, and by her description of him, a big fan. Oh my job just got a shit ton harder.

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