Welcome to the Family.... Again (Synyster Gates) 11

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Hi guys!!!!! thanks to everyone that read, voted, and commented!!!! sorry this chap is lng but i had to write it lol

so i hope you enjoy it!!!!!!

fan vote and comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sydney's POV

I giggle against jimmy as I watched Rory and Syn come out of the pantry. I saw that her cheeks were bright red, but what can I say. When you fool around in the pantry someone will find you sooner or later. Especially with these guys around, they are always hungry. Syn gently grabbed her, pulling her against him as they went back to talking to his dad.

"They are so cute together" I smiled watching them still

"Yes they totally are" Wednesday jump down onto the couch, pulling matt with her

"I don't remember the last time I've seen her this happy" I laughed, intertwining my hand with jimmy's

"I know miss gloomy Gus over there, finally has a boyfriend." Wednesday kissed matt's cheek snuggling against his chest "yeah but your right, she hasn't been this happy since Ren" I glared at Wednesday, hoping she would take the hint to shut up about Ren.

"Finally?" jimmy asked smiling big, giving me his best cute face ever. I sighed in relief that he didn't pick up on that last part; we definitely didn't need that to come up.

"yes, mister" I leaned up kissing his lips, my hands going to his side tickling him a bit "do you have a problem with that?"

"No, no.....NO" he was laughing so hard trying to squirm out of my grasp.

"That's what I thought" I gave him a wink, as I stopped tickling him.

"Well ill see you later everyone, it was nice meeting you girls. Remember keep these guys out of trouble" Mr. Haner laughed walking out of the kitchen, heading for the door.

"Bye papa gates!!" the guys yelled before he left. I smiled and saw Rory and syn walk back in the room.

"Ah man, what did your dad want?" zacky asked, as he started to play with em's hair

"He asked to be our band, at the wedding" syn's eyes rolled, and everyone burst out laughing.

"Did you say no at least" zacky was laughing so hard I could barely understand him.

"Ror told him he could" I watched syn jump over the couch landing next to matt

"Ah dude your fucked!! I hope he sings that blowup doll song" jimmy laughed and I hit him in the ribs

"Blow up doll song?" I looked over seeing Rory, looking at the guys nervously

"Yes, but that wont be for awhile, we are going back in the studio in two weeks" syn reached his hand out wanting Rory to join him, but she just sat down in the chair behind them.

"so you have time to make up an excuse that tells your dad he cant be the band" I looked at jimmy frowning, I mean syn's dad cant be that bad.

"yeah I guess" syn frowned, I could tell he didn't want to break his dad's heart over this situation.

We quietly sat there watching tv together for the rest of the day. I was snuggled against jimmy. Even though we only meet months ago, I loved him. He was like my other half, when we were together, everything is possible. I sneakily looked up at him, smiling seeing his handsome face.

"babe its not polite to stare" jimmy laughed pulling me closer to him "if you want a picture you should have asked." I smacked him on the shoulder, feeling happy that he was mine.

Rory's POV

*several months later*

I smiled to myself as I drove home from work. Life hasn't been this good in so long. Wednesday, syd, em and I got an apartment near the guys. We wanted to keep our distance, but still be there when we were needed. Not to mention the guys have been hard at work on their new album. So they were slightly testy, when the got home from a long days work. Especially syn, so I tried to keep my distance as much as I could. But their album was going to be released in a few weeks. So this war zone that we all lived in, will soon be gone..... hopefully. I wasn't going to hold my breath though.

"of course today I had to draw the short straw and pick the guys up" I rolled my eyes as I pulled into the studio parking lot. I smiled seeing syn standing outside smoking. Fuck, I hated when he smoked.... And drank, but what can I do, he's a fucking rock star, and that's what they do.

I got out of the car and I quietly walked up behind him. He has been freaking oblivious to the world for the past few months. Every waking moment he was either at home or in the studio playing his guitar.

"hi sexy" I grinned, when he turned around, cigarette in his mouth. He gave me a smile that sent shivers threw my body. Lately he hasn't been the nicest person to deal with, but I still loved him and wanted to make him smile.

"why are you here" this was so typical, not even a hello.

"its ten o'clock syn, I'm here to drive you all home" walking closer to him, I grabbed his cigarette out of his hand, and I took a hit off it. I've never smoked a day before; I just wanted to take it from him. I started gagging and I threw the cig on the floor, putting it out with my shoe.

"why the fuck did you do that? You just fucking wasted it" he glared at me, before he stormed off inside the studio. I got back in the car, trying to fight the erg to ball my eyes out. Which was a feeling that I got a lot lately. Shortly after syn stormed off inside, the guys came out, most of them seemed to be in a good mood.

"rory!!! Guess what I did today!!!" jimmy jumped into the passenger seat smiling at me. I quickly calmed myself, looking back at him

"what did you do jimmy?" I smiled reaching over messing his hair up.

"I played the.... Drums!!!" I laughed. Leave it to jimmy to make my day better.

"well, jimmy I hate to break the news to you, but you play the drums everyday"

"who told you!!! That was supposed to be a secret" I smiled and I buckled my seat belt. What can I say, I loved jimmy, and he made my days better. He was basically like another brother to me.

"rory? We were wondering if we can stay at the apartment tonight?" matt asked looking at me threw the rear view mirror.

"yeah of course, as long as there is no fighting, arguing, and especially no talking about the album. You guys should relax" I smiled back looking at matt, zacky, and Johnny.

"thanks" matt smiled, but my heart sank when I noticed syn wasn't in the car

"syn not coming?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.

"no he's not. Im sorry rory" I frowned, jimmy most have noticed because he put his hand on my back rubbing it.

"ok" I pulled out of the parking lot, watching to see if syn changed his mind, but he didn't. So I kept driving, not really paying attention to the guys. They needed a break from this; they have been working on this album everyday for the past five months. Soon enough I was pulling into our own driveway. The guys quickly getting out of the car, running straight into the apartment. I slowly followed them in, smiling when I saw them all in the kitchen with the girls.

"good night" I took of my nikes and I waved goodnight to them, heading towards my room.

"what do you mean goodnight?" jimmy asked following me

'im tired jimmy, im going to bed that's all" I smiled at him before closing the door to my room. I sighed throwing myself on the bed, my erg to cry stronger then ever tonight. Rory what is wrong with you!! Keep it together. I laid there just thinking for a bit. That's when I heard the phone ring. Someone must have answer it and put it on speak phone cause I could hear it. I got up heading out into the hallway listening.

"Where the hell is that worthless bitch, she fucking left me at the fucking studio" I heard syn yell threw the phone, I could tell he was drunk. Either way his words hit me hard, hard enough that it felt like I couldn't breath. "well fuck her..... tell her to go die in hell, and leave me alone. I don't need her annoying ass here bothering me anymore" that's when the phone went to the dial tone.

"rory?" syd ran down the hall towards me, I just put my hands up keeping her away from me as I walked back into my room. I curled up in to a ball on the floor beside the bed. His words piercing my heart every time I replayed them in my mind. What did I do.... I layed there for what felt like days but It was only a couple hours.

"rory?" I heard jimmy open the door, and soon he was laying down next to me "im sorry rory, he's drunk and didn't know what he was saying" I just stared at him, unable to cry since I cried so much already. "rory, say something...." I continued to stare at him, not wanting to talk.

Jimmy's POV

I got up from the floor, leaving rory there, in all the years ive know her, she's never gone silent. Syn really fucking hurt her this time, and I don't know how he's ever going to fix this. I walked down the hall back to where the guys were. That's when the door bell rang, I looked over to matt and gave him a weird glance.

"going to get that?" syd asked staring at me. I open the door and was bum rushed by someone

"where the fuck is she???"

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