Chapter 9

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You were running through the dark forest. It was cold. Your lungs were burning from working so hard and it felt as if your skin was being nipped at from all over from the freezing air. You were being chased, by something even darker than your surroundings. You were so out of breath you couldn't scream for help. What was it? What was the thing after you. It didn't look human. It wasn't human. You couldn't keep running, you could barely breathe and you could feel your legs wanting to give out. You hid behind a large fallen tree. You tried to quiet your rapid breathing as best as you could as you sat and listened. You couldn't see it was so dark but you looked around anyhow. Once you had regained your breath you realized how eerily quiet it was. Where had it gone? Did you successfully hide and escape the terrible creature? Your thoughts came to a sudden halt when you heard a snap from behind you. You quickly turned to see where the sound had come from. Nothing. You sighed a breath of relief and you sat back down. But when you opened your eyes it was there. You screamed as the darkness swallowed you whole.

You shot up from your bed as your eyes snapped open. Your breathing was frantic and nearly uncontrollable. Suddenly your door opened and Kylo entered the room. "Are you alright?" He asked and you could see how worried he was. "I-I'm fine." You said, but you were still out of breath. "Why do I sense immense stress from you?" He asked as he neared you. You looked up at him like a deer in headlights. Kylo sat down at the end of your bed and you swallowed dryly. "I-" You began but you shamefully looked away from him. "I had a nightmare." You said, you could feel your face heating up in embarrassment. Luckily for you it was too dark for Kylo to see. "Here." Kylo said softly as he held out his hand. You looked at his hand and then at him, unsure of what to do. "Trust me." Kylo reassured you. You gently placed your hand on his. His hand was rough, and strong. But he made sure to be careful with you. You suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over you. It felt as if your stress was being pulled away and you were calm again. "H-How did you do that?" You asked as you pulled your hand away gently from his. You looked at him with pure curiosity. "It's.. it's a trick the Jedi use to calm their Padawan." Kylo said to which you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Half of that sentence made no sense to you. Kylo smiled sympathetically and shook his head. "Never mind." He said as he stood to leave. You then made the bold move of reaching for him. "Wait." You said as you gently grabbed onto his wrist. Kylo looked at you curiously and he looked down at his wrist and your hand. "Please stay." You let out, almost as a whisper. Kylo stared at you blankly for a moment. He then nodded and then climbed into the bed next to you. You faced away from Kylo just as he faced away from you. You felt more calm knowing you had someone beside you. As much as he was a stranger to you he comforted you. You then slowly started to fall back asleep and just as you were you felt an arm wrap around you.


Kylo had woken up before you this time. It was early morning and the sunlight was peeking through your curtains. He looked down at you as he had his arm wrapped around you. His heart was probably beating faster than yours the previous night. He was even become paranoid that he may wake you. He examined your sleeping face, you were completely at peace and that made him calmer. He saw the way your eyelashes curled and how a strand of hair laid gently on your soft cheek. He brushed the strand away as he admired your beauty in the morning sunlight. Your skin felt soft against his finger tips Kylo Ren realized how awestruck he was with your beauty. Kylo knew he was beginning to feel something from you the second day of you two meeting. Kylo couldn't explain what he was feeling at first but now he was getting a pretty good idea. But the Supreme Leader of the First Order, the Leader of the Knights of Ren, falling in love with a girl who's never even left her own home planet. Kylo pushed the thought out of his mind. He didn't care where you had been. You were special to him. You looked at him, and talked to him like no other. You weren't afraid to face him and tell him what he was doing wrong. And that is why he had felt so terrible when you explained to him why you were angry. Otherwise he wouldn't have apologized, he most likely would have killed you if you were anyone else. Kylo knew he had to get up however, as much as he didn't want to leave you he needed to check on Phasma and the crew. Kylo carefully shifted to let your sleeping body gently slide off of his. Kylo could sense how much more calm you were then when he had woken up to a sense of shear terror and pain. Which led Kylo to the question, why did he have such a strong connection to you through the force? He could feel almost everything you were feeling, that being when he wasn't caught up in his own whirl pool of emotions. Once Kylo had climbed out of the bed he gave you one last look over and then exited the room. He still wasn't quite sure just what he had gotten himself into.


You woke up some time in the afternoon. You sat up and realized you were alone again, but a scent lingered, it was Kylo's. Had he stayed? Or had he left after you had fallen asleep? You shook the thoughts from your mind and got out of bed. You combed your fingers through your messy bed hair as you walked out into the main living area. You saw no one so you figured Kylo was in the kitchen, or at least you thought it was Kylo. You knew someone was here. As you entered the kitchen your hypothesis was correct. Kylo was sitting there on an odd device that looked like a holographic tablet. "Sleep well?" Kylo asked which surprised you as you hadn't realized he knew you were there. "Yes. Thank you." You simply stated. It wasn't as awkward this time, you seemed to feel... more comfortable... around Kylo. You sat down across from him and stared at the device in his hands for a moment. "What is that?" You asked pointing to the device in his hand. "This is a holo pad. I get most of my work done through here. Right now I'm getting updates on our ship's condition." He simply stated as he looked at you. "And how is the ship?" You asked him to which he smiled slightly. "Well surprisingly it should be in working condition within a week or so." Kylo said to which you felt almost.. saddened. You were beginning to get attached to these people. Even though they were basically aliens, to you they were people. They meant something to you, they interested you, they made you laugh. But they were leaving you and you didn't want them gone. "Do you think.. after you leave you'll forget about me, and Earth?" You asked, you were too shy to look at him after you asked the silly question but you wanted an answer. "I doubt so. This has been a very... Interesting experience." He said and you looked up at him. Kylo was looking at you with his chocolate brown eyes, he seemed almost in a daze looking at you. But he blinked and cleared his throat as he looked down at his holo pad. "And what about you?" He questioned to which you airily laughed. "I wouldn't ever forget about this. This will definitely be the most interesting thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life." You said to which Kylo smiled and laughed a little. "Sounds like your life is a little boring." Kylo said with a smirk playing on his lips to which you rolled your eyes and laughed. "Well it's not everyday an alien crash lands on earth, takes you captive, and asks for your help." You replied to which Kylo gulped at your response. Kylo inhaled and exhaled deeply. "You... You don't have to be here still if you'd like to go home." Kylo looked as if he regreted his words, and you were taken aback by his words. Did you even want to leave? This was supposed to be your vacation, the one time you'd be away from your family until you would go to college. Then at college you'd have to deal with more annoying people in a completely different way.

Home. It wasn't a word that felt warm to you, quite opposite actually. Your home life wasn't the best, and of course Marie knew this. Although your parents didn't know she knew. Your home life was tworn apart, parents were constantly fighting and your siblings you were also fighting with. You looked down at the table in shame, although Kylo couldn't have known you still felt as if it was an open wound everyone could see. "You don't want to go back?" Kylo asked confused, you looked up at him and shook your head. "Home isn't my favorite place honestly." You chuckled airily, trying to rid some of the tension in the air. "Why's that?" Kylo asked softly, as if not to harm you. You shook your head and looked back down in shame, with a hefty sigh you let out the truth. "Honestly my home is broken, no one is happy there. Maybe we look like it on the outside, and we can definitely put on a well put together act.. However... No one really gets along, and they never really have. It makes me wonder if we were even supposed to be a family at all. They're all such strangers to me." You said as you picked at a chipped piece of wood on the table. You didn't cry, this didn't make you cry. How could you be upset over people you hardly know anyhow? "I'm sorry." Kylo said as he cleared his throat. "I have a similar experience of.. Not really understanding or getting along with my family." Kylo said and you looked up to see his eyes. You could see the emotion in them, this was one of those tender and few times that Kylo would open up to you, and you would take in every moment. You looked at Kylo expectantly, as you waited for him to finish his story. "I-I was betrayed by my family... They let me go first and so when the time came I had to leave them to become someone better." He said to which you nodded your head in understanding and gave him a sympathetic smile. "Sometimes, you just have to do what is best for yourself, so you can do better for others." You said to which Kylo faintly smiled and stated, "You're much wiser than you appear Miss Y/L." You smiled and chuckled slightly, "You're not as mean and egotistical as you first appear, Kylo Ren." You joked to which Kylo's smile grew wider in amusement.

You and Kylo stayed up late that night, talking about past experiences and even what you'd hope to do in the future. Surprisingly enough Kylo and yourself had quite a lot in common. You couldn't help but feel your heart race and your cheeks burn up every time he complimented you in the slightest. That night you were able to see a truer side of Kylo Ren. Maybe he wasn't has monstrous as he was made out to be.

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