Chapter 6

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You most likely wouldn't have woken up until near afternoon if it weren't for the arm that wrapped around you. You were still asleep so you weren't quite sure what was going on. Until you peeled your eyes open and looked around. You felt someone beside you, their warm breath trickled down the nape of your neck. You shuttered at the feeling as your senses hightened quicker than a regular morning. You were too scared to move as you remembered Kylo was sleeping behind you, as well as his arm now draped around your fragile body. But after a moment you slowly started to relax again, it was almost as if it were instinct. The sun was just peeking out from your window as it was rising. 'Too early' You mentally groaned. However you felt as if you needed to get up, go do something. Or maybe it was the fact of not wanting to face the embarassment of Kylo waking up to find his arm wrapped around you. You gently tried to pry yourself from his grip, careful not to wake him up. At first Kylo had tugged you back, just gently, nothing too harsh. You tried once more and he tugged a little harder this time. Your face was flushed at this point and as you tried for the third time you managed to successfully get out of his grip without him waking up.

You walked out into the kitchen to find a tall, blond figure standing there. You froze but it- SHE turned around. Her percing blue eyes bored back into your own. "Good morning Miss Y/L." The familiar voice of Phasma spoke up. You gave a polite smile, "Good morning, Captain Phasma." You remembered to call her by her correct title, to which you saw a quick flash of a smile. "Would you like me to make you some breakfast? I'm sure you're hungry." You said politely, she wasn't being as harsh as before. So maybe this was a chance to earn her trust. Phasma tilted her head, "That would be most appreciated Miss Y/L." She said stepping away from the counters and cooking areas to give me space.

You worked on some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. As well as pouring cups of orange juice, you figured Kylo would be up soon. "Scrambled eggs, with bacon, toast, and the beverage of orange juice." You said as you place the plate and glass of juice down before Phasma. She looked at you momentarily as it seemed as if she were scared to eat it. "I made your leader some as well." You said as you sat down, having your own plate of food and digging in. Once Phasma watched you eat, she began to eat it as well. You noticed from underneath your eyelashes how her blue eyes would light up every time she tried something new. Soon after Kylo walked out of the room and joined you two at the table. You quickly got up and grabbed his plate full of food, which was luckily still warm. "Scrambled eggs with bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice." You said once more as you placed the food before Kylo.

He looked at if carefully for a moment, a stray piece of his raven hair fell before he picked up the fork and began to eat. Feeling a little uncomfortable you decided to finish eating and clean up. "Um, I'll be getting ready." You said, making sure to be a little louder so you wouldn't be walked in on for a second time. Once you closed the door you raced to get dressed, as you were, for whatever reason, still terrified of being walked in on again. Once you finished you fixed your hair and walked back out. You walked to the kitchen to not see, Phasma, nor Kylo. Your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion until you heard shuffling in the living room. You went in there to see the pair sitting on the couch, they were speaking until they were inturrupted by you walking in. Kylo then stood tall, your heart skipped a beat, never getting over how he stood so tall. "Captain Phasma and I have decided that I and a trooper will accompany you while we look for more scraps." He said, as he held his hands behind his back and approached you. Heat rose to your cheeks every step he took. You gulped and nodded in response. "Now if you'll excuse us. We're going to change." Captain Phasma said as she left the living room. Kylo lingered for a moment, he hovered over you as he stared into your eyes, his eyes flickering between your pair of eyes every so often. You felt a sudden sharp pain in your mind and you grimaced, to which it immediately stopped.

Kylo walked around you, leaving you to stand alone in the living room, with a small lingering headache.


After Captain Phasma switched places with another armored man you had gotten in the car, momentarily forgetting that the pair may have never gotten in a car before. You helped them in the car, Kylo sitting in the front and what he called a 'First Order Trooper' sat in the back. You switched on the car and backed out of the drive way. "We're on our way to the closest town, it's about 30 minutes away." You informed as you left the dirt road and onto a paved one. "And this town, you know it well?" Kylo asked to which you shook your head. "I've only driven past it." You explained. When you neared the town you spoke up. "I don't think either of you should go out... like that." You said, refering to their clothing. Kylo turned his head to look at you from underneath his mask. "I'll need to buy the two of you clothing, so you both look natural." You explained as you glanced over at Kylo for a moment before looking back at the road. "I'll go into a store and buy you two an outfit really fast." You announced, as you pulled up to what was clearly a clothing store. "I'm going with you. FN-4475 you will stay in here." Kylo said to which the trooper replied, "Yes Supreme Leader." You looked at Kylo as you collected your things to get out of the car but immediately stopped. Kylo stopped shuffling around to get out when you did. "What?" His deep robotic mask echoed to which you rose an eyebrow. "You can't go in with that on." You pointed to his helmet/mask and he looked at you for a moment, however you wouldn't have been able to tell what he was thinking, as you couldn't see his face.

Kylo let out a muffled grunt as he pressed his hands against the sides, earning a hiss from the mask and it releasing its grip from his head. In one swift motion he pulled it off of his head, his dark raven locks falling, hovering just above his shoulders and curling around the nape of his neck. You swallowed harshly at his image, you fluttered your eyes to get you out of your trance and left the car.

When you and Kylo entered the shop there was no one in the shop other than the clerk. It was slightly awkward as you picked out some outfits for everyone. You noticed sneaking glances Kylo would give you every now and then, often you found yourself deep in thought, maybe even your tongue poking out in concentration and you would sense a pair of eyes on you. You would glance over at Kylo, seeing him looking at you as well. Heat would rise to your cheeks whenever you noticed, and you would try to go about your way through the store. You brought the clothing to the clerk and pulled out your wallet, as well as cash to pay for the items. Once you had you grabbed the large pile of clothes. As you walked out the door you had nearly let one slip, to which Kylo came to your aid. "Let me get those." He said, easily taking the stack from your grip and walking back to the car. "Thank you." You mumbled, likely too quiet for him to hear.

"Now we need to go find parts for our ship. Where are they?" Kylo asked to which you looked at him blankly for a moment. Where would you find parts for a spaceship? Where would you even begin to look? You thought for a moment before your eyes lit up. "We could go to the dealership, maybe they'd have something there." You stated, to which Kylo gave you a confused look. "It'll make sense soon. The two of you need to get dressed."

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