Kylo's eyes shot open. Something was very very wrong. Kylo sprung out of bed and grabbed everything, his helmet, his robes, and his lightsaber. "Phasma!" Kylo called out as he exited his quarters. Phasma rushed out of her quarters in only a slick black body suit, one that she wore most of the time, when it wasn't being washed. "Yes sir?" She asked, her dull blue eyes still partly closed, assuming she was just resting. "Put the ship on high alert. Something is wrong and I can feel it. I will be leaving. Wait for my orders." He said to which Phasma nodded understandingly. Kylo raced out of the shuttle as soon as the ramp was open. Then once he was off it disappeared. He ran, ran faster than he probably ever have in his entire life. Once he got to the cabin, nothing seemed out of place. Although, Kylo knew there was traps in the cabin that had been set. Not by you, but by someone who neither of you knew. He then noticed there were tire marks in the dirt, not by your car. They had taken you. Kylo's heart sunk. How could he let this happen? How could he be so stupid? He was so angry at himself, why would he just let you walk away like that? Kylo stormed back to the ship and once he was on board he ordered. "Start up the ship!" And with that Captain Phasma looked at him astonished. "But sir-" She began but Kylo cut her off. "We need to go, we need to find her." He said, speaking of you. He didn't care if the hyper-drive may not have been 100% fixed but he needed to find you. He couldn't let you go like that. Not after everything you've done for him and his crew. Kylo walked to the control room and sat in the pilot's seat. Kylo prepared the ship for lift off as he flipped a few switches and accelerated the engines of the ship. Slowly but surely the ship lifted off of the ground and into the air. Kylo deeply inhaled, he searched for you using the force. You were sleeping, meaning it'd be harder to find you, but with Kylo's determination and will he'd find you. He'd save you.
Kylo arrived to where he believed you to be. It seemed to be some sort of hidden base with a mountain as a structure. Kylo gently landed the ship- which was already cloaked- a distance from the base. "Troopers stay here Phasma with me." Kylo ordered. Phasma followed Kylo off of the shuttle. The two had to walk through tall, grassy fields. "Phasma, what's the interior of this base?" Kylo asked, his mask changing his voice into a dark, deep, and robotic voice. "The entrance won't be accessible as it will create too much noise but there is a large pipe the two of us can fit into to access the inside of the facility." Phasma explained and Kylo nodded. "Lead the way." Kylo said. Once Kylo and Phasma found the pipe on the side of the base, they walked through all the muck that lied sloppily on the ground. Kylo didn't even want to ask what it was he was stepping in, it looked gross and most likely smelled gross and that was enough for him. Phasma and Kylo finally reached a ladder at the end of the large pipe. "Why would this even be here if it's so heavily guarded. These Earthlings are very foolish." Kylo said shaking his head as Phasma and himself climbed the ladder. Once they reached the top they were in a dimly lit, narrow hallway. It was filled with pumps, wires, vents, and cleaning supplies. It seemed to be the most unimportant room of them all. Kylo and Phasma walked towards the end of the hall where shut door stopped the pair. "Phasma, analysis." Kylo asked to which Phasma looked around, her built-in thermal detector. She scanned the area for a moment until she then snapped her attention back to Kylo. "Sir she seems to be on a top level. It also appears a one-way hatch out of the base. Should I alert FN-4475 to be prepared to pick us up from the destined location?" Phasma asks to which Kylo nods in response. Kylo focuses on your energy, as well as surrounding, and dangerous energies. "Exit now." Kylo said as he unlocked the door from the other side using the force. Both Kylo and Phasma exited the storage room, as it had been labeled. They quietly walked down the halls, darting down narrow passage ways whenever a worker or guard was heard or seen. It didn't help much that Phasma's armor clanked with every step. Nonetheless the pair made it to the room you lied oddly quiet in. Kylo could feel your stillness through the force. As well as another presence in the room. A weaker one. Kylo opened the door to see a guard suddenly wake up. Kylo growled and unleashed his lightsaber, quickly slaying the guard before him. Phasma walked over to you, seeing you were hooked to an IV of sorts, except it seemed to keep you sedated. She carefully pulled the needle from your arm. And Kylo walked over to you and Phasma. "What's her condition?" Phasma asked as Kylo picked you up bridal style. "It seems they were keeping her sedated to do tests on her." Phasma explained. "Although that's my guess. I can't read any of this." Phasma said as she showed Kylo a clipboard with some papers and a bunch of what they assumed were words written on the paper. You were beginning to wake up in Kylo's arms. He could feel your life force become more aware, as well as physically you were squirming somewhat. "We must go. Bring that with us. And grab her belongings." Kylo ordered, motioning to the clip board in Phasma's hands, and to a bag of your items on the ground in the corner of the room. Phasma nodded and then turned to the door, the only door that led in or out of the room. "We must go quickly. Staff seems to be coming up the stairwell." Phasma said as she opened the door. She then leads Kylo to the ladder at the end of the hall. Kylo then puts you over his shoulder so he can climb up the ladder, Phasma waits for him to go up and she follows after him. Once Kylo opens the hatch to the roof his shuttle then appears. He takes you from your position on his shoulder, he once more puts you in his arms bridal style. While you were fairly limp you were making small movements that meant you were waking up. He heard a groan from you as himself and Phasma were approaching the shuttle. Suddenly wails of sirens began to go off. "Alert. Alert. Class 5 patient has escaped. I repeat class 5 patient has escaped. This is not a drill." The shuttle then came to life as the ramp was open. Kylo quickly walked up the ramp along with Phasma close behind.
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