Mulan moves to no one's surprise

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It moved to August 21 and it's staying in theaters. No surprise there but they didn't move it far enough in my opinion. They should have taken West Side Story off of December (it's awards potential took what should be a huge hit, but we'll see I guess) and put Mulan there but I get why they moved it to August. New Mutants could have been the test case instead if they're this committed to having a "summer" movie.

But since this effectively KO's New Mutants (again), put that poor film out of it's misery and release it on VOD for God's sake.

Congratulations to Christopher Nolan who gets to be first again (until Tenet moves again and the whole cycle starts over again). This is obviously sarcasm, he's getting on my nerves along with WB's release strategy for Tenet. I get that he wants the movie to play in theaters - that's fine, no problem but stop being idiots and picking dates that obviously aren't going to work out.

Can Hollywood just give up and label everything TBD? Honestly it's better than the exhausting musical chairs with release dates. They won't but I wish they would.

Also to anyone who still thinks film/tv productions are still gonna happen in July - I'm laughing in your face. They won't even play movies in theaters, no way these people are gonna risk their lives (especially the actors who won't be able to wear masks) to film.

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