AoS season 7 (no spoilers)

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Full disclosure I only watched seasons 1-5. I am not watching season 7. I did not watch season 6. That said I've seen the promotional images and I'm VERY concerned.

I stopped watching after season 5 because the season 5 finale was very clearly written as a series finale and once that happens on any show and the show goes on to get renewed - I have a very hard time getting back into it and the end result is often I don't watch the show anymore. The lone example of me continuing to watch was a show after a blantant series finale that wasn't actually the series finale was Arrow because it's last season was just setup for the Crisis crossover.

Anyway, apparently Coulson didn't die (what was the miracle fix this time?) And now for some reason the main cast is in the forties? So obviously the show has different time travel methods/rules than the movies because of course they do; they have fuck all to do with each other and even Endgame couldn't follow it's own rules. Though that was already true prior to Endgame coming out so it's not like I'm surprised.

But I digress the part that really has me worried is Daniel Sousa. I'm legitimately concerned that screwing him out of his (presumed) happy ending with Peggy (in an alternate timeline, if you believe the directors or in the main timeline if you believe the writers) in Endgame wasn't enough and now they're gonna go back and justify Peggy and Steve ending up together (remember; Endgame ends in 1949, Agent Carter season 2 takes place in 1947) by saying Peggy and Daniel break up or making something happen to Daniel. What year is AoS interacting with Daniel in? Is Peggy supposed to be showing up?

If anyone reading this still watches AoS, please update me whenever Daniel shows up. I'm seriously concerned for his character.

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