14 days

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Sit back, relax and watch as the lemmings throw themselves off the cliff today.

I cannot believe they are still going through with this. This behavior, in part cost them the Senate just last night/this morning.

It'll be interesting to see if any of the twelve Senators or approximately 140 House Reps who supposedly are going to object back away from the cliff now.

It's probably gonna be a long day. The joint session doesn't start until 1pm EST and debates over individual states are expected to be a minimum of two hours long. Apparently there's commitments from members of both chambers on 3 states so that's 6 hours of debate plus the time it'll take to vote on the objections.

They will fail. We will have a Democratic trifecta come January 20 (or shortly thereafter depending on when Ossoff & Warnock are seated)

Enjoy the Minority and your civil war Mitch. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch. You fucked around and found out.

Hey Joe Manchin/Jon Tester, let's talk.

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