What are Angels for a Demon?
They are they same thing like a Demon for an Angel.
Alice fits perfectly into that category. She never showed any mercy towards her victims, all she ever cared was her own goals. To be beautiful again. To ascend and leave this place. She would always manipulate and use others to do the dirty work for her. But that doesn't mean that she would never made her own hands dirty if necessary. The Hazbin crew wanted a non aggression pact with her. They wanted her to stay neutral if something happens down here, they even tried to convince her to trade weapons and tools with them, the very first and very last attempt to establish a alliance with her.
She tried to seduce Alastor to work with her on her quests, he declined her offer with a smile on his face. But everything escalated after Angel called her a 'walking circus' and stoled her Tommy Gun. A complete disaster.
Alice tried ever since to get her revenge.
And she knows exactly how.
By corrupting the Person/Demon who means the world for them, (Y/N).
They could fight against Alice without a second thought, but (Y/N)?
They would never attack him, they would never hurt him, and Alice knows this. She would use him to get her revenge on them. A perfect and evil plan. Very fitting for the fallen Angel.
There is a problem.
A very little, teeny tiny problem in her perfect plan.
(Y/N) is incorruptible. He would burn Alice's Cathedral to the ground and he would rip her head off as a trophy befor he would attack his own friends.
She knows that they will meet eachother again, in a few minutes, or maybe in a few hours.
She prepares herself. She builded something. An armor. A special one in that case. It will help her to fight the Demon. The Armor protects her torso, shoulders and upper arms. A special device is mounted on the back of her armor. And just like Joey's or Sammy's machines her own armor is a unholy fusion of science and the supernatural.
But the question is...
Will it help against the Hellwalker? Against (Y/N)?
A part of Alice's mind wants to end this. To take over Joey's machine and start a new time. A time of Ascension. But another part of her mind nearly screams at her to stop. To stop this madness, to stop all of this. This part of Alice's mind tells her to take this cursed key and hand it over to the Hazbin crew. Maybe there would be even a chance to apologize to them, to (Y/N).
Maybe there would be a chance to confess to him.
But both parts of her mind knew that it's to late for that. And she only silences herself,
"Shut up, Susie."
The Hazbin crew made their way to Alice's level. They grouped up one level above her own. They also sended Niffty through the vents again to look for a point to breach and start their attack. The alliance are sharpen and loading their weapons. (Y/N) sharpens his Axe while he sits on a chair beside the group. Henry takes a seat next to him,
HS: "Will you kill her?"
The young Demon remains silent,
HS: "You know that you can't bring her back anyway. It would be better if you take care of her."
(Y/N) places his Axe down and looks at Henry,
(Y/N): "Could YOU do it?"
That takes Henry by surprise,
(Y/N): "Could you kill her? A person we both know for years?"
Henry sighs,
HS: "(Y/N). That woman is gone. And she will propably never come back. It already was a high risk to let Sammy live, but Alice? Inside of both of them is a lost cause."
He wants to answer Henry but Husk speaks up,
H: "Yo guys. Niffty is back."
The group made their way towards the vent. (Y/N) gets up and looks at his old friend,
(Y/N): "The way i see it, old friend..."
He grabs his trusty black Axe and puts it on his back, he smiles at Henry with a sad smile,
(Y/N): "...inside of every Demon is a rainbow."
He walks back to the group and leaves Henry with a confused look on his face.
Niffty gives her report,
A: "So, Niff. What did ya got for us?"
N: "There is no way to sneak in. They barricaded all entrances. It looks like we need to blow our way in."
C: "Well, so much for the quiet option."
(Y/N)s smile turns into a evil one. He has an idea. Tom saw it and turns Henry's attention towards his demonic friend,
HS: "I think (Y/N) got a plan and i'm concerned."
(Y/N) put his index finger under his chin,
(Y/N): "Guys? We still have some bombs with us, right?"
H: "Yes?"
(Y/N): "And we are above Alice's main level?"
A: "Yes?"
(Y/N) looks at Husk and Angel,
(Y/N): "The bombs, please."
Husk and Angel hand some of the pipe bombs over to (Y/N). He places them in the middle of the room in a large circle.
Allison raises an eyebrow,
AP: "(Y/N), what are you doing?"
(Y/N): "Simple. They are waiting for us down there. They are waiting for us to tear down their defenses and barricades. They want us to slow down till their reinforcement arrives. BUT.
Instead of playing their game, we are doing it on our way. Yes, we are blowing our way in, but not from one of the main entrances, but directly above them. We don't have to take care of their defenses if we just go around them."
They don't know what to say. Instead of taking care of their defenses, they just go around it Maginot Line Part 2: Electric Boogaloo style.
(Y/N) stands up again and Alastor pats his back,
AL: "What an idea! And if they want to reach us, they need to destroy their own barricades to get to us!"
Everyone are grabing their weapons, making themselfs ready to breach. (Y/N) nods to Alastor and together they lit the fuses with a snap of their fingers.
Meanwhile one level down. The Lost Legions have reinforcest the last entrance to Alice's level. All entrances are blocked of, all hallways and corridors are filled with Joey's undead Legions, waiting for the Hazbin crew to arrive. The main room infront of Alice's Cathedral entrance is only guarded by a few dozen Lost Ones. Everything is quiet... until...
Until an explosion rips an new entrance to Alice's level. The debris and splinter tears the Lost garrison to shreds. The Hazbin crew jumps down befor the dust settles and quickly take care of the remains of the Lost Legion.
A: "Well, that was easy."
Suddenly the sound of storming Lost Ones filles the entire Department. They are ramming, hammering against their own barricades to get in. The Hazbin crew prepares themselfs, except one.
V: "(Y/N)! Quick, get in and get the key!"
The young Demon nods, and turns around. Until Vaggie grabs his wrist
V: "And please, be careful."
He kisses her forehead,
(Y/N): "Come on, Vaggie. You know me."
He turns around and made his way inside Alice's Cathedral,
V: "That's why i'm concerned."
The sound of battle echoes through the hallways and corridors on his way to Alice's Cathedral. He already crossed the bridge, almost there. He has no idea what she will try to defeat him. And he doesn't care. The powers of chaos are with him. He is chosen to end Joey's pathetic attempt to create a new Hell. And he will do anything in his powers to end his reign of terror. And (of course) to free his friends. But something was out of place. He reached the Cathedral and enters it through the main entrance (the Narthex). He slowly made his way towards the Altar on the other end of the underground building, walking through the middle section of her church (the Nave), and stops in the cross section. Her church looks different then last time. The light on the Chandelier above him is on but dimmed down. And there are way more candles then last time. He raises his Axe, ready to strike or to defend himself. He looks around her cursed building until her voice echoes through the entire building,
AA: "For years we have survived. Made others sacrifice in the name of our prosperity-"
(Y/N)s head snaps upwards. And there she is, floating above the Altar is the fallen Angel herself. Wearing some kind of armor to protect her torso and upper body,
AA: "-so that they may in return find redemption."
She points to (Y/N) and her voice filles with venom,
AA: "Who are you, (Y/N)... a human, once a mortal, to defy our traditions?"
Alice pulls her arms towards her torso, only to spread them away a second later and activating the device on her back in the same time. She reveals the full function of her armor, the device on her back spreads into two large, metallic, angel like wings.
Alice pulls two large machetes from her belt and attacks him in a heartbeat.
(Y/N) dodges her attack and faces her,
(Y/N): "Since you started it..."
He summons his Darkness again, she got her wonder weapons, and he got his,
Alice looks at him and his new demonic weapons with wide eyes, they start to hiss at her. Wanting to rip her apart,
(Y/N): "Now, our dance can begin."
She dives again trying to hit him, but he dashes from side to side, dodging her attacks. He can't do this forever, he needs to find a way to get rid of her armor. But how? She attacks again, and he trys to hit her, but she is way faster then he thought. His serpents are hissing again at Alice and an idea forms in his head. Alice needs to aim again after every attack, two maybe three seconds for him to attack. He waits for his window. Like on cue Alice attacks him again and he dodges, Alice flys up, and trys to aim again... thats his window. Like on instinct, he grabs her with his serpents, his weapons are biting into her armor, not letting go of her. Then, (Y/N) pulls himself towards her with highspeed, swings his Axe at her, and hits. That blow rips parts of her armor of, sparks are flying out of her armor. She trys to hit him with her machetes, but he pushes himself away from her and let go of her again.
Alice is of course beyond mad and attacks him without thinking. And again he dodges, grabs her in mid air, turns her around and pulls himself towards her again. Striking and hitting her again. More parts of her armor are ripped of, the only part that is covered are her chest and shoulders. (Y/N) let go of her again but Alice attacks him again without warning, he quickly jumps out the way and she hits a candlestick and knocks it over. The two of them continue their fight without realising that the knocked off candles started a fire inside the Cathedral. A fire that quickly got out of control. (Y/N) needs to end this quick, befor both of them get burned alive. Alice charges again, (Y/N) dodges, grabs her, and then lands a critical hit. He destroyed her wing device on her back. She flew inside her own Cathedral out of control. Until she hits the chandelier and gets electrocuted, then she falls towards the ground and hits it full force. Destroying the rest of her armor. She landed on the stage, right infront of the altar. She slowly starts to crawl away from the Demon while he desummond his Darkness.
He looks at her in pity while she speaks up, out of breath and with venom in her voice,
AA: "...You have destroyed all that i was meant to rule... and all just to protect... THEM... Demons... and mere servants of our beliefes."
She turns around and glares at him,
AA: "WE were meant to be together, (Y/N)!! WE should have used the power of Joey's Dream Machine and rule over a perfect world!!"
(Y/N) looks down, right at his feet lays a purse. He bows down and picks it up. He opens it, looks what inside of it. And a small smile appears on his face. The last key is secured.
Alice's Cathedral starts to fall apart, the flames are consuming it.
AA: "If this is the path you want to follow, then do it! Kill me!! Isn't it that what you want?!"
He looks at her with cold eyes,
(Y/N): "No. Because if i kill you, i would also kill one of my best friends. Susie is not dead. I never believed it. The truth is, i hate you Alice. Not for what you have done with me, but what you have done to her. I won't kill you..."
The fire spreads, the building will soon collaps,
(Y/N): "... but i will not save you either."
He turns around and leaves her like that. She will... propably... survive this fire. All he knows is that the very last key is secured. He made his way back to his friends.
The Hazbin crew fight hard. Destroying wave after wave of the Lost Legions. Until the undead horde stopped and retreated into the dark hallways they came from. A puzzled look came over their faces. Niffty turns around and sees how (Y/N) walks out of the main entrance,
N: "(Y/N)!"
She quickly runs towards him and hugs him, the rest of the group gatheres at the entrance,
HS: "Well... did you do it?"
(Y/N): "Let's just say that she will no longer bother us. A fire breaked out and i had to leave her in her defeated state."
AP: "And the key?"
(Y/N) gives her the purse and she looks inside of it,
AP: "Finally. Now luck is on our side."
They made their way back to the safe house. All four keys are now in their possession. Now they can plan their final assault.
Hours passed. Alice made it out of her Cathedral. Or whats left of it. She has of course another safe house, incase her Cathedral get destroyed or compromised by the Demons or Bendy. Her other safe house is build behind a fake wall on her current level. It is nothing compared to her Cathedral but it will help her to survive. She lays on her bed, facing the ceiling. The current day wasn't really in her favour. The key lost, her Cathedral destroyed, the Demons victorious.
She is tired. So tired. Maybe she will find some peace in her sleep. She closes her eyes...
... and wakes up in a nightmare.
Her eyes shoot up.
Where is she?
She woke up in a dark place. She wanted to get up only to be stopped by the chains around her wrists. She wanted to get rid of them but to no avail. A sound echoed through this dark abyss. It sounds like someone places a brick on the ground. The sound appeared again. And again. And again. She looks around and as a matter of fact, there are bricks. They seem to slowly fall from above. The bricks place themself around Alice, slowly forming walls, windows and entrances. Only to be sealed and filled by dozens of other bricks. She looks above her to see where these bricks are coming from, her blood froze. A weak light source above her reveals giant shadow figures who surround her. These giant shadow figures have the outlines of Boris clones and of... herself. No not from herself... from Susie. From all the beings she has killed so far. These shadow giants are slowly crying a greyish mist, it slowly falls to the ground and changes into the bricks that slowly started to form a building around her. A building without an entrance or exist. A prison.
She looks infront of her, and from all the beings she could met in her nightmare, it was him. (Y/N).
He looks at her with a rather sinister smile on his face, his demonic red eyes seem to glow in the darkness around them. A slow melody starts to play the very moment she saw him, and he starts to sing,
(Y/N): 🎶I have plans, big plans
I'm going to build you a house~
Every stone will be a tear
And you'll never move out again
Yeah I'm going to build a little house for you
With no windows, no door
It'll be dark inside
No light will get in at all~🎶
She trys to move, but she can't
🎶Yeah I'll make you a home
And you are to be a part of it all🎶
The bricks start to fall faster...
🎶Stoooonnne by stone
I wall you in🎶
... the bricks start to form walls around her, to form a familiar place...
🎶Stoooonnne by stone
I'll always be with yoooouuu~🎶
🎶Without clothes, without shoes
You watch me working
With your feet in cement
You brighten up the foundation
Outside there will be a garden
And no one will hear you...🎶
He grabs her face and forces her to look at him...
🎶Stoooonnne by stone
I wall you in
Stoooonnne by stone
I'll always be with yooouuu~🎶
She struggles to get rid of these chains. But her resistence is futile. There is no escape. She knows what place this is. It's her Cathedral. Her prison.
🎶I'll always be with yoooouuu~🎶
Wooden planks are surrounding her, a coffin. She hammers against it from the inside. She watches as Susie's shadow slowly fades away, leaving her, Alice, in the darkness, in the prison she had created.
She screams out the top of her lungs, hammering, pounding against her own casket, but no one can safe her, no one can hear her screams...
🎶What a pounding, what a hammering
Outside it's starting to get dark
All of the nails stand at attention
When I ram them into your body-wood🎶
Silence filles the void, leaving her behind, alone in the darkness... befor the melody erupts again with full force...
She did this to herself. Instead of helping him, she tried to corrupt him. Instead of saying no to Joey, she believed his lies again. THIS... is her own fault. He starts to end his song...
🎶Stoooonnne by stone
I wall you in
Stoooonnne by stone
I wall you in
Stoooonnne by stone
I wall you in
Stoooonnne by stone
Her eyes shot open again. She wakes up in her safe house. She pulls her legs to her torso, and slowly starts to cry. She died inside that Cathedral. She is no more. Her
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