fck you aijax

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Enid's pov

We leave for the party "hey aijax" I say as Wednesday looks him up and down "I'm gonna get a drink" Wednesday said "Kay BBY" I whisper to her "SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN TIME" someone called "hey BBY" Wednesday said as she sat with a juice box in her hand "wtf" I say " what" she asked " a juice box" I say as she throws it up in the air " only non alcoholic drink" she said "aijax and Enid  your turn go into the bathroom" the host said " oh shit" I whispered I walked into the bathroom

"Just so you know Im taking" I say " by who " he got defensive " your mom" I said  "c'mon we doing what ever or not" he said " no stalling" he lifted my shirt "wtf do you think your doing" I yelled while pushing him of "Enid c'mon it's okay" after that everything was black

Aijax's pov

She passed out from alcohol poisoning I jumped on top of her and put my dick up her pussy cat
I dressed her back up and left before she could wake up

Enid's pov

Im in my dorm "Willa he fucked me i could feel it but I couldn't wake up "it's okay BBY I still love you so much" Wednesday said "Ill be back later love you BBY" she said after she kissed me

Wednesdays pov

"Fck you aijax why tf would you r@pe my best friend" I said  walking closer and closer to him " how do yk" aijax backed up into a wall "Enid could feel it" I said then I punched him as hard as I could he fell to the ground and kicked his head into his neck so hard it cracked

"Good thing your here thing" I said as he erased all the footage on the camera

"Hey BBY I'm back" I say to Enid "Willa where were you" she said 'FUCK WHAT DO I SAY PEOPLE WILL FIND OUT ILL TELL HER IM NOT A PUSSY' "at aijax's dorm I had to tell him of"

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net
