Record Shopping with Fred Weasley would include
- Unlike purebloods you met at Hogwarts, you were exposed to Muggle culture and grew up with. Because of this, you were used to shops that Muggles had the wizards never would. Even pureblood wizarding families like the Weasleys that put no stock into blood supremacy had little clue of Muggle culture, even with Arthur Weasley's love for Muggle artifacts.
- Fred - like his siblings and parents - didn't have a clue about most things Muggle and while he appreciated Muggles he didn't quite seek their culture out like his dad did.
- This all changed when you two ended up getting together while at Hogwarts. When Fred came to meet your family and stay with you during the summer, he found himself being immersed into the Muggle culture you had always known. The same Muggle culture Fred himself had never been able to experience.
- Growing up, you had come from a family that incorporated Muggle culture and found yourself more than once. It wasn't rare for you to catch the train down to central London to check out local bookshops, cafes, and by far your favorite record stores all in Muggle London. You found you never needed magic during these visits and found it enjoyable to not be a witch for a moment, instead a mere person going throughout their day instead.
- You reckoned bookshops and cafes weren't Fred's speed based off of everything you knew about him, but the record stores full of vintage records and fluorescent lighting with rock music posters lining the walls was definitely something your boyfriend would love.
- The day after you and Fred had dinner with your parents, you both woke up early in the morning leaving your home hand in hand headed towards the station to catch the Tube - London's underground railroad station.
- The warm sunlight was pouring through the windows of the train you sat in that was half full with Muggles - some reading the newspaper and others peering out the window in thought. They all didn't spare a glance at either you or Fred.
- "What is this called again?" Fred whispered under his breath, which was unusual in itself seeing as he preferred to be heard loud in clear every moment.
- "The Tube." You giggled at his uncharacteristic quiet demeanor and a soft smile appeared on your lips at his perplexed expression. "The underground train. It's like the Hogwarts Express only it's underground."
- He only shrugged in response as he looked out window, still holding your intertwined hand in his as he rested it on his lap.
- When the train reached the stop you knew by heart after many trips, you and Fred stepped off the train hand in hand as you walked out of the underground railroad station and into the streets of Muggle London.
- You passed by countless Muggles talking amongst themselves as they window shopped and came in and out of different stores on the street. You kept your eyes ahead of you, knowing all too well how bothersome Muggles could become in they walked into you. Fred's eyes, however, were trained on you.
- "What are you looking at?" "You. Thought that much was obvious, love."
- You could hear the smirk in his voice and only let out an amused huff. But it didn't matter much when you two had reached the record shop familiar to you.
- Stepping into the shop with Fred right besides you the old smell of records and the soft sound of ABBA playing in the background drew a smile on your lips. The same smile grew on Fred's lips without him even noticing.
- After you smiled warmly at the old man who owned the shop, you and Fred were standing at the first container of a dozen records, each with their own vintage charm.
- Wordlessly, you thumbed through the old records and pointed out the band or artist to Fred. A Led Zepelin IV here, then a ABBA: Waterloo there, and of course that Queen: A Night at the Opera.
- As you explained to Fred the different artists and how thye were known in Muggle culture — "Queen is a bit like the Weird Sisters, everyone loves them, you know?" — Fred's arms had wrapped themselves around your waist as he listened to every word you said.
- His atypical quiet demeanor - listening instead of the usual talking that he did - was different than usual, yes, but he couldn't help but hang onto every word you said.
- Hearing you talk about something so passionately and your love for this music. The fact that you wanted to share this with him struck a chord in Fred. He knew that record shopping had always been the thing you had done and know as he was here with you, it felt as if it was now both of your thing now.
- As Fred's arms were still wrapped around your waist, he leaned his chin on your shoulder. You continued to thumb through the records and as you picked up a record if it peaked your interest enough, Fred found that same smile pulling at his lips as he thought that he could stay in the record shop with you forever and he wouldn't complain one bit.
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