Zhao Junchi

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Boss Zhou will soon be 20 years old, and he is a serious young man. He finally found love, but it has not been long since he fell in love.

Lu Ning thinks this is a big deal.

But he doesn't quite understand. According to the theory, even in the science and engineering department where boys gather, Zhou Jiayu is definitely a standout. According to the popular saying in the future, he is definitely the school hunk of Peking University.

Which girl is so tasteless? The school hunk learned cooking for her and paid attention to her dress, but he didn't like her.

It would be fine if he didn't think about it. When he thought about it, Lu Ning was a little angry.

Who is Zhou Jiayu?

She was his idol.

Because he knew that Boss Zhou was very face-conscious, he didn't dare to ask directly. He just wanted to find the girl and see what kind of high-class flower she was, with such high standards?

He knew several of Zhou Jiayu's roommates, and secretly inquired about it, but the straight men in engineering didn't know anything about Zhou Jiayu's situation.

Lu Ning did not give up and secretly followed Zhou Jiayu several times, in the library study room and even in the gymnasium basketball court, but he did not find any suspicious people.

However, according to his several secret visits, he can be sure of one thing.

In less than one semester, Zhou Jiayu has become a celebrity in their electronics department. Not the kind of school bully in the children's middle school, but a celebrity who is in line with the status of an outstanding student of Peking University.

Because of this, he felt that the girl who did not like him was blind.

In any case, as a good friend and brother, he felt that he should care more about each other.

That evening, after class, Lu Ning went to the electronics department building.

Among the men and women who came out in a line, he saw Zhou Jiayu at a glance.

He was wearing a canvas backpack across his body and a pair of glasses. He was chatting and laughing with the classmates walking side by side. His handsome and elegant bookish air covered up his original ruffian air.

He was a perfect match with the idol that Lu Ning knew before.

"Brother!" For some reason, he felt a little proud and waved at him impatiently.

Zhou Jiayu saw him and walked over quickly: "Why are you here?"

Lu Ning said: "I thought we haven't eaten together for many days. We have nothing to do tonight. Let's go buy some vegetables and go back to make a delicious meal." After a pause, he said, "I'll be the chef." Zhou Jiayu

thought of the 28-year-old light bulb at home who weighed more than 100 pounds, and immediately said: "It's too troublesome to cook at home, otherwise we should go to a restaurant. I heard that there is a delicious Hunan restaurant on Minzu Road. Let's go and try it."

Lu Ning thought it was okay and nodded: "Okay, it's been a long time since I went to a restaurant, I'll treat you."

Zhou Jiayu was very depressed recently because of Fang Jin's arrival. This person is not annoying, and he is even quite good. But it seriously affected his and Lu Ning's world of two.

Although Lu Ning seems to be very persistent in finding a girlfriend, he does not reject homosexuality. Zhou Jiayu feels that he still has hope. Maybe after a long time, the other party will like him.

After all, a girlfriend is not necessarily as useful as a boyfriend.

However, now that Fang Jin is here, everything is ruined.

The restaurant Zhou Jiayu chose has just opened. It is a high-end restaurant with very elegant decoration. Even if it is not a private room, it is separated by a screen. It is much quieter than ordinary restaurants.

It is very suitable for a date.

This is also the reason why Zhou Jiayu chose this restaurant.

After Fang Jin moved in, the two of them really haven't eaten alone for a long time.

After ordering the dishes, Lu Ning poured a glass of water for each of them, and heard the person opposite him

say, "Ningning, classes will be suspended soon, let's eat out more often." Lu Ning didn't think about it, and nodded, "Okay, it's boring to eat in the cafeteria all the time."

Zhou Jiayu smiled and pretended to ask casually, "By the way, when will Fang Jin move out?"

Lu Ning said, "It's a busy time now, at least after the New Year."

Zhou Jiayu cursed secretly, but didn't show it on his face: "Actually, it's easy to find a house, or I can help him find one."

Lu Ning said, "The final exams are coming soon, don't think about it. If he's not anxious, why should we be anxious?"

Zhou Jiayu: "..." I'm so anxious, okay?

As the two were talking, a familiar voice came: "Mr. Lu, Mr. Zhou!"

Zhou Jiayu looked up and saw Fang Jin walking towards them with a smile.

He had a blank expression on his face, and his heart was struck by thunder.

Lu Ning casually said, "Fang Jin had just finished negotiating a deal with a nearby dealer, so I asked him to come and eat with us."

Zhou Jiayu chuckled with a fake smile, "That's quite a coincidence."

Fang Jin didn't know that he had become someone's thorn in the eye. He sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it all, and smiled, "I was just worried about what to eat tonight." Zhou

Jiayu thought with a wooden face, could this person be sent by God to hinder his emotional journey?

If he didn't know that the other party was an extremely good salesman and that he, as a shareholder, had to rely on him to make money and dividends, he would have wanted to find a way to make this person disappear.

When Lu Ning and Fang Jin talked about today's business with a smile, the sad boss Zhou sighed silently to the sky.

The dishes came up, and the three of them had not eaten for a while, and it seemed that a table of new guests came next to them, and low voices could be heard faintly. Fang

Jin, who was originally concentrating on eating, suddenly shuddered, and then was filled with anger. Before the two people next to him could react, he casually picked up the porcelain teapot on the table, stood up and crossed the screen, and cursed: "Sun Xinwen! Fuck your mother!"

When Lu Ning heard the name, he knew that Fang Jin had a narrow road with his enemy. He quickly stood up and said to Zhou Jiayu: "Quickly stop Fang Jin!"

Zhou Jiayu reacted quickly and almost rushed to the table next to the screen with him.

But he was still a step too slow. Fang Jin had already smashed the teapot in his hand.

The person he smashed was naturally Sun Xinwen, the man who took the Mercedes-Benz last time, but the other party dodged in time. The teapot did not hit him completely, but just slid past his shoulder and then shattered on the ground.

Sun Xinwen avoided the heavy blow of the teapot, but did not avoid the hot water that spilled from the pot. A large area from his shoulder to his chest was wet.

He looked at Fang Jin furiously and punched him: "You are still staying in Beijing?"

He used all his strength to punch Fang Jin in the face, with a strong wind. Fortunately, Lu Ning and Zhou Jiayu pulled him away in time.

Fang Jin blushed and cursed: "Sooner or later, you will get your comeuppance!"

Seeing that the other party was stopped, Sun Xinwen did not continue to fight. He wiped the water off his body with a tissue and said with a sullen face: "Fang Jin, are you done? If you are not convinced, go and beat the drum to complain to us, don't be like a slug and haunt us all day long."

Lu Ning glanced at the people at the table calmly. In addition to Sun Xinwen, there were three other young men who did not look like ordinary people.

Seeing this, the three did not move, especially the one sitting in the middle, who leisurely poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip. At this time, he spoke in a calm voice: "Wenzi, was this the man before?"

He looked to be in his twenties, wearing a pullover, and was quite handsome, with a sense of pride and arrogance. He looked like a pampered young man in the city. When he looked at people, even when he was sitting, he looked like he was looking down on them.

Sun Xinwen nodded: "Yes, it's this grandson, he doesn't know what's good for him."

Zhao Junchi raised his head slightly, looked at Fang Jin, smiled, and said slowly: "Fang Jin, right? You may have misunderstood. The problem with your business has nothing to do with us. It's because you touched something you shouldn't have touched. You are still standing here in one piece, you should be thankful that you are lucky."

Fang Jin met his half-smiley eyes, was slightly startled at first, and then as if he thought of something, he said in anger: "Are you the young master Zhao, Zhao Junchi?"

Zhao Junchi did not comment.

Sun Xinwen on the side angrily scolded: "Did you call me Master Zhao?"

Zhao Junchi leaned back slightly, raised his hand and waved at Sun Xinwen, chuckled and said: "I am a person who cherishes talents. I feel sympathy when I heard about your story. I know you are a talent. Otherwise, you come to my company and I will give you an annual salary of 300,000."

Sun Xinwen looked at him in disbelief.

Fang Jin was completely unmoved and spat fiercely: "Fuck you! I am different from Sun Xinwen. I will not be a dog to people like you. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because your family is powerful. Sooner or later, you will suffer."

Zhao Junchi shrugged indifferently.

Lu Ning whispered: "Fang Jin, calm down." Fang Jin

was angry, but he was just impulsive just now. At this moment, he calmed down a little and knew that he could not do anything. Even if he took action, the other party had more people and he would suffer.

Besides, there were two young people beside him, and he could not implicate them.

He snorted coldly and turned back to the next table.

Lu Ning whispered politely to the waiter who came over and stood trembling beside him: "The money for the teapot and the bill for this table will be charged to us." He then said to the people at the table, "My friend was too impulsive. I'm sorry just now."

Zhao Junchi looked up at him, his long eyes narrowed slightly, as if he thought of something, and suddenly said: "Hey, young man, have we met somewhere before?"

Lu Ning said truthfully: "I am Zhao Kaixuan's classmate."

Zhao Junchi smiled with curved lips and nodded as if he suddenly realized something: "No wonder you look familiar. When I went back to pick up my brother for dinner, he said he wanted to bring a friend. Is that you?"

Lu Ning did not comment.

Zhao Junchi said again: "Since you are Kaixuan's classmate, I should treat you this time."

Lu Ning chuckled: "Thank you, no thanks. Enjoy your meal. I won't bother you anymore."

Then he turned back to his own table.

Although the meal was only half eaten, after this commotion, no one had the appetite to continue eating, not to mention the people next door. Fang Jin might not be able to hold back and fight with others again.

Lu Ning already knew most of Fang Jin's affairs. Because he touched these cheeses, he lost all his money, his wife lost her house, and owed more than half a million yuan in debt.

Anyone else would probably want to fight with him.

He was able to hold back and not stab the man, which showed that he still had some rationality and knew that he was fighting against a rock with an egg, which was not worth it.

But it was no wonder that he was so miserable. His grandfather had three gold stars, and ordinary people could not afford to offend him. There was no Internet at that time, and there was no channel to expose these things. Anyone who encountered them could only blame themselves for their bad luck. On the

way back in the car. Fang Jin was like the first time they met, like a frost-bitten eggplant.

Lu Ning comforted him, "Brother Fang, you should be more positive. No one can do anything when you meet such a person."

Fang Jin said expressionlessly, "I told you he is not your senior brother. He was just a dozen points short of being admitted to Peking University, so he went to the School of Economics and Trade. I am so miserable now, and you still want to poke my lungs."

When Lu Ning heard his tone, he knew that he was fine, and said with a smile, "Isn't it just a loss of a few million? It's not like we can't make it back." Fang Jin

said, "Mr. Lu, you only made a profit of more than one million this year. Can you stop comforting me?"

Lu Ning said, "I didn't invite you to the company for a profit of more than one million a year."

Fang Jin sneered disapprovingly, "You are just a young boy, don't be so arrogant."

Lu Ning cleared his throat, "Although I am a young boy, I am the top student from Peking University that you didn't get into." Fang

Jin turned his head away and didn't want to talk anymore.

Zhou Jiayu at the side said: "Lu Ning is right, it's just a few million." He looked at Lu Ning and said, "Is that guy the silly brother in your dormitory?"

"He's my cousin who shares a three-star grandfather."

Zhou Jiayu nodded, patted Fang Jin on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Brother Fang, I think you are quite courageous. You know who he is, but you still dare to go against him. I respect you as a man." Fang

Jin rolled his eyes: "Thank you!"

The author has something to say:

It's not easy for Brother Zhou to chase his wife

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