We can't mess around like before at the Nanjiao Sand Field.

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“Boss Zheng and Boss Ye, we’ve been doing business for a while, you’re not being honest. The sand you hauled for us these two days has so much mud in it? Take a look for yourselves, how can I use it?” A man in overalls grabbed a handful of sand and said to Ye Jun and San Pang.

This man is Liu Jianming. He is a contractor. He has been buying yellow sand from them for a while. It was always good before, but today he suddenly hauled back the two trucks of sand he hauled yesterday, saying that the sand contained too much mud and they couldn’t use it.

Ye Jun and San Pang are watching the sand field every day. They personally check the sand collection, screening and loading. Besides, the equipment is here. How can it be that it was good before, but yesterday’s sand suddenly has too much mud and can’t be used.

San Pang grabbed the sand in Liu Jianming’s hand suspiciously and rubbed it in his fat hands. There was indeed too much mud. He threw away the sand and clapped his hands, walked to the side of the truck loaded with sand, reached out and grabbed the sand in the truck bed, frowning slightly.

Liu Jianming said, "Boss Zheng, you saw it yourself, I didn't say anything nonsense, did I?"

Sanpang clapped his hands and said, "Boss Liu, the quality of our sand has always been guaranteed. What's wrong with this sand? I have to check it out."

Liu Jianming sneered, "Boss Zheng, what do you mean? Are you saying that I deliberately brought this sand to find fault?"

Sanpang said, "That's not what I meant, It's just that our sand has always been good, but this truck of sand suddenly has so much mud, it's so strange, I have to check what happened, and then I can give you an explanation. "

Liu Jianming said: "It seems that Boss Zheng doesn't admit that he sold inferior goods as good ones, and wants to shirk his debt." Sanpao

's face fell, and he wanted to say a few more words, but was stopped by Ye Jun: "Boss Liu, these two trucks of sand may be our mistake. We will arrange to re-screen them and send them to you. We will pay for the freight ourselves, and then we won't charge you for these two trucks of sand."

Liu Jianming said: "This is not just a matter of two trucks of sand, you also caused me to miss two days of work."

Ye Jun said: "Okay, you calculate the money and I'll give it to you."

Liu Jianming touched his chin and thought for a moment: "It doesn't need to be much, just give me two hundred."

In the stunned eyes of Sanpang, Ye Jun took out his wallet from his leather jacket, took out two hundred-yuan bills and handed them to the other party.

Liu Jianming grinned, took the money and put it in his pocket, and walked away with his two men.

Until the three walked away, Sanpang, who looked puzzled, finally couldn't help but speak: "Dajun, what's wrong with you? It's obvious that Liu is looking for trouble."

Ye Jun said: "Isn't there no evidence?"

Sanpang sneered: "What evidence do you need? Who dares to find trouble with us? I can't beat him to death."

Ye Jun shook his head: "These contractors are not simple. This is not a factory area, and Jiayu is preparing for the college entrance examination. Let's not make trouble outside."

Sanpang said: "Oh, is this still our Dajun? Didn't we do it first and talk about it later before?"

Ye Jun looked at him coldly with a blank expression: "We are all 20 years old. Do we have to be second-rate people for the rest of our lives?" He took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth and lit it, and said in a calm voice, "Jiayu will soon be a famous university student. As his brothers, we can't hold him Hind legs. "

Sanpang nodded: "That's true." Ye

Jun was silent for a moment, and then whispered: "Jiayu is different from us. He and Lu Ning are actually the same kind of people. In the future, they will definitely fly higher and higher together."

Sanpang frowned and said, "Why do I hear your tone is sour? You are not jealous that Xiao Ningning is with Jiayu now, right?"

Ye Jun glanced at him like an idiot: "What are you thinking? Lu Ning is a good boy, why should I be jealous of him? What I mean is that Jiayu and he are the same kind of people, both are capable and promising. We have to be brothers with them for a long time, and we can't mess around like before. "

Sanpang blinked his eyes in confusion: "Aren't we doing business properly?" Ye Jun

said unhappily: "Telling you this is like playing the lute to a pig. Anyway, let's not disturb Jiayu from going to school now, so don't make trouble. "

"Hey, why are you cursing again?" Sanpang said with a smile, "Don't worry, I know this, but what if the surnamed Liu makes trouble again?"

Ye Jun said, "Tomorrow we will deliver sand and send a worker to follow quietly. If he wants to do something again, there will be evidence."

"Okay." Sanpang nodded, "If I get evidence, I can't kill the surnamed Liu."

Ye Jun was speechless: "I told you not to make trouble. If he really makes trouble, we will at most not do business with him. Anyway, the sand market is very good now, so we are not afraid of no orders."


The two ordered the workers to sift the sand again. On a sand boat not far away, Li Long was standing at the stern smoking. When he saw the two people walking to the river, he took the initiative to wave to them. Sanpang

muttered in a low voice: "This man really looks a bit weird." Ye

Jun said: "It is said that he carries a gun with him. We should stay as far away from him as possible."

After self-study in the evening, Lu Ning sat on the back seat of Zhou Jiayu's bicycle. He had just left the school gate and had not finished the two words test, when he saw Sanpang's small van shining the light in this direction.

Zhou Jiayu rode over and put his foot on the open door.

Ye Jun handed him a pack of new cigarettes, and took out a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts from his side and handed it to Lu Ning: "It's still hot."

Lu Ning looked at the pack of high-end cigarettes in Zhou Jiayu's hand, and then looked at the pack of chestnuts in his hand that were still steaming. In fact, he wanted to say, "Give me one!"

But considering that he was a good student, he silently swallowed this thought, took out a chestnut, peeled it and put it in his mouth.

"Is everything going well at the sand field?" Zhou Jiayu asked.

Ye Jun nodded: "It's going well. I'll give you the money after we settle the accounts at the end of the month." Zhou

Jiayu said: "I don't need any money now. You guys take care of it first. If you need to invest money later, just take it directly."

Ye Jun: "Okay."

Sanpang said with a smile: "My dear Jiayu brother, how is your experience of going back to school?" Zhou

Jiayu turned his head and looked at the guy who was eating chestnuts next to him, and sighed: "Don't mention it. I met an English teacher recently. He is so strict that he even tests me when I eat or poop."

Lu Ning: "????"

"Fuck, what kind of teacher? So perverted?"

Lu Ning: "..."

Zhou Jiayu smiled evilly: "Not really perverted, after all, it's for my own good."

Lu Ning: "I think your teacher is really good to you. I think he requires that you can't eat until you have memorized a certain number of words."

Zhou Jiayu laughed: "Teacher Lu, I was wrong!"

Sanpang was confused: "What the hell are you two talking about?" Ye Jun twitched

his mouth speechlessly: "Jiayu, Lu Ning helped you with your studies, you have to thank him."

"Of course?" Zhou Jiayu laughed, "If I really get into Peking University, I will definitely marry him."

Lu Ning just wanted to roll his eyes at him.

What a crappy idol!

After joking, he suddenly seemed to think of something and said seriously: "By the way, Dajun, does Sister Qianqian have many performances at night recently?"

Ye Jun said: "It seems quite a lot."

Lu Ning said: "She lives alone, right?"

Ye Jun nodded: "What's wrong?"

"My brother Jiayu and I met her a few days ago. Zhong Congshan has been pestering her recently."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhou Jiayu nodded hurriedly, "If Lu Ning hadn't mentioned this, I would have almost forgotten that Zhong Congshan is not a good person. I see that you are living with your sister recently. If she has a performance in the evening, you'd better go pick her up."

Ye Jun scowled and cursed: "This bastard!"

The author has something to say:

I didn't write enough 10,000 words today, and I will try to write more tomorrow.

Starting tomorrow, I will try to update regularly at 8 pm.

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