A GrayxStephen short story (I think someone requested this, I just couldn't find the comment kekw)
Stephen could hear the shower running from the living room, but it was soon covered up by the sound of popcorn popping in the microwave. As he waited for the continuous pops to cease, he went to the fridge and got two bottles of water, placing them on the counter.
He lingered in the kitchen for just a moment longer before opening the microwave, grabbing the bag of popcorn, and pouring it into a large plastic bowl. He smiled, leaving the bowl in the kitchen, he walked to his room. Quickly rushing in and grabbing a large soft blanket from his bed, and throwing it onto the couch.
He paused for a moment, noting that the sound of water from the shower head had stopped. He waited a few minutes before yelling, "What's taking ya so long?"
"I'm drying my hair!" was the response he got.
"How long could that take?" Honestly he didn't care, he just loved to give Gray a hard time.
"Well," He yelled back from the bathroom, "If you don't want me to soak your sweatshirt then give me a second!"
Stephen smiled as the bathroom door opened and Gray rolled his eyes at him. "I can hear the sass from here!" He said, trying to spark a reaction.
Gray walked down the hall and sat down on the couch, "Your sooo slow." He joked. Stephen laughed and went to the kitchen to grab the popcorn and water, then he went back to sit by Gray. Who, despite wearing a sweatshirt, Stephen's, was still cuddled up under the blanket like he was cold.
He picked up the blanket just enough to slide under it to join Gray. He then slid his arm around Gray, who leaned forward and then placed his head on Stephen's chest. Due to Gray's small size, he fit quite perfectly under his arm.
"What'd you wanna watch?" He asked.
"Don't care." Gray replied now cuddling Stephen more than the blanket.
"Well you gotta pick something."
"You do it please..."
He just sorta sat there trying to come up with even the smallest inkling of an idea. They didn't have many movie nights, since, they were terrible when it came to picking something to watch together.
However, if all else fails, they did indeed have a go to, "So we're being stereotypical today?"
"Alrighty." He said simply as he opened Peacock and turned on The Office.
When all else failed, the pair turned into the most stereotypical couple and watched The Office. It's not like they didn't like it, it's just.
It's like eating from that one pizza place down the street, the generic, non-name brand pizza place, you always think you can do better, but in the end you always settle for convenience.
They ate popcorn happily, smiling with the occasional laugher. Stephen was silently glad that Gray had taken the extra minute or two to dry his hair, since he eventually ended up curled up close to Stephen's body with his head left on Stephen's chest.
In Gray's defense, it was quite late.
Stephen rubbed Gray's back.
"Hey?" He asked very quietly.
"You want to go to bed now?"
They decided to go lay down on Stephen's bed to sleep. Stephen's bed had quite a bit more room than Gray's, not that they really needed it. They slept close anyway. Stephen had his arms wrapped around Gray's torso, leaving his face buried in the thicker fabric of Gray's, his, jacket.
Gray was just short enough that he could put his legs under Gray's.
They were close, close as they could be, and warm, warm and comfortable.
Gray and Stephen had been dating for a while now, and since they had decided to start, they had only grown closer. They didn't tell many people, aside from the Eujang Gang, due to their bad experience in the past, when it came to the rumors about them.
Now, they didn't really care, as long as it meant they could stay up late and watch shows and movies together, as long as they could go to each other's houses and wake up smelling like the other, as long as it meant they could wake up together in the morning.
They were meant for each other.
Wooo short chapters, I am I huggeee GrayxStephen shipper kekw. So this was fun to write. I currently only have one other prompt I'm working on so feel free to comment suggestions.
Ty for reading, and have a wonderful whenever
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