A Call Pt 1

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Third Person POV:

Gray and Eugene were chatting at their desks, side by side. They were talking about small things, and Eugene refused to let Gray stop. It had been a while since he had seen Gray this talkative. It was merely small talk but to Eugene, this was a huge step. Its not like Gray was super smiley or optimistic, but he was talking and his eyes were gleaming with amusement. 

Eventually, the other boys came during their free period. Gray quieted down a bit, but he didn't lose his happiness. There was a quality about him that seemed to dissolve the look of emptiness that he normally wore. He didn't look empty in the way that there was nothing there, just that he was a little broken.

Occasionally, there were days, like today, where Gray looked like he put back all the pieces, glued them back together and made all the cracks disappear. 
Sometimes, there were days where he was the opposite, depressed, sleeping through most classes, and withdrawal from everyone.
The majority of his days, where spent with him staying stoic and silent for most of the day.

So, seeing Gray happy and talkative, was a somewhat rare sight.

He continued to talk to his friends till they all left to go to their respective classes. Afterwards, Eugene continued to make conversation. The teacher eventually came in and shushed the entire class. Even after that Gray looked full of life.

Eugene tried to take mental pictures of Gray, silently wishing Gray would smile, due to his complexion he would have looked so pretty, not that he wasn't already, with a smile and a blush. He would've looked even more joyful. Eugene couldn't help but allow his thoughts to wander, he could alone hope that his dear friend would one day wear an unbroken smile.

The class seemed to go by too fast.  As soon as it ended though, Ben, Alex, Gerald, Rowan, and Teddy came back to the Gray and Eugene's class to request a game of pool. Gray was still in a good mood, so he happily obliged. Eugene followed his lead.

The boys started off their adventure to the pool house by giving Ben, Alex, Gerald, and Rowan time to flirt with the lady who worked there, like they normally did. Then they divided up in their three tables, so that the games would be fair. Alex, Ben and Teddy played on one, while Rowan and Eugene, and Gray and Gerald played on the two other tables. 

Alex, Ben, and Teddy were seemingly well matched, since they all were about the same levels of bad at pool. And Rowan and Eugene were both failing miserably. On the other hand, Gray and Gerald were tied with perfect scores; the boys had good reason for giving the two their own table; none of the others stood a chance against the experienced pool player Gerald and the rookie who grasped all the concepts of pool, and everything in general, Gray.

"Can we go to Ttosikki's or something, I'm starving?" Alex asked. Ben laughed and the boys all made plans to go there as soon as they finished their pool games. Everything was going great. 

Suddenly, Gray's phone started to ring. He grabbed it, but as soon as he saw the caller ID his face dropped. Gerald peered over his shoulder, the name read Mrs. Lee.
Gray wasn't frowning, but his smile had disappeared. He looked concerned.

After the third ring, he picked up. 

"Yes Ma'am?" he said.

The person on the other line spoke so softly, that the boys who didn't have the phone, couldn't hear a word. Usually, people talk loud enough into the phone for the others in the room to hear, but not this woman.

The other boys didn't notice that Gray had gotten a call until he looked over at him. His eyes were wide, not just with fear, it looked like surprise mixed with fear.
"Which one?" Gray asked, almost as quiet as the woman on the call with him.
"Do you have a room number?"
"That's 45 minutes away, right?"
He barraged this woman with questions one after another. To the point where they wondered what could possibly be so confusing that the Great Gray Yeon had questions.

"I'm coming, I'll be there in less than an hour, just over if traffic is bad." Was the last thing Gray said before hanging up the phone, and gathering his stuff in an almost frantic manner. He was a bit more stable though, he didn't shake, he simply moved fast and packed things much quicker then he normally would. 

"Hey Gray. Who was that?" Ben questioned.

Gray didn't respond. He grabbed his things and rushed out of the poolhall and down the street before the boys could protest.


So I was aimlessly doodling, and it became a picture of Gray, It reminded me of my story, so I decided to update today, cause why not. Thank y'all for reading, it means the world. School is almost over, got two and a half days, so I'll be updating more often. Y'all are great, love y'all, ty, bye.

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