Chapter 10

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I saw Eun Sang Noona coming out, she is one of our makeup artists, so, I decided on asking her.

"Hey, everything alright?" I asked.

"Some drunk male just entered the women's washroom and is just leaning to the basin. People are assuming he is Soo."


"But that ain't possible, Soo is inside, right?" She asked and I hesitantly nodded. I was really pissed off at the height of his unprofessionalism but again, what can I say to drunk man?

I took the charge of thwarting out the male, it is fortunate that this is a confidential meeting, there is no media nor it has much crowd.

As I went in, it wasn't as I expected it to be. I thought he would be doing nonsensical things but what I saw was painful. He was collected in the corner, under the basin, frightened and trembling due to the people shouting at him.

As I approached him, he looked at me with his almond orbs and for the first time I noticed how handsome he was.

"H-Hyung?" He said, his lips were quivering. I simply nodded and a smile of gratefulness flashed accross his face.

"What are you doing here? Come out!" I snapped.

"N-no. Th- they will .. find out .. th-that I.." He stuttered multiple times and I knew that he was embarrassed and scared of the consequences that may arise due to this.

"It's okay now, you were drunk and not in your senses. And it's not like you can stay here for ever." I get hold of his hand and it was clammy. He shook his head in denial. I sighed, taking off my jacket and placing it over his head.

"Now no one will know that it was you," I smiled and he smiled back. Before we could go out, he placed the jacket on my head instead, I was demented at his gesture and gave him a look.

"I am okay. Just ... No one should see you." He gave me a reassuring nod as he was gaining back his composure. He took a deep breath, before moving any further. I covered both of us under the jacket, he looked at me once and I saw him gulp and nervously breathe, his being so close to me sends shivers down my spine. What is so different in him that makes me so uncomfortable?

We swiftly walked out and rushed faster than lightening, out of people's sight.

Finally we were in the safe zone. Taking in the fresh air was refreshing. I looked at him once, and he had his face as if cemented downwards. He sniffled a few times and I knew, he must have cried. Crying at a little thing like this? He sure is a baby.

"Come on its okay." I shrugged.

"I-I'm sorry Hyung. I'm S-sorry. I did not-" He stopped as he placed a palm over his eyes as to stop the torrent of his tears. Isn't he too much? Or is he still drunk and therefore behaving this way? I hugged him lightly to assure him that everything was alright and again, the vibe he offered was different. Like ... I felt awkward and uncomfortable.

I hated myself on making the decision of hug him, cause as I did so, he threw up on my shirt. I pushed him and his fragile body swayed in the air like had no control.

"What the!" I cursed under my breath. I saw him approaching me again, with his hand reaching my shirt. I backed off, "Just... Just stay there. Don't come near me. Don't you dare!"

"~Hyung," he whined.

Fuck. I was smelling. He is a red sign. A warning. A complete disaster. Maintaining distance from him is the best I can do.

"You stay here! Here." I made him sit on one of the chairs as I went to wash up.

I didn't even try to clean up the mess. I took off the shirt and threw it in the bin, wearing the jacket over my naked body. I washed my hands multiple times but it was still smelling. Why in the world I even agreed on finding him?

As I came back, he was not there where I made him sit previously. My head pounded with tension, my eyes darted across the space and there he was standing straight in the balcony, near the railing, arms wide open as if hugging the air. The winds made his bangs beruffled.

Is he shooting for some titanic or what?

He drooped slightly forward and my breathing hitched, I rushed to catch him. I reached in time as I pulled him backwards towards myself making both of us fall on the hard ground, him over me. His face was a mess, as traces of the puke was still on his mouth, I pushed him instantly as a reflex.

Standing up, I realised he had already passed out. Why in the hell am I stuck here? What sin had I committed?

I called Jin Hyung for advice.

[Hyung.. Soo passed out.]










Call ended

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