❝Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shuts down for ten years.❞
— Warren Buffett
2 || it's my money and I'll spend it how I want to
time || morning
I enter Laney's, the smell of fresh coffee beans and bread hitting my nostrils. Whenever I come in here, I feel complete and warm, and while it still has that effect on me, I can't help but feel incomplete at the same time. I only have a 50$ bill tucked inside my wallet waiting to be spent, but I hesitate once I realize again that I could be broke in 24 hours.
I sigh. I need something to put a pep in my step, along with getting me out of this depressed mood I'm in. I'll just order me a simple coffee instead of the usual mocha latte I get, that's $3 more.
The line isn't long, but two people are in front of me including the Brolin guy. I wait a little bit until its his turn, but what has him taking long is his card keeps getting denied.
"Fuck," I hear him mutter. I watch him check his pockets and he comes out with nothing. I glance at the $50 bill in my wallet and roll my eyes. Knowing that this is the right thing to do. He seems to be having a shitty day just as much as me, and not being able to get something that might make his day better, causes me to feel for him.
"How much does his coffee cost?" I ask the barista. The barista guy, Lambert, raises an eyebrow at me before saying, "$6.15!"
I hand him the 50, and say, "I'll take that and a simple coffee." He rings that all up.
Brolin gets his coffee and I get mine, along with some sugar and a few creams from a nearby table. Turning around and looking for a place to sit. I chose to sit at the booth near the big glass window.
I then take a sip of my morning beverage and close my eyes as the warmth exudes inside my mouth and down my throat. I don't even want to check my phone. I doubt Dad's tried calling me. Usually when I have these moments where I chose to "act out" he doesn't try asking where I am, or how I'm doing. If all, he simply lets me do my thing and wait for me to "calm down" as he likes to put it.
When I open my eyes, the Brolin guy is sitting across from me. He's staring at me, which makes me a bit uncomfortable. But I just watch him before he comes out with it. "Thanks for buying me coffee," he says, holding up his cup.
I quirk an eyebrow up at him. He's not serious, is he? The way he worded it, makes it sound like I meant to buy him coffee.
"You're welcome," I mumble, taking another sip of my hot beverage. After that we both don't say anything, and that makes for awkward silence. I don't do well in awkward silences. I keep taking small sips of my coffee, trying to figure out a way to get up and walk out of here without coming off as rude.
"Was she your girlfriend?" Shit, I curse inside my head. I did not just say that? Word vomit, word vomit, word vomit. Sure I witnessed the scene between him and that girl earlier, but he might think I'm some creepy stalker now.
He doesn't say anything much less looks me in the eyes. "You don't have to answer that. I'm so sor—"
He laughs. "You're okay. And yes, that was my girlfriend Fatima, or ex-girlfriend Fatima." He shrugs his shoulders. "I told her I lost my job, and she lost it once I told her that I'm spending the last of my money on a train ticket to see my grandpa up in Maryland, who's in the hospital."
I nod my head. Seems to me, I'm not the only one with money problems here. Not to mention Fatima's a gold-digging bitch.
"You're broke, too?" I say without thinking. Now I'm gonna have to answer to him.
"You got fired? Laid off?" he asks.
I shake my head. I stare at him a little longer than I need to, hence I'm debating in my mind on wether or not I tell this stranger the truth. "Yeah, I got laid off." I emphasize the last part.
I take another drink of my coffee.
He nods his head slowly. "Gotcha."
He then glances at my cup. "Cool name. Karen... nice... I'm Brolin"
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banner credit: @caessium
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Yes, I'm talking to YOU silent readers.
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A/N: Don't forget to check out our two COMPLETED stories:
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