Chapter 8
The next morning Jake and MC had found a place so they went too have a look round, it was a simple apartment. There was an open plan living room and kitchen, there was 2 bedrooms and a bathroom with a walk in shower. They both signed the paperwork and could move in right away luckily the apartment came fully furnished. So they didn't need too worry about having too by furniture, they didn't have much too pack and were moved on with in a couple hours.
Jessy arrived at the aroura and Phil let her in, he grabbed a couple cups of coffee and went too sit down.
Jessy: so what did you want too talk about?
Jessy: that's a brilliant idea I can definitely help with that
Phil: now, I don't have an issues with Jake coming but MC is not allowed
Jessy: I can ask but I don't think he will show not without MC
Phil: I heard about the meet up the other day, Lilly said MC was completely controlling Jake
Jessy: that's what she told me they only stayed for 5 minutes and then left, anyway I will work on the guest list and food. When were you thinking this weekend?
Phil: yeah that would work perfect
Jessy: okay I'll go work on this and get back too you
Now that MC and Jake had settled in too their new apartment, MC sat down and sent a message too Cleo.
MC: hey Cleo, just wanted too let you know we are out of the motel and in an apartment
Cleo: hey MC, that's great news
MC: I can text you the address and show you round
Cleo: excellent, perfect reason for me too bring round a cake, see you later
MC put her phone down and went into the bedroom, where Jake had set up his computers. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him on the neck taking in his sent. Jake was nearly at the finish line he would soon become a free man, he was now helping out the FBI too bring down a major drug dealer.
MC: how soon will you be finished?
Jake: I just have too send over the information i got from the bank accounts then I am finished why?
MC: well it is a new apartment and it would be a shame too let that new bed go too waste
MC stood there with a devilish grin on her face, Jake took her hand lightly kissing her hand up and down. Jake gave MC that look too let her know he had finished his work, taking hold of his hand she lead him onto the bedroom. As the clothes flew across the room Jake's phone buzzed it was a message from Hannah. But Jake wasn't about too stop what he was doing for anything.
Hannah: oh my sweet, sweet sexy hacker how I miss you so much, I will be having a celebration at the aroura on Saturday too celebrate my return. I really want you too be there please say you will come? Please don't bring MC just tell her something and that it's important that you come see me. I love you Jake xxxxx
Later that afternoon Cleo had come round too visit MC and Jake, she brought round one of her cakes as a home warming. MC cut 3 pieces and put them on too plates along with a pot of coffee.
Cleo: the apartment is really nice you really landed on your feet with this
MC: we were so lucky too get it there was a lot of people lined up too come see it
Cleo: have you heard from the others lately?
MC: not since I left the group oh Jessy messaged but that's about it
Jake: and not forgetting my physco sister that keeps sending me texts
MC: she text him before inviting him too the aroura on Saturday, they are having some celebration for Hannah.
Cleo: I just don't get what's got into her I really don't understand her anymore, I don't understand why they don't believe you.
Jake: I don't get it either she thinky I am going too leave MC and be with her
Cleo: she's totally crazy
MC: we do have some good news Jake will soon be a free man
Cleo: what? Really? That's brilliant how did that come about?
Jake: the FBI made a deal with me they wanted me too hack into several bank accounts too help bring down a massive drug ring.
Cleo: wow!! That's really something, have you thought what you are going too do with Hannah?
MC: I wanted too kill her but Jake won't let me, so we are going too leak all the texts too the group chat
Jake: i should of done this when it first started
Cleo: as long as the truth gets out that's the main thing
They all sat and talked for awhile and discussed how they would leak the texts, after Cleo had gone Jake and MC crashed on the couch watching movies
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