Chapter 12
Jake, MC and Cleo had been in Washington DC for a year now, everything was going so well. They had now put what happened back in duskwood behind them, everything was going so well with the FBI. Cleo had met someone that worked in the same department as her. She had been seeing him for 6 months now, she was really happy with him. MC and Jake had gotten engaged Jake proposed to MC on her birthday he had taken her too Paris and asked for her hand.
Hannah was now locked up on a mental health hospital, the judge said she was unstable and was a risk too the public so she was too stay their. She had tried too reach out too Thomas begging him too take her back. Thomas did reach out too her and told her that is was completely over and that he had met someone new. When Hannah found out she had a complete mental breakdown. The doctors had too give her something too help calm her down, reality had finally kicked in but she knew it was too late.
Lilly came too visit her sister she needed too try and understand why she did what she did, why she felt the way she did about their own brother. Lilly couldn't turn her back on her sister, she felt she needed too stay as Hannah didn't have anyone apart from her.
Jessy tried too reach out too MC apologiesing for how she acted she wanted too try and repair the friendship. MC wrote back and told her that the friendship was over for good. But Jessy just couldn't take no for an answer and would text MC one more time, hoping that she would just hear her out.
Jessy: I will spend the rest of my days saying how sorry I am for what happened, MC you are my best friend and I turned my back on you I am so sorry.
MC: Jessy I already told you I don't want anything too do with you, I've moved on from all of you. I've moved on from duskwood I am happy in my new life please stop texting me.
Dan had gotten a job working at the aroura, Phil decided too give him a second chance. They too tried reaching out too MC but to no avail they too got a go too hell text back.
Jake's POV
It's been a crazy year moving out too Washington DC, working for the FBI, asking MC too marry me. We have just wrapped up a big case, and now I am planning a surprise vacation for MC we both need it after this year.
I still look back too that night in Paris and I got down on one knee and asked her too marry me. She was so happy she wrapped her arms around me before I had a chance too put the ring on her finger.
I never thought it was possible too be this happy, I have never been so in love before Jake is my everything. Now that we have wrapped up this big case I to have a surprise for him, I haven't been feeling all that good this past couple weeks, so I went too the doctor's and they confirmed it. I am so happy I can't wait too tell Jake the news, when I get home I see him stood in the kitchen making dinner.
I walk over too him wrapping my arms around his waist, kissing his neck he smells so good damn good.
MC: I love you Jake
Jake: I love you MC, you seem awfully happy what's up?
MC: well, remember when I said I hadn't been feeling great
Jake: yeah I remember, what did the doctor say?
MC: Jake, I'm pregnant
Jake: what! That's amazing news
Jake picked MC up spinning her around and kissing her, they both held each other close and kissed each other.
9 months later
MC had given birth too a baby girl they had called her Becky, she was a beautiful little girl. Jake absolutely loved his little girl always making sure she was happy, he would even get up in the night if she cried.
MC: I love you Jake
Jake: I love you MC, and our beautiful little girl
They both had more than they could ever ask for, a beautiful little girl, an amazing job and most importantly they had each other.
The End
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