Second attack

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We all know that not matter what happens we should always do the right thing . But how can one decide what is right and what is wrong ?

Maybe the option you prefer is right but the result of it hurts the people around you . If you go by listening to others advice then your whole life might become a lie . As the saying goes we should be honest with ourselves , don't change yourself for anyone , be who you are .. etc but the real you is not perfect for everyone . Yes we adjust with people we love but till what extend can one bear until it become too much for someone ?

All such things were occupying Harry's mind since his last talk with nick . His aim and mission was clear so was his wish and choice . But in the middle of all this comes nick and his life ...

After all what had happened one thing is for sure , Nick doesn't know the word move on . Love for everyone is different , for some love is life , some fall in love every week , some fake their love to get what they want , some doesn't know the feeling of being in love . But there are certain people in this world for whom love is everything , they can do anything for that love . Such people only fall in love onces in their whole life . Call them loyal , stupid or foolish they can never stop loving that person . Nick is one of those people and that's what scares harry the most .

Trying to shake all these thoughts off his head harry sat down crossed leg and closed his eyes in order to meditate .

What happened in the warehouse was not exactly planned and believe it or not his guardian angel is not very happy with it ..

"That's because you were not ready !!!"

Ya .. but what choice did he have . Life never comes with a written script according to which you can act . Some situations in life need immediate reaction to it otherwise the whole story can take a drastic unexpected turn .

Anyways you all might be wondering why is harry meditating all of the sudden . This whole power stuff is very uncommon in this world hence it's not like the first person you meet on the road can explain you how to use it and control it . But now as harry is growing up , bit by bit he is learning about himself .

Inside Harry's body there is a very strong core , a ball of infinite energy . With the help of this core harry can heal people , control nature and do all sort of stuff he does . Every fiber , vein , bone and muscle in his body is connected with his core . Why is he the only one who has it ? What all sort of things he can do with its help ? What side effects it have ?

Harry does not have answer to any of that . But he knows is that nature aka plants , trees , grass etc help him to gain more power . Harry has not fully develop hence his core has also not reach it's full limit . Therefore whenever he uses his powers beyond his capacity he feels weak . Yes he can use the power of nature around him but he trys to avoid it as much as possible .

Another way of gain power after overusing his core is mediation . If he puts all his attention on his body slowly , steady healing each and every side of his body . This doesn't require anything much but time and concentration . Meditating near nature is the best but he can't do that in open cause when harry meditate a green cover or Aura surrounds him which very much visible . Also the energy around the place increases in such a amount that anyone near by can feel it ...

After mediation and feeling a bit better harry decided to take a shower . Suddenly someone started to bang on the door continuously ,

"Harry come out !!! It's an emergency !!!"

Hearing the worry and fear in Spencer's voice harry wrapped a bath rope around himself and rushed out to see everyone gathered in the hall . The tension in the air was heavy .

"What happened ?!"

Everyone turned to look at a very sexy looking harry . All the alphas in the room looked down and fisted their hands to control their own thoughts . Harry is their friend nothing more .

Well same can't be said for nick but more than having dirty thoughts about harry he was concerned about covering his precious body up .

"I am fine nick . What is going here ?"

"Harry ... Sarah she .."

Spencer stuttered making the worry grow inside Harry's mind . Pushing nick away he bend down near Spencer and in a soft voice whispered ,

"Tell me what happened to her ?"

"We lost the connection with her after you all came back . I am afraid what if someone found her or about our plan .. harry I am scared .."

Spencer hugged harry crying into his already wet chest as harry rubbed his back .

"We will attack at them right now !!" Mick said with determination in his eyes . After all the one in danger is his love , he can't risk her safety .

"Calm down Mickey , attacking them right now will put all our life's in danger . We are safe here because of the protection field around us . But once we went in .. there is no way out ." Harry said moving away from Spencer to check the whole situation on his laptop .

"So what do you want to do ? We can't just sit here doing nothing when god knows what's happening to her !!"

"I never said we will do nothing . I am just saying we will not do something as stupid as attacking them without preparing first . Don't worry nothing will happen to her ."

Everyone gave harry the space he need as they were not much of help either way . Harry had installed a tracker on sarah before sending her as a spy . But as soon as she entered a specific zone the tracker was automatically destroyed . Maybe the clan was aware of someone trying to go against them therefore they had placed a huge radiant around their area .

Harry tried his best to find the exact location of sarah because even if she has not been caught till now , she is still alone there without a way out . When harry found out about her exact location he was not very happy with the result . 

"What's wrong , what did you find ?" Mick asked seeing the worry on Harry's face. 

Harry closed the laptop with a frustrated sigh .

"I knew about this before but I was not sure ... This Blackfoot clan is involved in many illegal stuff . One of those is kidnapping but from what I have found out they only kidnap pretty omegas and female betas . And not only from Doncaster but from all around the world . Coming to think about it the only reason that they would kidnap them is because they don't only sell drugs and weapons ..."

"You mean sex slave ?! And ... and ... Sarah is there !!!"

"I think so ... After we destroyed their weapons the only two option for them to earn money is drugs and female prostitution ... But I am hundred percent sure sarah is safe for now . Her tracker went off on 8 o'clock and for them to transport her till the other locations will take around six hours . We still have time .."

Mick took a breath of relief along with the other . But there was one person there who couldn't relax yet .

"So this being the condition what is your plan harry ?"

Nick asked in a deep voice while harry gulped nervously . Here goes nothing ,

"The place they are taking sarah is three hours away from here . But is heavily guarded and after today's incident I am damn sure they have increased their protection . We can attack them but first we have to weaken them from the inside . According to my calculations there will be fifty men around the whole area . Thirty-five on the out and atleast fifteen inside . But those fifteen will have a access to all those guns and explosive hidden in the place . So ... If we want to attack them we have to kill those fifteen first . By doing so the rest thirty-five will be trapped outside with only one pistol containing six bullets ."

Everyone around was stunned . Yes they were mafia before but they had never made such full proof plan before . They only know how to attack and destroy . Working with such plans and strategy is very much new to them but on a other level it's damn exciting .

"So how are we going to weaken them from the inside ..?"

"About that -"

Harry hesitated rubbing the back of his neck . Nick came near harry , so close that the tip of his nose was touching Harry's , looking deep into harrys green eyes he growled .

"Tell it's not what I am thinking it is .."

People around were confused see Nick act like this but they didn't know Harry like Nick did . Nick knows harry will do anything to bring sarah back safe and that risk is something he can't afford .

"I have no other choice nick ."

Harry said in a somewhat pleading voice . While everyone saw the anger and frustration in Nick's eyes harry could see the fear and worry beneath them .

"You are not going anywhere !!" With that nick started to drag harry back inside his room . He will save sarah himself but never in his life he can let Harry go in such a dangerous place alone . Never ever , over his dead body .

"Wait nick atleast listen to my plan ... You trust me don't you ."

"No Harry , you can't blackmail me like that . Yes I do trust you but I can't let you always do what you want . You might not know how percious you are but I do . They will jump on you like hungry hyenas and I would not be able to do anything . Please don't make me go through this hell ."

Harry sighed , it's not like he loves to put his life in danger every now and then but he also can't live knowing he could have saved a life by taking a small risk .

But then again nick is right . If alex or marcel were here and they would have insisted on going to such a place harry would have put both of them in a locked room and made sure they don't come out until the whole situation is handled . Well it will be ok to say in Harry's case things a bit different . He has his guardian angel with him , has powers to safe himself .. therefore nothing can go wrong .

"I understand nick , believe me I do . This whole situation is very tricky , we have to be very careful or else everything will be destroyed . Therefore atleast listen to what I am saying and then decide if you are ok with it or not ."

Nick went to shake his head when Mick replied instead of him ,

"Go on .."

"The place they have kept sarah is near a very famous bar . I am sure they pick all the girls from there . I will somehow get their attention and so they will take me straight inside their hideout . Once inside I will corrupt all their security system and free sarah along with the others . You all will be standing outside , as soon as you receive my signal kill everyone present out there ... By doing this we will get our sarah back safe and also we will destroy another of their hideout within two days . This will not only make them weak but they will become emotionally unstable and when a person is not in his control he often makes mistakes . Who knows maybe that will be their last mistake ."

Harry finished with a proud smirk . No amount of words would be ok to describe how shocked everyone was . Even nick had to admit , it was a very dope plan . The member in the gang were grateful that harry considered their boss a Friend . If he was their enemy then he would have whipped out their entire existence .

As much as nick wanted to disagree he had no other choice .

That how harry was in the bar an hour later dressed in tight skinny jeans and a silk buttoned shirt . He had not tied his curls letting it fall down freely , his shirt unbuttoned till his lower chest almost reaching his stomach showing off his tattoos and boy he was there to seduce the life out of everyone present  ..

"Who the hell gave him that shirt !!!"

"Why does it have lace on the back showing off his milky smooth skin !!!"

"Why on the earth is he smiling like that with everyone !?!"


That's all what the gang members have been hearing since harry entered inside the bar . They all were outside near the highway at a safe distance . Once those guys would 'kidnap' harry they will follow them and after that wait for Harry's signal . Simple right ... Not at all . Nick couldn't bear people eyeing his harry like that but to be honest even his teammates couldn't keep their eyes off harry . I mean have you seen how that dude looks !!

Anyways harry was successful in capturing everyone attention in the bar without having to do anything at all . But harry had eyes only at the two bulk guys at the very center looking out for their next prey . As soon as they saw harry they couldn't see anyone else ,

"Harry they are coming your way .."

Harry slightly turned to see those guys approaching him with drinks in their hand . Pretending to be drunk he leaned against the table a bit making his shirt move up a little .

"Hey beautiful , up for a drink ?"

"Go away ... I want to be alooone .."

Harry said in a drunk voice pushing them away a bit . A shot of electricity ran through their veins when harry touched them .

"Never seen you here before . Judging by the way you are drunk I guess some broke you delicate heart . Tell what happened , maybe I would be able to help .."

The guy covered with tattoos said coming a bit too close to harry . Faking his concern he rubbed harry back as a gesture to calm him down . Harry took the glass in front of him and drank it all up in one go before saying ,

"My alpha cheated on me ... No one loves me .. I am all alone ... Goooo away Mr I don't want to talk with youuuuu !!"

Harry hided his smirk when he saw the two giving each other evil looks . Come on jerks take your death in your hideout by yourself . Gosh these guys are so stupid .

Before anyone could say anything harry fell on the table face down pretending to pass out .

"Dude we have to take him . Just imagine how rich we will become because of this percious rare gem , Boss will be so happy with us ."

"But he has an alpha . What if we get in trouble ..?"

"Ohh come on you scary cat . Nothing will go wrong , he is a male omega that too so beautiful . Even if a whole gang comes after him then too I will not let this opportunity go like this ."

With that he picked harry up and threw him up his shoulder carrying him outside the bar . The second guy was still in doubt but at the end followed them anyways . After all their work was just to kidnap pretty omega , rest is the responsibility of their boss .

Harry opened his eyes to see the world upside down . He looked at the cars parked in a distance and smiled winking at the one sitting inside .

'Part one successful , I am coming sarah ..'


"Let me go !!!!"

"Don't come near me !!!"

"Help somebody help !!! Please save me form these monster !!! HELP PLEASE !!!"

All such kind of yell were heard all over the place . Harry was on the ground covering his body as much as possible while five guys were above him were laughing at his pleading almost begging stage .

"No one will help you beautiful . We will ravish you one by one ... God it's been so long since I had someone so gorgeous .."

"You are right mate , I can't wait to tear him apart and hear his heart warming moan . Just guess how loud he would be in bed ."

"Don't make me hard already dude . Let's inform boss first . Till then let him cry some more , take him to the dungeon and lock him like everyone else ."

They all nodded to each other as one of them took Harry's shirt dragging him all the way down .

"No leave me alone !!! Stop it , I beg you please !!"

The guy above ignored all his crying as he entered inside a place that honestly smells like sewer . There were cages all around and most of them were full . Filled inside were all the omegas and betas who have been locked here since god knows when . Among them was sarah looking at harry with shock and fear written on her worried face . One of the last cells was opened through a code and harry was thrown inside .

"No take me back please , I hate darkness .." harry cried but that guy slapped him hard on the face . Seeing that two souls growled ; one sarah and other his guardian angel ..

"Look bud I am here to make sure you don't misuse your powers but i swear right now I want you to explode and tear this guy into a thousand million pieces . How dare he hit you !!! Come fight back !!"

"It's not the right time angel . I'll have to wait .."

"Seriously , I can't believe you . Ok do whatever you want . But you fucker !!! Touch my baby again and I will personally hand over your soul to satan in his all glory . He will enjoy playing with your pathetic self !!!"

"You know he can't hear you right ..?"

"Fuck !!!"

While their this mind conversation was going that alpha snickers looking at Harry's small figure curling up on the ground as he said ,

"Stay here babe , I'll be back soon . Get ready cause today will be the best night ever .. for me ."

As soon as he was out of the place an absolute silence took over the place . A grunt was heard before the guy who had been dragged all the way here got up on his feets dusting the dirt off his jeans with a pissed look on his face .

"You bloody bastard , just wait for a few minutes . You will be the first person I kill ."

Harry growled under his breath rubbing his cheeks .

"Harry !!! Harry are you fine ?!"

He heard Sarah panicked voice calling for him . Instead of replying he broke the cell door and went out in search of her . Coming in front of her cell he smiled at her , she took her hands out and hugged harry through the metal bars with tears in her eyes ,

"I am perfectly fine sarah .."

"Then what was that before ... You shouting , crying .. begging like that .. I thought you -"

"Ever heard of acting dagger queen ?"

Harry said with a smirk but instead of getting a pat on the back as he expected Sarah pinched both of his nipples tightly .

"Ahhh you sadistic women , what's your problem !!"

"I was worried out of my mind you jerk , now get me out of here !!"

Pouting harry opened her cell door , as soon as she was free she hugged harry again this time properly saying ,

"Seriously never do that again , I hate to see you like that . You are our strong independent omega right ."

"That I am . Now do you know the control/main board around here . I got some omegas to save .."

Sarah pointed a board at the left with almost fifty switches in five different colors . Harry thanked her and went over there playing with a few buttons here there and boom all the cell doors opened on their own . All the cells or prison there had electronic lock so all harry had to do was push some right switches and connect a few wires ..

While all this was happening in the dungeon upstairs those two alphas went towards their boss room with a award winning smile on their face . They were sure they will get a big amount for the work they have done today

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