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'I don't know how did I got stuck here . I don't wanna be here , I wanna go home where I feel safe , feel loved . I wanna say sorry to all those whom I have hurt but no my mistakes are the only reason I am here ..'


"C'mon baby it would be so fun.."

"No I don't wanna go there with you , because of you all everyone has started to hate me . I don't want that ." I whinned but I guess it was useless .

"Listen here you piece of shit . If I ask you to do something than shut your mouth and do it . And about the hating part , open your eyes . No one here cares about you .." Max said laughing at my crying state before pushing me on to the ground.

"He cared , harry cared ..." I whispered but sadly there was no one to hear me .


"Why are you being like this Al , plz tell me what's wrong .." Stan begged but I closed my eyes with a heavy heart . I wish I could tell you alpha , I wish things were different but sadly it's not . I am sorry stan , I love you ..

"I don't want to be with you anymore Stan . Leave me alone ."

"What do you mean leave you alone . I love you god dammit !!!" He shouted as he held my wrist tightly . I turned to look at him and the next words that came from my mouth made me wanna kill myself .

"But I don't .."

I turned to run away but Aaron held me from behind and forcefully placed his lips on mine . I tried to push him away but he pinched my waist whispering in my ears ,

"Be a good boy and obey me otherwise you know what will happen ."

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Stan running away with tears in his eyes leaving a guilty , heartbroken , selfish idiot behind ; me .


"Plz , please I am begging you . Plz let me go . Why are you even doing this .." I cried as they dragged me into the club where god knows what will happen to me .

"Cause baby boy , this is the place where you truly belong .."

(End of flashback)

That's how I found myself in the most corrupted club hiding in the washroom but for not long . I closed my eyes tightly trying to calm my heartbeat so that no one finds me . The necklace once Harry gave me clutched tightly in my fist , I wanna do nothing more than run straight into his arms where I feels safe , protected . I wanna say sorry for treating him the way I did , he always said learn to value things before you lose them forever but I sadly couldn't understand it earlier .... I was shaking in fear as I heard footsteps outside the door .

"Come out baby boy , I know you are in there .."

I placed my palm over my mouth to stop the sob that was threatening to escape from my throat . My wrist was decorated with red blood and ripped skin , I did it to myself . I know I promised harry that I'll not do it again but as you all may know by now I am not good at keep my promises . But me being the coward I am , I couldn't even take my life with my own hands . 

Lost in thought I didn't noticed when the shadow came close to me but I let out a huge scream when the door was ripped out of my vision and there stood max in front of me with a devil smile on his sinister face ..


I tried to run away but he was faster than me . He grabbed my small weak body in his strong arms and pinned me on the wall near by as he took my bleeding hand in his .

"Ohhh looks like someone tried to harm themselves but guess they couldn't do it . Don't worry love I will give you plenty of reasons to die but not one to live .."

He tried to grab my crotch but I pushed in away from me trying to hit him anywhere possible . He laughed at my weak attempts to defend myself .

"Trying to be brave I see . Let me have my ways on you pretty body , if you deined my touch then believe me love , There will be consequence ." He said but I didn't listen . I couldn't fail myself like this , I would not submit myself to someone as disgusting as him . I will not disappoint harry , with that thought in my mind I punched him as hard as I could making his nose bleed . He growled looked down at me with his angry eyes that's when I knew , I fucked up ..

"You wanna be a bad boy , okay then you asked this for yourself .." Max said as he threw me on his shoulder carrying me outside where everyone was staring at me with their hungry eyes . Some of them were half naked , some in middle of sex , nothing else could be heard but moans , screams , noise of pleasure etc . I knew there were many more omegas like me held as a prisoner here .

"Put me down , let me go . STOP IT !!!" I screamed punching his back rapidly but it had no effect on him . He tighten his grip on my waist which would definitely leave a huge bruise but that was my least worry right now .

I heard a few glass chattering before I was thrown over the table with all my so called friends hover my small body with nothing but lust in their eyes . I curse that day when I decided to choose these people over harry and stan . How can I be such an idiot to trust them , how can I be so blind to not see what Harry was trying to warn me about . How can I be so selfish that I didn't understand what Stan was trying to tell me . And now it's just too late ...

"You know alex , out of 100 Wolf's in this world 50% Wolf's are betas both male and female , 30% are alphas only male and 20 % are omegas among which only 5 are male omegas . That's doesn't only makes male omegas very rare and precious but also its a gift for hungry alphas like us .." Aaron said surrounding me like a perditor surrounds it's prey. 

"I have heard that sex with a male omega is on a whole different level and the satisfaction it provides is indescribable . Now in Doncaster there are only two male omega one being you and other your lovely protector ; Harry styles ..."

A huge wave of fear ran through me hearing Harry's name from his mouth ,
"Please don't do anything to him please leave him Alone."

"Don't you get it love , all of this is for him who else . You don't know how many of us are ready to die for just a taste of his sexy smooth body . Jezz I can have organism ten times in a row just think about his pale naked body on mine . But unfortunately he is not like you , he is strong and confident , hard to be fooled . So that's where you come in , Harry has many weakness but the biggest one is you . He cares for you and would go to any limit to protect you . Once we are finished with you we'll get our hands on the most desirable omega who will submit to us .... Because of you . See love this was never about you ."

Max said with a evil smile on face which shook my insides . God what have I done , the person who always helped me , supported me has his life in danger only because of me . If anything happens to my angel I don't know will I do ..

"Awww don't worry about it right now . Only think you gotta worry about is yourself . You see all these hungry alphas here , once I have finished with you they all will have their turn of pleasure with you and you being the good boy will take everything we give you ."

"No no please don't do this , I'll do any thing . I'll be your slave , I'll obey all your order just let me go please .."

All of them laughed at my begging state making me wanna hide in a corner , I was already dying from embarrassment and fear . Aaron tutted above me before taking my face in his palms roughly snatching my hair off .

"Ohh it's a tempting offer but guess what baby , you are already our slave . Our very own sex slave .."

With that he ripped my shirt off . I screamed trying to move away but I felt Lucy and Kelly coming beside me holding my hands down . Maxwell attacked my neck as Aaron worked on taking the rest of clothing of me .

"NO .... NO , HELP SOMEBODY HELP !!!!" I yelled on the top of my lungs but my attempts were useless against the loud laughter of these merciless creature . I cried and cried until I could see anything clear anymore.  I felt the last peice of cloth ripped off me , I was left naked , uncovered in front of this lust filled hungry for sex alphas . I was scratched , marked , bruised , treated like a toy . I kept shouting , pleading but no one was there to listen .

I felt someone trying to enter me and that's when I lost it , I trashed , squeezed , punched , kicked ... did everything I could think off but ultimately failed . I remembered the times when Sam rapped me , used me and then left me to suffer . I panicked shaking uncontrollably with only fear in my mind going through all that pain once again . Please god , please help me ....

As if their was someone above the clouds listening to my prayer cause just as Aaron was about to enter me a earth shattering growl was heard from the door . Everyone fell down on their knee holding their aching ear in pain , the scent emitted by the person was so strong and powerful that it even made the toughest alphas lungs give up as they all struggled to breath . I tried to see who was at the door but my tears prevented me from doing so .

There was a lot of scream , crying , shouting , growling heard but I felt paralyzed , I couldn't move . Suddenly everything went silent as I felt drained from all the energy left in me . My bleeding hand was now turning blue due to excessive loss of blood but I was happy . Atleast now I could die peacefully .

Just before I blacked out I felt a soft calming touch . I leaned into the person feeling nothing but love and comfort surround me . I would never forget this touch and the person behind this touch cause I knew as long as he is with me everything will be alright . I closed my eyes with a happy sigh mummering the name that I could dedicated my whole life too..



Harry's POV

As soon as I reached outside the club I felt me heart drop from the sounds of cry coming from inside . A familiar voice was shouting , yelling , pleading but no one around even bothered but they all pretended as if they didn't listen anything , let alone helping  . I ran inside not wasting a second and what I saw made my inside burn in anger .

Inside everyone was surrounding a person who was pinned down on the table by four people I knew very well . People around them were recording the scene in front of them with a evil smirk on their lips . How can someone find pleausre by seeing someone being molested and rapped like this . I could even think properly when I saw the person on the table , the omega I sweared to protect , the wolf who was like a brother to me .

I growled out loudly which I know whole Doncaster must have heard but I don't care about that right now . I took the glass near by shattering it in pecies before throwing it straight at Aaron's manhood . He screamed in pain and agony as everyone started to shake in fear seeing the blood dripping along with a sliced dick , I felt the adrenaline rush through me , I could see nothing but the poor wolf who suffered without any fault and the persons behind his pain and suffering ; The Wolf's responsible for all this .... I grabbed the person besides me slamming their face on the wall hard making them fall unconscious . I walked forward punching and kicking everyone who tried to stop me . That moment I didn't even care how bad I was hurting them just like they didn't care how a wolf was being rapped in front of them .

I took both Kelly and Lucy by their hair slamming their heads together, they screamed trying to free themselves but I showed no mercy . I can forgive a thousand crimes they do but I will never forgive them for trying to do something like this to Alex and god knows how many omegas before  . I threw them on the wine stand , all the wine bottles scattered into small sharp pieces of glass that teared their skin apart . They yelled out in pain as wine entered their veins but those screams were nothing compared to Alex's pleads . Alex ...

I turned to see a almost dead body on the table naked , covered in blood and bruises . My heart broke seeing him in such a state , only if I was here a bit earlier , only if I didn't leave him alone maybe he wouldn't be suffering so much . I took my coat off wrapping his absued body in it , I felt my heart swell when he leaned into my touch with a small barely visible smile on his lips as he whispered my name .

"Don't worry bud , I will not let anything happen to you .."

I held him my arms bridal style taking him out of this hell into my car , I buckled him in the passenger seat  . Looking back at the club i wanted to do nothing more than killing everyone inside but Alex needed me right now . I locked the club door form outside before calling the only person I knew who would bring all these bastrad to justice by the law .

"Detective Joe , I need a favour from you ..."

It felt like a deja vu entering my house with Alex in my arms but this time I was not only angry but also disappointed and hurt . I was not surprise to see everyone including Stan inside waiting for me .

"Oh my god Harry what happened to him ..." Mom gasped seeing alex like this but as she went to touch him alex whimpered cuddling closer to my chest . I know he didn't want anyone to touch him at this moment . I looked up at Stan who was on his knee crying his heart out saying it was his fault over and over again . I wanted to comfort him but alex needed me right now . I glanced at my alphas with a pleading expression to which the nodded surrounding the sobbing alpha . 

I took alex to my room with Gemma and dusty following . I entered and placed alex on my bed but as I went to move away alex tighten his grip on my shoulder . Even if he was unconscious he didn't wanted me to leave .

"Can you please get my some wet cotton and comfortable clothes .." I asked Gemma who nodded before going out . Dusty jumped on the bed beside me looking alex with a sad look on his face .

"He will be fine dusty you go to Kendall and make sure she is okay . Tension in this stage of pregnancy is not good for the baby , also make sure James , Josh and Jackson are with you there .." I said to dusty who looked at me then alex . He climbed on beside him and licked Alex's sweat covered face before going out just as I asked him to do .

I took Alex's hand in mine inspecting his wrist with tears in my eyes . I couldn't help but get the feeling of being betrayed seeing those cuts on his wrist , I felt hurt . I didn't noticed when Gemma came inside with medicine and clothes but I jumped when I felt a her hand on my shoulder as she looked at me with pity in her eyes .

"Everything will be alright hazza , don't worry .."

"You don't know that .." I said wiping the tears off my face .

"You are right , I don't know that but I know you and I also know that you will do everything you can to make it all right ." She said kissing my forehead before going out of the room leaving me alone with the broken boy on my bed .

I healed all his wounds and cuts , washed all the dried blood and sweat of his body before dressing him in proper , comfortable clothes.  After all this I got inside the covers with him feeling his small body cuddle close to me as he slept peaceful as if all this never happened , as if all this was just a horrible dream .

No matter how much I tried I couldn't sleep , a thousand question going inside my mind but not one coming with an answer to it .

"Can't sleep boy ?"

"No ..."

"C'mon talk to me , I know you need someone to help you out with all the queries in the pretty head of yours ."

I sighed but started to ramble everything to him , after all no matter how wise or smart you are , you will always need someone to make sure you are on the right path .

"Why does this always happens to me angel . Everytime I think that yes now everything will be alright , something or the other goes horribly wrong making me question me life desicions again ..."

"Challenges are what makes you a prefect man harry . These challenge that you face are to make you understand that everything you receive comes with a cost to pay ."

"But I don't want it , I want a normal life where I have to only worry about getting good marks or having a great date with my mates or making sure dusty had went to the garden to freshen up . I don't wanna wake up to a new problem everyday ..."

"You can also have a normal life harry , anytime you want but you choose not to . Tell me one thing bud earlier today when I asked you to go to the club you could have easily refused , you could have came back to your house , you could easily ignored me to have a peaceful dinner with your family . Then why did you go to the place where you knew was danger and problems ..."

"Because ... Because I know someone needed help and I couldn't just sitting calmly at my house enjoying a lovely meal when someone out there might be dying."

"See this is what makes you different , the problem that you solve on daily basis saves someone's life for a better future . Your effort and sacrifice are not wasted boy , instead you are the only person you can help these people from the possible danger they are in . The world needs a person like you harry but it's your choice whether you wanna be the person for the world"

{A/n wow that was deep , what's wrong with me today ...}

Well what should I say after that , people say I am the most Inspiring speaker they ever meet but they should definitely meet my guardian angel . I looked down at the small boy in my arms , not matter what happens in my life there is one thing I am sure of . If by living like this I help other in any way than I don't want to change anything , after all its said you have not lived your life completely if you have never saved one..

(Next morning)

When I woke up Alex was still sleeping so I decided it would be better to let him sleep for a while  . I went downstairs hungry as hell , after all I didn't ate anything last night upon that I used the rest of my energy on healing alex .

When I reached the hall the atmosphere was tense to say least.  My alphas were still there , Stan included , mom , dad , Gemma .. all were gathered around watching something on the tv , probably a news Channel ..

"Yesterday a big group of people were arrested in the red rose club , they are charged against drug selling , molestation and other illegal activities such as smuggling conducted secretly . Mr smith ; one of the most known business man had to suffer a huge loss due to this arrest . The caller who complaint about the illegal activities is still unknown but people around here are calling that person their angel . As you can see this bar is completely destroyed before the police came here . People around here are saying that they would usually here noise coming from this bar but yesterday there was a strange atmosphere around here . There were 35 omegas in terrible condition found in the basement who are now send to the hospital for treatment . Who was the person who saved so many life's ? Is he a mystery hero we all needed ? Is he -"

I switched off the tv before the girl would continue here over dramatic speech . Everyone turned towards me with different expression . Well Stan and Kendall with a thankful one ; 'ahh don't mention it' . Dad and Gemma a proud one ; 'I am great I know' . And the most horrifying were mom and alphas who were looking like they

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