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Feeling complete ... It's a feeling not everyone can describe in a certain defination cause for everyone it's different . Some find their happiness in being successful spending all their life dedicated to their goal . Some find themselves complete by helping other , seeing other people happy and contented brings them joy . Some spend their whole life trying to find themselves and their happiness but without any success . And some souls find their happiness in love . Love for their parents , their friends , their soulmate , their special forever .

For alphas they found themselves complete after finding harry . Though they are still quiet young they can say for sure they have found their happiness in form of harry . And after last night they not only feel a more closer relation with harry but they felt their souls connected . They have not marked or in other words properly mated each other yet but still they feel the bond between them Getting stronger and it's the best feeling ever .

And so when harry asked the question ,
"What do you plan on doing after this ...?"

Their anxiety rose to the highest level . The biggest happiness comes with a big fear that is losing it forever . And alphas have always felt that fear deep in their bones . But then again somewhere in their heart they knew they should trust harry and his love for them . Therefore with pure honesty they revealed their 'master-plan' to him .

"We plan to go somewhere far away from here with you . I know many may call us backstabber or coward but harry for us nothing matters more than you and your happiness . We know if we returned to the royal life many more problems will arise in front of us . You will have to constantly face all kind of difficulty that appears because of us all being each others mate . All that blame , hate and suffering we don't want any of it . Therefore we wish to leave all this behind . We promise you we will always keep you safe and happy ."

For a few moments harry didn't say anything but then with a very soft smile he asked ,

"Forget everything for a moment alpha and now tell me . Will you be happy leaving your life as a prince behind ? Will you be happy knowing you might never see your family ever again ? Would you be able to forget all those things you have been taught since your childhood so that one day you become a great king ? Will you be happy living a life like a thief hiding from your own family even if it is with me ?"

Harry's questions were like knifes that went straight through their heart . They didn't need to answer cause the tear in their eyes spoke for them .

No they would not be happy like that .

But now what should they do , they can't take harry with them back knowing how he might suffer because of their responsibility . Hell zayn and Liam are even sure that their kingdom will never accept this relationship .

And to even think of leaving harry behind to fulfill their responsibility made their heart tear . They don't want harry to suffer but you can't even image how much would they suffer without harry , he has became like the air they need to live .

Seeing this inner conflict inside alphas eyes harry suggested them to think about it carefully before coming to a conclusion and also reassured them that whatever their desicion might be he will always support them .

Currently harry was in the kitchen cooking , liam and louis were out for morning jog and niall was upstairs showering while zayn was in his art room . Harry was making a simple sandwich for breakfast as he knew other dishes will take a lot of time and the alphas will not leave him alone after last night . Even while cutting the vegetables he kept smiling remembering how he had to literally push them away so that they would leave him alone .

Suddenly the doorbell rang making harry giggle a little .
'Its not even been fifteen mins and they are back ...' he said in his mind .

Zayn came out of his art room to open the door as harry was busy . But to both their surprise it was not their mates but someone else ,

"Good morning prince , I hope you all are fine ."

Harry paled seeing the royal soldier at the door , well he thought they would be alone for today so he didn't bother to dress much and that was a problem because he was obviously smelling like all four of his alphas and the quiet visible hickeys on his neck were more of a proof of what happened last night . Now it wouldn't be a big problem if the soldier knew about Harry's status and relation with the alphas but at the current situation he looked like a slut who was paid to spend a night with four royal prince .

Before zayn could react the soldier ran past him with his sword held high to kill who ever dared to sleep with his respected and loyal Prince .

Harry used the knife he had in his hand to block his attack as he tried to explain ,
"Look Mr you are getting it all wrong , it not what it looks like !!!"

But the soldier was not listening he tried to attack harry again and this time harry jumped over the kitchen counter to escape from the angry sword guy . Zayn ran and stood in front of harry looking at the soldier with flames burning in his hazel eyes .

"Solider !! I order you to stop right now !!"

"But my lord he has broken the rule . He has disrespected your future omega and our next queen . He has to be punished .."

"You stupid moron he is your future queen !!!"

Niall yelled as he came downstairs and ran straight towards harry to see if he was injured . Harry smiled a bit to calm him down and reassure him that he was fine .

"W-what ?!"

The soldier stuttered in shock , he looked at the three in front of him with his big eyes . At the same moment louis and Liam came running inside as niall had send a mind link to them . Louis yelled in rage as soon as he saw what was happening ,

"How dare you try to hurt my omega !!"

Harry knew if louis lost control then things will get out of hand so he stepped out of his alphas protection and faced the solider .

"Look I don't know what you think about me but I am not someone who will sleep with anyone for money . My love and loyalty are only for my alphas who are also your dear prince so it would be better if you think next time before reacting to a situation like this -"

He was not even finished when he solider got down on his knees and in a sincere yet desperate tone he apologized ,

"I am so sorry my queen , it's all my fault . Please forgive me and my foolish act ."

Harry got startled by the sudden gesture and couldn't even utter a word out . The same guy who was trying to kill him few seconds ago was now begging for forgiveness . Alphas saw this shock in Harry's eyes hence they asked the soldier to leave them alone for sometime and ordered him to not say a single thing about all this to the king . As soon as he was out all of them surrounded harry with worried expression on their face .

"Baby are you ok ?"

Harry went to sit on the couch in shock trying to register what just happened . His alphas followed him around like little ducklings ,

"This is why we decided we will not go back .. things like this will happen all the time and we don't want that ."

"But by running away we will not freeing ourselves instead we will fall deeper in this rabbit hole .." harry justified after hearing what louis said .

Liam sat down in front of harry taking his hand he said ,
"Earlier today you asked all of us to decided what we want . Now I will ask you , according to you what should we do . Since we all have started being together you have never once made a wrong choice so we leave our future in your hands . I promise you we will follow you anywhere you take us ."

The alphas had thought about it for very long and other than this they don't seem to find a way out . Harry might be youngest of them all but he is most responsible and sensible in taking decisions like this also whatever is decided will affect him the most so it's best if he decides himself .

"Alphas can I ask you something ?"

When they all nodded Harry's asked ,

"What is the story about that soldier , as far as I understand he is not just a normal soldier seeing the way he reacted just now ."

"Actually the old hag was once a best friend of my father . When my Father became the king he was always nervous and hesitant to take any decision . That time old hag helped him a lot to become a better king , after I was born dad made him my guardian , mentor and kind of bodyguard . Although I learned a lot from him many times he can be too much that's why I try to avoid him ."

Louis explained . Harry looked down in deep thoughts as he asked ,

"That's explains a lot but then again the way he reacted just now .. the fear in his eyes and the horror on his face ... It was something I can't quiet figure out . It looked like he had went through something like this before ... Almost as if the same incident had taken place-"

"What's the point of all that now hazza . We still have time to decide what we want to do in future for now let's eat . I am so hungry ."

With that the alphas went to the kitchen to complete making the sandwich . Harry narrowed his eyes at their disappearing figure , they were definitely hiding something but what . Somehow he feels the reason why they don't want to take harry back to the palace is not only because of his comfort or safety .. 

But on other hand it might not be that serious of an issue . Maybe Harry's is just over analysing stuff without any reason . Whatever it is .. it will have to wait till future to be revealed . 😏

Harry went outside to see the solider was sitting on the stairs of entrance with his sword in his hand deep in thoughts . He cleared his throat to get the attention of the soldier . When the soldier saw harry near him he immediately got up and bowed to him .

"Is there something you want from me ..?"

"Yes two things one I am much younger than you so don't ever bow to me again . And two I don't think you had your breakfast yet so come inside and eat something ."

"H-how can I-I .."

"Look you might be just a soldier in the palace but this is my home and here I will not let anyone sit outside in cold with a Hungry stomach ."

With that harry went inside leaving the door open so that the soldier could enter . The speechless solider stood at same spot without moving an inch , something about this moment made his heart fill with emotion that he almost cried . Inside harry prepared the table for his alphas while he made the soldier sit on the couch very well knowing he would not sit near his prince .

Alphas were not at all surprised by this as they expected none less from their omega .

While everyone was having their food harry was busy thinking about everything . His alphas , his future , his family , his decision .. you know those moments in life where you have to take an extremely important desicion and you have no idea what would be right for you . At those times you seek someone to advise you , to guide you , to help you . For Harry that person was his guardian angel {A/n I know I don't write much about him but he is always there and even gives harry the advice constantly so don't think that he just disappears and reappears in the story..}

The answer from his angel was loud and clear ,
"You know that what you want and what you need to do is the same thing . You just need someone to reassure you so bud don't worry , What you thinking is absolutely right for everyone ."

Finally eased from all his worries harry ate his breakfast in peace . After that he called everyone in the hall to announce a few things .

"So Mr soldier , my name is Harry Edward Styles and I am the mate of your four prince . I would very much like if you give your blessings to our relationship .."

"M-my blessings ..?"

This time even the alphas were shock because of Harry's action . Harry calmly bowed as he said ,

"You are Doncaster's kings best friend and also like a guardian to my mate . Therefore you are like a father figure to me that's why I plead for your blessings ."

The soldier couldn't control his tears this time , he turned around so that no one could see his so called weakness . The alphas felt so proud of harry that they couldn't wipe that proud smile of their faces . Collecting his emotions together the soldier faced harry with a genuine smile on his face .

"Son no one has ever giving me so much respect and touched my heart like this before . You definitely have my blessing and I reassure you no one will ever be able to harm you in front of me . I'll protect you with all my might . If any one deserves to be the ruler of four mighty kingdom then it's you ."

Harry smiled so big that his face almost glowed , he stepped forward and hugged the guy giving him the third biggest shock he received since morning . Harry softy whispered in his ear ,
"Thank you ."

The soldier hugged him back slowly as he nodded . He was happy for the prince , the kingdom and the people . They were going to get someone so perfect in every way , someone who will change their destiny forever . After breaking the hug harry faced his alphas as he said ,

"Also I will answer your question afterwards . First you all have to face my family cause they will be more angry than Mr soilder here ."

"Paul . My name is Paul Higgins ."

"Ohhh sorry . They will be more angry than Mr Paul here ."

Only one thing was written on alphas face . 'OH SHIT !!'


As soon as they reached the styles mansion one by one all of the alphas hide behind harry waiting for some to open the door . At the same time Mr Paul were amused to see 'The I fear nothing' alphas sacred like that .

The one who opened the door was Gemma . Her wide eyes looked at harry from top to bottom blinking a few times .





"Gemma !!" Harry yelled with a tomato red face trying to stop her from running after his alphas . She shook him off and ran after the four who took off towards the backyard yelling like a young maiden .




Louis shouted back as the rest stopped running to stare at him like really dude .. you had to say that right now .

"What .. it's not like I said something wrong ."

"Well Mr *I am always right* even if we were to be saved before now we will definitely die ." Niall said pointing at Gemma who had unleashed the sword from Mr Paul and was running straight at them .

"No Gemma stop ..!!"

Lottie came out of the house eating an Apple to see Gemma running after the four prince with a sword while harry was running after her trying to stop her and dusty was looking at them with a creeped out look on his face . She shrugged her shoulders whispering ,
"Seems pretty Normal to me ."

Suddenly a loud laughter was heard making all of them stop in their place . They looked up to see that the cold face soldier was bend down holding his stomach laughing so hard that he almost cried . The royals looked at each other with a surprised look on their face cause they had never seen him laugh like that before .

"He good ..?" Gemma asked pointing the sword at his direction . Harry came forward and snatched the sword off her saying .

"Yes he is fine but what is wrong with you !! What if you hurt them !!"

"My intension exactly ." Gemma said narrowing her eyes at the four . Harry slapped the back of her head with a smile .

"Stop it now . Where are mom and dad ?"

"Ohhh they had gone to visit the orphanage with Marcel yesterday after the graduation ceremony was over . Due to bad weather they had to stay there for the night so they will be back in an hour or so ."

Harry nodded his head but then suddenly looked up Gemma with his eyes narrowed .

"Wait a second so that means you were alone with Lottie here the whole night ."

"What .. n-no .. she came in the morning so I was alone at night ." Gemma said backing away slowly with her ears turning red . The soldier looked at the pale face of Doncaster's princess before bursting out in laughter again .

"I forgot to flush the toilet . I'll be right back ."

"Gemma Styles !!! Lottie Tomlinson !!! Come out right now !!"


I hope that was good and not boring . It took surprising quite a while to write all that . If there are any mistakes then please let me know . Also do you think the alphas are hiding something from harry and if so then what ?!?

What do you think about the old hag .. sorry the royal soldier after knowing all that .

Also what do you think harry will decide . What would you do if your were to be in his place ?

Anyways take care and please be safe .
Love ya ..

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