Episode 7

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Third Person's pov

Yein is with Lovelyz since they've just done a TV guesting.They are on the van and a silent occurs.Then suddenly Mijoo speak.

"Yein...how do you feel sleeping on the other house for a day??"Mijoo

Jisoo and Baby Soul laugh.

"Kei and Jisoo unnie talk about your husband when your not on the dorm" Myungeun

They are now like teasing Yein.

"It just normal" Yein

Yein is avoiding her unnie.

"Aigoo...she's avoiding" Mijoo

"Yah..stop that"Kei

Then Lovelyz are making their self silent.And one by one are getting asleep.

(Yein's interview)

'What did you feel when Lovelyz talk about you and your marriage things? '

"It's not embarrassing but I hate when unnie talk about me....and I can't do anything just to avoid them"

When they arrive at their dorm. Sujeong found something on their room.

"Yein...it's for you "Sujeong

As she give Yein an envelope.

"What is this? "Yein

Yein start to read the letter.

To:The Wife

            You need to meet your Husband.You must meet him tomorrow morning on the Namsan Tower

Yein hide it right away because maybe her unnie read it and tease her again.

When the morning come.Yein prepare for meeting her future husband.She was send by their manager.

"Yein...I watched the recent episode.."Lovelyz manager

Yein's eyes pupils are moving, she gulp her saliva as she heard their manager talk about.

"Ahmmm...yeah" Yein

"And...it was really good..." Lovelyz manager

Yein was surprise cause maybe their manager talk about what she eat with Jungkook.

"And I hope you make a good memories with him" Lovelyz manager

"Yes.." Yein

As she widely smile and leave their manager.She was walking alone to the Namsan Tower.

"I came here once" Yein

As she talk to herself.

"And I want to come here next time with my unnies" Yein

Then as she was strolling around she saw Jungkook sitting on the café near at the Namsan Tower.She approach Jungkook.

"Hey.." Yein

"Oh...your so early" Jungkook

"No.." Yein

"So wanna go up" Jungkook

Yein just nod and they go their together.They really good together cause they are wearing a same fashion,maybe it's a coincidence.Everyone are staring at them as they are walking.

Then a staff approach them and give them a mono pad. They will use it to go in the Namsan Tower since the staff are giving them time together alone without camera man.

And before the staff leave them an envelope was given to them.Now they are alone. Jungkook is the one who is holding the self camera.

Yein read the letter on the envelope and laugh as she finish reading.

"What is it?" Jungkook

"We have a mission" Yein

Then Yein give the letter and Jungkook read it.

"We have no choice ..let just do it" Jungkook

"Seriously.??.." Yein

"What's wrong....were married" Jungkook

"Not yet" Yein

"Will??" Jungkook


You must go to the Namsan Tower together while holding hands.

Then Jungkook lead his hand that make Yein hold his hand awkwardly. Yein is shy since it's her first time to experience holding hand in the public.

(Jungkook's interview)

'What did you feel holding her hand?'

"It was comfortable since her hand was cold and soft.The feeling that I don't want to let go of her hand"

When they go to the Tower they are still holding hand.And as the time passes they look natural since they look comfortable to each other now.Yein was surprise to see a table with a set.

"Gosh..." Yein

"Do you like it?" Jungkook

"I love it" Yein

They sit together and face each other.

"It's daebak!!" Yein

"I prepare this" Jungkook

"Woahh...really...it's romantic" Yein

"Really.... Just for you" Jungkook

"Thanks..." Yein

Then Yein saw a string that there's a paper hanging there that facing their opposite way.

"What those?" Yein

"Wanna see??" Jungkook

Yein just nod and Jungkook lead the way.As they reach the way.Yein saw a words that written for her there.That make her gasp.

"Omo...is this so fast??" Yein

As she look around since a lot of people are strolling too in the tower so she's ashame.

"No...." Jungkook

Then Yein laugh nonstop.

"So what...??" Jungkook

"What?" Yein

"So let's get married.." Jungkook

Yein just smile at him.

"Will you marry me??" Jungkook

"I have no choice" Yein

"Sounds that your just forcing yourself " Jungkook

"Then let's repeat" Yein

"Will you marry me??" Jungkook

Yein want to scream her answer because of happiness.

"Yes....!!!!!! I do!!!" Yein

Then Jungkook pull him to his embrace and rub her hair.And they are smiling to each other now.

Yein feel really flutter when Jungkook hug her for the first time.The feeling that she want to faint but she can't cause she don't want to miss this moment.

After that moment they go down while still holding hands together.Since they are getting married they are not that awkward anymore.They are now confident being a couple of century. 

It's almost dark when they are going home.They still holding there hand on the way of their home.

"What do you want to eat??" Yein

"Anything" Jungkook

"I will cook it for you" Yein

"Aishhh...so sweet!!!" MC1

"I've not been feel like this before on the recents We Got Married...they make me feel reminisce the day that I'm the same age of them and I'm with my lady" MC3

"Anything....that you cook I will eat it.Even thought it's burn" Jungkook

Yein hit him sweetly on the arms.

"Stop that.... If my unnie watch this episode they will tease me" Yein

"*laugh so hard*she still think of her groupmate" MC1

"If your with me don't think about them" Jungkook

"*surprise* why???" Yein

"I feel jealous when your thinking of them instead of me" Jungkook

The word hit Yein so much.Yein just hide her smile and chuckle.

"Okay..okay..okay" Yein

Then they walk continually while lifting on their heart that this day is one of the unforgettable day of their lifes.


"Jungkook her hand....hold her hand"

"Make it sweetly"

"Don't act being sexy"

"Yein his face"


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