Episode 10

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Third Person's pov

When the couple arrive at the venue where the party is going to held.BTS and Lovelyz is still not arrive.

"I thought they are here?" Yein

"Maybe we will just wait for them" Jungkook

The setting for the party is not that big as expected.It just enough for people who was in the ceremony. That means Lovelyz and BTS are just enough for the party setting.

Yein and Jungkook find their self to sitdown and end up sitting next to each other.

And a silent occurs between them.Then Yein say something.

"You have something on your eyes" Yein

Jungkook hurriedly get what Yein talking.

"Not there...on the other one" Yein

Yein just do it for him,she is referring to a black mark on his eyes.

"It's a make up" Yein

"Oh..thank...your hand smell so good" Jungkook

Yein laugh as she heard Jungkook compliment her too much.

"Thanks....I just want you to look at me clearly so that I get it for you" Yein

Yein laugh as she let a sweet word on him that make him smile at her.

"You have a point" Jungkook

Then suddenly the couple was shock when they heard a noise outside.

"It must be my hyung..cause they are so noisy" Jungkook

"My unnie too are noisy" Yein

Then they laugh.Then the door open and revealed BTS and Lovelyz.


The couple greeted in unison.Since Yein greet BTS and Jungkook greet Lovelyz.

"Annyeong" Seokjin

As he greet Yein back.

"Let's sit" Baby Soul

Then they start to find their own sit.The table is pretty big so they are all suit together on the table.

So the arrangement is like this.




"Now were all complete" Seokjin

"Sorry if were late" Baby Soul

"It's okay" Jungkook

Then a cameraman approach them and take them photo together and they find their most beautiful selca pose.Then someone caught on the camera.It was Taehyung who is now starting eating.

"Aishhh...this guy" Namjoon

"Why??were here to eat" Taehyung

"But not like that... " Seokjin

"You shouldn't bring your attitude when your with us and when your other people...understand" Yoongi

"Okay.." Taehyung

Then the girls laugh as they heard Taehyung was scolded by his hyung.

"It's okay...were like that too when no one around" Jisoo

"Then why don't we start to eat too and still continue talking" Hoseok

"Yeah.." Baby Soul

Then they start to dig their food.Then there's the couple who have their own world and didn't care about their band mate.

Jisoo notice them as Jisoo is on their front.Jisoo whisper to Baby Soul that make them laugh secretly and stare at the couple.

They are now talking about Yein and Jungkook.How sweet they are.Then the others stare at Baby Soul and Jisoo who is like crazy laughing silently.

"What's wrong?" Sujeong

Then Jisoo and Baby Soul stop as Sujeong asked them.

"Nothing..." Baby Soul

Then Mijoo knew what Jisoo and Baby Soul laugh about.She stare at the couple.

"*laugh* they are laughing because of Yein and Jungkook sunbaenim" Mijoo

"Why?" Yein

Then all start to stare at the couple.

"Let them be" Seokjin

"It's their own time" Namjoon

"Then what should we do?let's stop and get out of here and give them time??" Yoonggi

"Noo" Yein

"Let's stop teasing them" Jiyeon

"Why ?are we teasing them?" Jimin

"No..let just eat" Hoseok

"Yeah..let's eat cause this is heaven" Taehyung

Then Lovelyz laugh.They been laughing as they are enjoying the food and enjoying the presence of everyone. They are now dropping their formalities since they know each other now and it's not awkward anymore.

"Don't call us sunbae anymore" Seokjin

"Why?" Myungeun

"It just were now comfortable and we're all friends now" Namjoon

"Yeah...friend" Mijoo

Then they almost eat everything on the table.

"I eat a lot" Sujeong

As she was relaxing her stomach and try to digest all the food that she eat.

"It's good to hear" Seokjin

"I wish we have time to spend like this next time" Namjoon

"Yeah...why not.." Baby Soul

"Let's meet next time again and bond like this" Seokjin

"We hope too" Jiae

Time skip Lovelyz and BTS decided to leave the couple alone.And Yein and Jungkook decided to go home too. When they arrived at the house.They saw a large square things in the living room that covered with a brown paper.

"I think the picture arrived"Yein

Then they dicided to open it.Then they was surprise to see an amazing picture of them.

"Woahhh...it look so good"Jungkook

"Where should we put this??" Yein

"Ahmm..here in the living room''Jungkook

"Yeah...but this kind of picture usually displayed in the room" Yein

"But we sleep separated" Jungkook

"So we can't put it in a room" Yein

Then the both look so down.

"Should we start to sleep in one room??" Jungkook

Yein slap his arms and laugh.

"Your ridiculous" Yein

"Why??are we going to do something??*smile*so that if we put this on one room we can stare at this picture over night together*laugh*" Jungkook

They just laugh at each other.

"Stop thinking like that" Yein

Then they just smile at each other sign that there is still a next day to come.

When the morning come.The couple was caught in the comfort room.While washing their face together.

"I'm done" Yein

As she wipe her face with a face towel.Then she go out and leave Jungkook. She walk way to their kitchen and start to cook.

On the other hand Jungkook was on his room while busy putting some make up early on the morning.

"*laugh*he even wear a make up compare to Yein who just stroll around the house with bare face"MC1

Then suddenly Jungkook saw an envelope on the cabinet.When he open it.It reveal a new mission.He hurriedly go out and go to Yein.

"Why??" Yein

"I find this" Jungkook

"What's that?" Yein

"New Mission" Jungkook

"Oh!No" Yein

Then she start to read it.


"I'll be good on you"



"Why you call us if you'll do that??"

"It's our mission"

"Tks...your so cheesy Jungkook*laugh*"

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